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AQUEDUCT STAKE SCHEDULE Order of Running of Stellar Offer ¬ ings of Queens County Jockey Club During Coming Meeting NEW YORK N Y May 27 The Queens County Jockey Club will entertain the racing devotees of the metropolitan circuit with the usual high class meeting that is held at Aqueduct annually The opening day is scheduled for Monday June 14 when the long established Brooklyn Handicap will at ¬ tract a capacity crowd to the popular course A great array of wellknown stake features are provided for this meeting the Dwyer Carter Shevlin Tremont Great American being in addition to the Brooklyn Handicap the headliners headlinersThe The order of running of these stake events has been announced the schedule being as follows Brooklyn Handicap June 14 14Rockaway Rockaway Claiming Stakes June 15 15Broadway Broadway Stakes June 1C 1CBayside Bayside Steeplechase Handicap June II IIHanover Hanover Handicap June 18 18Hudson Hudson Stakes June 19 19Queens Queens County Handicap June It Union Claiming Stakes June 21 21Shevlin Shevlin Stakes June 22 22AVheatley AVheatley Steeplechase Handicap June 23 23Clover Clover Stakes June 24 24Canarsie Canarsie Claiming Stakes June 25 25Great Great American Stakes June 2G 2GBrookdale Brookdale Handicap June 26 26Speculation Speculation Handicap June 28 28Gazelle Gazelle Stakes June 29 29Winfield Winfield Steeplechase Handicap June 30 30Woodhaven Woodhaven Claiming Stakes July 1 1Hindoo Hindoo Stakes July 2 2Tremont Tremont Stakes July 3 3Dwyer Dwyer Stakes July 3 3Glendale Glendale Steeplechase Handicap July 3 Astoria Stakes July 5 5Carter Carter Handicap July 5 5Myrtle Myrtle Claiming Stakes July 6