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Western Turf Syndicate 117 North Dearborn St Room 317 Chicago III 10 FOR TEN WINNING DAYS TWO HORSES DAILY NOTICE CLIENTS NOTICE NOTICEYon Yon must receive ten days service two horses daily for your ten dollars no additional charge whatever Winning information only No guesswork Honesty Courtesy Prompt service YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES HORSESLADY LADY ALLEX 12580 Won LITTLE JJLAE WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAYLADY LADY ABBOTT S60 Won JEDBUIIGH ABBEY TUESDAY TUESDAYROSAMOND ROSAMOND 1520 Won WOODY MONDAY MONDAYARISTOTLE ARISTOTLE SOO Won KENDALL SATURDAY SATURDAYBREAKERS BREAKERS AHEAD 2920 WOH 31 ABEL SETH FRIDAY FRIDAYGUS GUS R 1960 Won KERRY GIRL THURSDAY THURSDAYIJfDIAlfAPOLIS IJfDIAlfAPOLIS 2920 Won CARRIE BELLE WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAYGOLDE5 GOLDE5 LYXIT 2220 Won GOLD 31IXT TUESDAY MOU3f T BEACON 2480 Won PRECIOUS LLTL A LIMIT WIN PARLAY TODAY AT AURORA AURORADo Do not miss todays Mg limit parlay Our connections at Aurora have given us exceptionally strong word on these two horses We advise all clients to make the biggest bet 01 WIN ONLY Please do not miss this big win parlay HORSES RELEASED TO ALL CLIENTS We release to everybody This syndicate shows no partiality This organization is composed of reputable men Honesty and courtesy is our motto mottoCall Call in person or reiit 10 via Western Union or Postal Telegraph You will receive ten days service strictly two horses each day Our office in Chicago open from 9 a m to 4 p m WESTERN TURF SYNDICATE 117 North Dearborn St Room 317 Chicago 111 Offices in New York New Orleans etc