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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesAURORA AURORA FRIDAY MAY 28 28WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Kec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 9SOR7 IS FITIST TNDFX OF 1926 OI1SC IS FIRST INDEX OF 3IAY 3IAYRacing Racing starts at 215 p in Chicago daylight Favinps lime Superior mnrl runner X Oood mini nmncr J Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The following abbreviations are u od to designate tracks at which time words shown in entries vcre made Akron King Edward Aqueduct Lagoon Aurora Latonia Bclmont Park Laurel Blue Bonnets Islington Blue Grass Lex Colored Fair Fairlong Bowie long Branch Brooklyn Maple Heights HeightsMarlboro Churchill Downs DownsClarksburg Marlboro Clarksburg Miami Columbus Mobile Col wood Park Mount Eoyal Coney Island Niagara Falls Connaught Park Orlando Dado Park Omaha Delorimier Park Phoenix Devonshire Pimlico Dorval Raceland Dufferin Park Reno Empire Salt Lake Er lancer Saratoga Fair Grounds Tampa Fairnnunt Park Tanforan Fort Erie Thistledown Hamilton Thoraclif f o Havre de Grace Tijuana Havana Timosinm Hawthorne Toledo Huntington United Hunts Jamaica Wheeling Jefferson Park Willows Park Juarez Windsor Kempton Park Woodbine Kenilworth Youngstows Aurora Uile Track TrackFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 800 4rparoIds and upward Claiming Track record June 23 1913 11 3 108 108Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind HorsePostPos Wt Keo AWtHan I 01800 Kilauea 14 Tij 110 111 C 105X72 1 OHM RarlKrrr 7DP Ill 112 107 720 01739 Black Sand 2 Tij 5113 5113s s 41021713 93362 = Industrious M 1 Haw 114 111 = 3 4 103XT10 103XT10018G7 018G7 St Nicholas 10 Aur 1 H 113 4 10SX705 10SX705OI9483 OI9483 Lumber Jack 13 Hav 10S 121 h 4 112X700 01444 IJlanger 13 liar IOC Il 107XG9 i 01765 Fnnmakcr 3 Mia 112 11353 4 103li93 01500s Illinois Kin 5 109X090 01871 Molhifro 12 8 112XGIK 97285 Ink 4 Aur 10r 120 5 9SXGS5 01799 Kuror Aur 113 117 5 103 085 01900 Calusha M 8 G 10SGS5 01867 Filibuster M 11 Hav 103 116 10 085 085Madge Madge Johnson 3 4 103 Second Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 800 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Track record June 1 1925 34 2 101 01709 The I Hovpl 4 CD llrt 019QC3 Tampa 13 Aur 1 018331 Mayor Itelirman 14 I x 109 109Mistee Mistee 10 Aur 103 OKcefe 9 Tim 113 Cuban Flag 8Aur 113 Arabella 2 Aur 111 i Colleen O lAur 10i tilciimary 12 1 Ixa Maddison 3 Itlue Finn 3 Kstherlyn 11 JUU Third Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsI I 1rrsc 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming irk record Sept 22 1923 103 4 01517 = Clo ortc 13 Hav 90 lOSf 3 103X725 01803 Whiff 9 Aur 107 l07 f r 107X720 107X720C19C2 C19C2 Queen less IrtTiJ 107 107 = 3 107X713 107X7130190C 0190C Frazer 17 Haw 112 107 3 104X710 91562 Dr Hickman 1 FC 105 1 9 113X703 113X703C1953 C1953 Glory 8 MH 102 100 4 108 700 01800 Only Str 7 Hav 99 107 3 103XG9 01440 Intake 14 DP 102 109 4 100X090 00345 Koekinp 13 Tarn IOC 107 4 112X090 86273 = Full of 1ep 2 Tij 103109 4 112XGS5 01900 Millie O M 3 MH 99 107 4 100X085 00750 romiMHis 4 103 083 0186S Delphi 5 Tarn 103 lOS3 3 10S683 01800 Mary Connors r Aiir 107 1OS 3 103X085 01407 Iock Bottom 10 Htn 103 10 G 112XtS5 00371 Kiinian 11 Tij 110 1073 4 117X083 01865s Charles Whitney 12 UI 107 lOCis 6 117XGS3 117XGS3Fourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsExpectant Expectant Pnrs2 Pnrs2Purse Purse 100 3vearolds Allowances Track record Sept 22 1023 103 1 112 01950 Queen of Allah 4 Aur 111 1083 95 723 01832 Ureakers Ahoad i 11 Mia 110 100 100 720 7200176G 0176G Star Dust 12 Tij I7 10 107 713 01764 His Queen 10 Aur 104 10873 104X710 02015 Kcd Heart 21P 9 10013 112 703 j j 015565 Harvey Stedman i 3 Haw 10 10773 109 700 j I 01904 Downcast M 7 CI 80lOC = i 110 695 01835 Helen T 8 Aur 103 108 3 107X000 i 01766 Counsellor C o n nnolly i nolly M lAiir 104 lOSs 103 090 99615 Pauledda M 3 100 090 i I 01950 Hawk Eye GHaw 111 109 = 3 103X090 j j 01801 Happy BirthdayJ 100090 j jFifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles MilesCcncrn Ccncrn Handicap Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Track record June 20 01472 SMILING GUS 7 3 110 725 01904 Miss Jennie G 4 9971 j j 019011 Slatler 5 Haw 104 l4fi = f 5 103X710 01951 Scoop 4 Lat 107 14373 01015 703 01952 Italboa 1 JI 103 143 6 4 lirX7K 01954 Apology 2 Hnv 98 148 5 90X095 01767 Arragosa 3 JI 107 147 G 97X090 97X090Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3ycarolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sept 22 1923 1403110 02012 Mlack Air 3 108X723 108X72301SOO 01SOO High Card M 1 103 720 01832 Seven Sixty M 4 10o713 97375 Sally dOr M 7 KI 101 130 = 311 103 710 02018 Martdonna M G 100 703 02012 Sister Diaia M3 103 7K 02012 MHlly Dow M 2 108 G 3 02012 = Zacca M 8 103 G90 G90Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurso Purso 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 11 1923 144 0 111 01438 Hidalgo G Mia 99 l43vi 4 10SX723 00782J Ixla Montcz 10 Tij 93 144 3 90 720 01769 = Margaret Gaut 2 Aur 97 1415 3 92X713 01951 1iid 1 G 103X710 96278 Sagamook 4 8 103X70i 103X70i01837s 01837s Mtosli 3 Tij 107 143 G 108X700 01869 Darius 7 Tij 102 144 4103093 01952 The Spa 9 Jam 114 l43m 4 lOSQGJO 01835 ioval Princess 3 CI 93 149 4 9SXGS3 01954 Columbia II 8 HdC 101 l4C f 3 97x083 C1767 Arracosa 11 Htn 107 1 4G G 103X083