Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-28


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CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVILLE KY THURSDAY MAY 27 1926 Churchill Downs 1 Mile Seventeenth day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring meeting of 20 days Weather clear Stewards Charles F Price S C Nuckols T C Bradley and Elijah Hogg Placing Judges W II Shelley N H McClelland and E B Webb Racing Secretary W II Shelley Clerk of Scales N II McClelland Starter W Hamilton Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig uies in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance Af A l O FIRST RACE 34 Mile May 24 1921 111 6 128 Purse 1500 3yearolds and up P UJLt7 ward Claiming Net value to winner 1150 second 225 third 125 J4 Str Fin Jockeys E iuiv Odds Strt 01 841 = BROOMSTER WSB 7 lit 71 4 2 2s lh D Neal L T Cooper 60100 6010001240MALLY 01240MALLY JANE w 3 102 2 4 1 lh lh 2 G Johnson J C Milam 310100 01805 SPECD BEAUTYwB 4 97 3 3 5 Gl 3s 34 R Finnrty W S Heaton ir20100 01841 LAWLESS w 4 107 5 C 31 51 4 4B E Benliam II P Whitney 20001O 01708 MISS NANTURA w 5 97 4 2 G1 4 T i i T rn im 01873 THE ENGINEER WB 3 102 G 7 7 7 01805 = AMIR w 4 107 1 5 2i 3 6 7 W Lonff S A Cowan 1G20100 1G20100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Broomster 320 straight 240 place 220 show Mally Jane 280 place 2CO show Speckled Beauty 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Broomster CO to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Mally Jane 40 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Speckled Beauty 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Broomstick Spun Glass by Rock Sand trained by W A Crawford bred by Mr Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyWent Went to post at 203 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same BROOMSTER raced close up from the start and under a good ride wore MALLY JANE down in the final seventy yards and headed her right at the end MALLY JANE showed the most early speed but tired when challenged near the end SPECKLED BEAUTY came with a rush at the finish after meeting with early interference JAWLESS was tiring at the end The others were always outpaced SECOND RACE 58 Mile May 20 1912 59 2 113 Purse 1200 2yearolds Maid ons Colts and Geldings Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01773IDERRINGER w 115 6 5 41 2J 1i 1 J Dillea BEW1THUS w 113 1 1 1w 2 1 2 2 E Blind PREVAIL w 115 9 2 2w Il 31 3 31 J H Burke J H Manheimer G670100 01840 DEARBORN w 115 10 6 6w 5i 4J 4J 45 J Kederis E Trotter 20103 01736 = KING BASIL w 115 4 7 7WB Gl 61 51 51 W Pool W F Poison 410100 01646 WOOLDRIDGE WB 115 5 58 8 8s S1 G G r Gevinpr J N Camden G3CO100 SUNDAY G3CO100SUNDAY CLOTHES w 115 7 3 3 G1 i 7s R Xcchini Audley Farm Stable C1 100 BASHFORD w 115 S 4 7a 72 S S3 B Scobie Feurst Bauer 13920100 214001000173C LORD 13920100LORD JIM w 115 2 10 10 92 10 9 n J BurKe Kespess Jt Laffoon 21400100 0173C FINN GUARD w 115 3 9 9 = 10 9 10 J MeTagt E B McLean 12080100 Time 12080100Time 24 24y4 y4 48 100 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Derringer 440 straight 320 place 280 show Bewithus 880 place J5CO show Prevail 1SCO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Derringer 120 to 100 straight CO to 100 place 10 to 100 show Ifewitlnw 340 to 100 place ISO to 100 show Prevail 8C0 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by War Cloud Darling by Martinet trained by A Baker bred by Mr Arthur B Hancock HancockWent Went to post at 230 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving DERRINGER passed PREVAIL after going the first eighth and racing into the lead in the stretch won going away BEWITHUS showed much speed all the way but raced green and probably will improve PREVAIL showed the most early speed but tired and Itegan swerving in the home stretch DEARBORN met with interference in the early running and finished resolutely The others finished beaten off offScratched Scratched 0173C The Code 115 01874 Step In 115 01507 John William II 115 THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles May 24 1922 144 4 113 Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPStVi Vs 94 Str Fin Jockrys Eiiuiv Odds Strt 01913 = PAYMAN w 5 10S 3 6 4h 4 ° II lk lh n Finnrty S 130100 01875 = LADY VON WB 3 97 1 1 31 31 3J 2 2s S Steele E H Von Roehm 11SO100 01772 EAGER WB G 109 2 5 C 51 4 3Z 3 D Dubois J D Wilson 720100 01807 WIDGEON WB 7 107 5 3 V 1J 2 4 4 ° D Neal J M Hubbarl 14X 140100 100 01681 PRECEDENCE w 3 97 G 4 5 G G 51 5 = J Jones W S ThrelkeM 11G50100 01830SCAMPAWAY 11G5010001830SCAMPAWAY WE 3 107 4 2 V 2 5 C G J Kederis Longridse Stablo 11G501001SO100 1SO100 Time 1SO100Time 24 49 114 140 147 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Payman 400 straight 300 place 240 show l ady Von 70 place 400 show Eager 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Payman ISO to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Lady Von 250 to KX place 100 to 100 show Eager GO to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Superman Fair Pay by Fair Play trained by A G Woodman bred by Mr Henry T Oxnard OxnardWent Went to i ost at 258 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same PAYMAN was saved in the early running and coming with a rush when called on in the stretch took the lead and in a hard drive outfinished LADY VON at the end The latter saved ground where possible ran a good race and made a game finish EAGER was in the rear in the earlv running had to rare wide on the turns but was racing fast at the end WIDGEON tired badly after showing the most early speed SCAM PA WAY quit quitOverweight Overweight Precedence 5 pounds FOURTH RACET34 Mile May 24 1921 111 6 128 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1150 second 25950 third 148 Index Horses VI Vs Str Fin Jockeys Kquiv Odds Strt 01708 MULDOON WB 4 109 G 1 1w 2 Il Il I R Finnrty C E McCarthy 019 10 HAPPY TOP w 5 110 2 G GWB 4h 3 2s 2 E Benham J H Wood ford 01708THE RUNT WB 5 107 5 3 3WB G 5s 3 31 D Neal L B Draun 01776DRY MOON WB S Jl 1 5 5WSB 41 43 s Steela G F Croissant 01680 ANTIQUARIAN WSB 4 102 7 2 2WB 51 5 D Dubois J L Knight 01770 CLARICE R WB 3 103 3 4 4w Il 21 C G = J McCoy C R Miller 9627D POIXSETTIA w 4 105 4 7 Ol 7 7 7 W Garner G M Hendrio HendrioTime Time 23 48 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paidMuldoon 7SO straight 320 place 300 show Happy Top 320 pa show The Runt 840 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Muldoon CO to 100 place 40 to 100 show Tin Runt 320 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br c by Cataract Ophelia W by Bryn Mawr trained bv J McPherson bred C E McCarthy McCarthyWent Went to post at 32S At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won the same MULDOON appeared tore when going to the post but followed th thand and taking the lead at the head of the stretch hold it to the end under hard riding HAPPY TOP i well and came with a good burst of s eed at the end when too late THE RUNT madi up gn mud and was racing gamely at the finish DRY MOON failed to jshow his accustomed early spied and w H tiring at the badlyScratched finish CLARICE R set a fast early pace and quit badly Scratched 01839 Frances Rock 102 102Overweight Overweight Clarice R 1 iiound FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards May 30 1919 141 4 110 Kenton Hotel Purse Purse 1700 3yearolds and upward Allowances Not value to winner 1 300 Becond 250 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 V Str Fin Jockeys 01651 TRAYMORB WB 4 IOC 1 1 4 31 3 2i 1 S Griffin J B Respess 01878 = HUNTSMAN w 3 97 5 5 31 4 lh lb 2 G Johnson C WissinRPp 01581 BUCK WB 5 IDS 4 3 2i 2 21 3 3 W Garner G F Croissant 01844 GIBLOX wn 5 109 2 2 11 U 4 4 4 E Scobiu C W RieliiKtT 01813 LA VEEN CooperTime w 5 103 3 4 5 5 5 C 5 D Neal L T Cooper Time 23 48 113 139 l44s Track fast 2 mtitnels paid Traymore 340 straight 200 place 220 show Huntsman 30O place 240 show Buck 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Travmore 70 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 10 to 100 show 50 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Buck 00 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Sweep On Munition by McGce trained by L Gentry bred by Mrs C Went to iM st at 35 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily SIMIH driving TUAYMOKB was in close quarters next to the inner rail until after turning for moved up with a rush into the lead and was going away at the end HUNTSMAN was ini and raced into the lead but could not withstand tin winners rush BtCK raced gamely i but tired badly in the final drive G1IIUN tired and quit after Betting a fast early pace LAAEEN ran poorly and does not appear to be in good form at present Ovrrwplelit Ciltlon 3 pounds 02024 SIXTH HACE 78 Mile May 21 1921 12314 4 110 Shady Brook Farm Purse Purso 1600 3yearolds Fillies Allowances Net value to winner 1200 second 260 third 150 StrFin Jockeys KquiT Odds Strt 01810 MAYKAIH irn 105 9 1 2 2 J 2 2i 1 W Garner J N Camden Camdenw 01614 MAlVIXA B w 103 8 2 3 301X77 J in Jh jj 21 E Scobie R A Fairbairn FairbairnWB 01X77 IJAHIJAIIA WB 103 466 7J 51 4a 3 J G Johnson Coldstreani Stable Stablew 01713 AV1LDWOOD w 108 3 9 7 701877PIOKXCE G 4 3 4 I SKyrm W N KinR 01877PIOKXCE MILLS wn 112 C 3 5 5018773LAKME 3 0 5 J Heupel J L Knight 018773LAKME w 108 5 C 4 5l 71 61 6 U Kederis E Ccbrian 01775 ASINIA le AV S Kilmer 01810 DX OF TMOimoWw NKi 1 8 9 S S1 S S J McCoy B O Hickman 1690100 1690100OlCllPEEKABOO OlCllPEEKABOO w lOSi 2 7 S 9 9 9 9 E Legerc A B Hancock 3CSO100 3CSO100Time Time 23 47 i 112 126 Track fast 2 mutuols paid Mayfair 7940 straight 2740 place 900 show Malvina B 1300 place C80 show Hartiara JSOO show showKquivalrnt Kquivalrnt booking odds Mayfair 3870 to 100 straight 1270 to 100 place 350 to 100 show Malvina IJ rSO to 100 place MO to 100 show Karbara 300 io 100 show showAVinner AVinner r f by Iight ISrigade Ilinia by lcn Urush trained by D E Stewart bred by Mr Johnson X Camden CamdenWent Went to post at 429 At post 1 minute Start good aim Mow AVon driving second and third the same MAYFA1H raced in closest pursuit from the start and responding gamely to hard riding in the stretch won in the last two strides MAlAlNA It ran well but tired after racing into the lead t the head of the stretch RARIIAKA met with interference in the early running but finished fast when clear WIMWOOI closed a big gap and finished fast FLORENCE MILLS was in close quarters for most of the race and never had a chance chanceOverweights Overweights Malvina 15 4 pounds Icekaboo 3 SEVENTH KACE 1 116 Miles May 24 1922 144 4 113 1400 Added 3yearolds 02025 Claiming Net value to winner 1100 second 233 third 122 Index Horses AWtlPSt l 4i Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 01877 MARA O w 103 2 2 31 3 2 1 1 AV Garner J C Milam Milamw 01879s MARENGO w 101 5 3 2i 2 lk 2 2 M Skyrm F Musante 01741 F1NNSTER w 108 3 5 C 51 4 3J 3 R Zcchinl Audley Farm Stable Stablew oiS73DOLLA 01873DOLLA BAY w 101 G 4 1 1J 3i 4 4 R Finnrty J T AVcaver auuiuu 01741 AOUARE wn 110 4 1 4 C 6 C 5 J McTagt H P AVhitney 3320rlOO 3320rlOO01873SSMACKER 01873 01873SSMACKER SMACKER vr 10SJ 1 C 51 4 B 51 6 E Legere V E Apple AppleTime Time 24 48 114 l40 i 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Mary O 5CO straight 400 place 280 show Marengo 700 place 340 show Flimsier 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Mary O 180 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Marengo 250 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Finnster 70 to 100 show showAVinocr AVinocr Ch f by Friar Rock Stick Pin by McGee trained by J O Milam bred by Mr J C Milam MilamWent Went to post at 500 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving MARY O after being saved in the early running passed MARENGO at the head of the tretch and was going away at the finish MARENGO raced into the lead after DOLLY BAY quit but could not withstand the winners challenge FINNSTER closed up ground and finished fast DOLLY BAA tired badly after showing tin most early si eed The others were always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 1873 Sea Drift 103 103Overweight Overweight Smacker JJ pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1926052801_8_2
Library of Congress Record: