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LEXINGTON TURF NOTES LEXINGTON Ky May 27 27Raymond Raymond M Dale departed today for New York from whence lie is to sail on Saturday for England and France His mission pri ¬ marily is to arrange for the shipment to this country from France of the stallion Pot ati Feu which is now the property of Charles B Shaffer of Chicago and is to stand at I Shaffers Cold Stream Farm near Lexington LexingtonThornton Thornton Moore 12 prominent farmer and breeder of trotting horses halfbrother to John S Ward a leading owner of thorough ¬ bred horses died suddenly here yesterday while attending a sale of live stock at the local stock yards yardsH H P Headley owner of Beaumont Farm has departed for New York on a business trip tripWilliam William Dondas left here for St Louis to attend the opening of the meeting at Fair mount Park on Saturday in the interest of the Raceland meeting which is to open July 5 5E E C Davis has ordered a car in which to ship twenty horses the proi erty of Garrett Watts and Sons from the Kentucky Associa ¬ tion course to Latonia LatoniaJohn John B McKee departed for New York to await the arrival of the Ia Brae Stable which left here this morning Moonraker which tore the ligaments of his right foreleg just above the ankle in the Grainger Me ¬ morial Handicap was shipped to Dr C C Canns farm near Lexington Ky while the remainder of the band left today for Belmont Park in charge of trainer William Knapp