Flattery A Surprise: Furnishes Upset in Principal Offering at Washington Park.; Victory, in Measure, Due to Rough Riding of R. Heigle--Suspended for Ten Days., Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-28


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FLATTERY A SURPRISE ♦ Furnishes Upset in Principal Offering at Washington Park. Victory, in Measure, Due to Rough Riding of R. Heigle — Suspended for Ten Days. HOMEWOOD, 111.. June 27.— Flattery, owned by J. N. Camden, but racing in the colors of R. Goose, furnished an upset in the fifth race, which brought to the post a quartet of star fillies and mares, when she won from Crossco, with Altitude in third place. Flattery was an extreme outsider, and her victory was partly due to the rough riding of It. Heigle, with Crossco the victim of his tactics. Crossco finished in second place, Barnes, her rider, ceasing to ride hard in the last twenty yards, which enabled Flattery to draw out to win by nearly a length. Crosseos chief interference came during the si retch, when she attempted to move forward between Flattery and Altitude. Flattery, on the outside of her, began boring in at this stage, and retarded Crossco. Both rushed by Altitude before reaching the last eighth, and they fought it out, Flattery continuing to bore in and impeding the progress of Crossco. Flattery and Crossco were in the center of the track when the former began forcing Crossco toward the inner rail, and they finished almost next to the rail. Many expected the stewards to disqualify Flattery, but after the officials had interrogated both riders, they left the result undisturbed, but issued a suspension ruling against Heigle for ten days for his rough • riding. Heigle had previously been cautioned for rough tactics. FAVORITES FARE POORLY. Favorites were in eclipse during the afternoon, some of the winners coining from unexpected quarters. The attendance was again of immense proportions. Hogans Dance, which was beaten off in a preceding start, surprised by winning the opening race after a spectacular final eighth sprint to get up in time to down Cheng Tu, the favorite, Altavar just lasting for third place. Cheng Tu seemed a certain winner after having worn down Altavar and Me-Dermott was-taking matters cooly, when suddenly Hogans Dance began looming up menacingly. MeDermott sensed the danger in the last seventy yards and began applying the whip, but Hogans Dance continued in game fashion and got to the finish a head in advance. Xa Zdar. expected to be formiable. raced dully under listless riding and was never a factor. Santa Sophia, with P. Xeal in the saddle, had the betting call in the second race, another two-year-old sprint. She proved a sad disappointment and showed a dull effort, being eliminated before the last eighth was reached. The winner turned up in Particular. a recent arrival from Maryland and making his first si art at the course. Aivos. which raced at Tijuana and also making her debut at this track, landed in second place and gave the winner quite an argument. Tea Cracker finished in third place. The last named suffered by interference and was forced back sharply beginning the lower turn. He raced wide ■Mnafter, but closed an immense gap in the stretch. EASY FOR NORA D. Some of the better grade platers started in the third NMM, and it resulted in a victory for Xora 1 .. in runaway style. She was ridden by P. Xeal. and he continued to urge her hard in spite of having the race safe when beginning the last sixteenth. Old Kick-apoo had been in command up to the last eighth, but Xora D. came away from him with ease thereafter. Old Kickapoo easily held Florida Gold safe for second place. Old Kickapoo and Sixty were the favored ones in the race. Sixtys showing was dull, and he was ridden in listless style, being far out of the race from the outset. He finished well, but missed wearing down Florida Gold for third place. After the finish the stewards handed down the following ruling: "Because of an unsatisfactory ride on the horse Sixty, in the third race, jockey E. Itoehm has been suspended indefinitely. The patrol judge also reported that Eoehm had the horse under restraint while under his observation." The worst upset of the afternoon came with the running of the fourth race, in •which Hermitage, making his initial start at the tiack, and ridden by Earl Sande, his owner, was a dismal failure. He finished in third place, just getting up in the last stride to down Badger Far., tor the shorter portion of the purse. Amyvale, an outsider, carrying the colors of T. D. Taggart. being the winner over Cheers. Hermitage was a disappointment from the start, and lacked speed. for he followed the others far back. He began moving up fast when settled in his stride in the stretch racing, but the leaders were too far in advance of him to wear them down. Jockey Heigle came right back with another Continued m twentieth pace. FLATTERY A SURPRISE Continued from first page. victory in the sixth race when he landed Czarist a matter of inches in advance of ih favorite. Aviator. Heigle showed riding skill here and he had to work hard to land his mount the victor. He kept him well up in the early part and, assuming the lead in *he stretch, kept his mount going in advance to just last to get home in front. Aviator closed a big gap in the last quarter after saving much ground and would have been winner in another stride. Don Fernando finished in advance of the others. Jockey Heigle scored his third victory in the final race when he piloted Light Air home in advance of Bumpsie Bay. Light Air was the only pronounced favorite that scored during the afternoon. Heigle took him into the lead soon alter the start and, saving much ground, had enough left to stall off the determined effort made by Bumpsie Bay. Machete, which had made a strong challenge entering the stretch, tired in the last sixteenth.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929062801/drf1929062801_1_1
Local Identifier: drf1929062801_1_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800