untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-28


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FORMER JOCKEY JOCKEY jf WM. KELLY Johnny Merimee IVI B DAILY ONE HORSE DAILY mjf »*~ 55 Daily-Strictly Two Horses Daily ~*G Yesterdays Merimee Release: B*Jte* ■* Strictly Two Hones Each Day Released to Each and Every One of *___ My Subscriber* *VV aMjessMw SENSATIONAL Tl KF INFORMATION. Subscribe today for winners. Winning parlays daily. I 4w% M W 1 IB "B% Unbscribe. No waiting for my service. No delay. Service every single day of the w.ek, Monday ■JLaaaallsaa JL JakBfe* sILBb bvUbV Am to Saturday. Telegrams sent out-of-town clients early each morning. Not one minutes delay »»»W , to rendering service to clients regardless of whether they are in the city or ont of town. atfstfc .sl .P**W. and .■•v mT "WT V"1 AGAIN! ANOTHER DOUBLE! ANOTHER BIG PARLAY GOES SK3 +"C3 arT CIT. "" *T* m V« A VJ VI1 TODAY! SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIBE IMMEDIATELY! ■■»■■■■■■ nnu two horses: Your attention is called to the fact that the above horse was not m» »v ffo m sji www given a 1-2-3 chance by any public handicapper, yet we knew that Nora 1., .58, W«""~" *-*■ Amyvale, 1.20, WonAnot,ierBiSMerimeeReleaseTouay _ i . . We are urging all players to positively obtain todays release. We Everjbody positnely receives the name two 4 „ horses. No exceptions — out of town, as well aa city, clients-no partiality, no dis. riminr.ton can truthfully say that it has been years since we have felt as con- WW TODAY — PROBABLE 0- WIN PARLAY -gm I fident as we do today. Dont miss getting this advice. This horse do not miss todays big probable wih parlay j comes to us from the smartest clique of operators now on the track, Subscribe today Receive this big parlay. Cnder no consideration should any player mis. todays anj you can regt assureJ that nQ mistakes Will be made. Get this big two releases. Direct information. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. W release today- WW DO NOT MISS TODAYS BIG LIMIT PARLAY *«■ I both houses at Washington park-two pbobable winners ! city clients, call at office. Out-of-town clients, wire your remit ",w,,ed to *" out rf town- " — - cit c,ients th« »inu,e thpy BUbscribe- No «■""■ tor ESS* tance by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. IT TERMS, DAILY— NO OTHER CHARGES WHATEVER -*fc I IftHNlSIY MFRIMFF WIRE either by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive the advertised two horses by J •1x*11111 I IVlILlvllYlILIli return wire. i 180 West Washington Street, Suite 1000 Chicaeo.HL WM. KELLY, 200 Broadway, Rooms 816-818, New York City | opf.ce open * a. m to i p m , gH [lim B. HEWITT and SONS ■■IJUUMyyLflaAlflS So!d At A11 Mewsstands-Jl per Copy DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES— DAILY 1476 Broadway Boom 1118 New York City Strictly Two Horse. Each Day Beleaied to Each and Every One of Out Subscriber* Sold On All Newsstands — Price, 91 YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: _ 8UPERLOVE ...$ S.12 Won These two horses are advertised in this publication win or lose. Honest, legitimate turf information YESTERDAYS DAILY SERVICE WIRE: We have produced winners for all followers. RAC- YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES- ING REVIEW READERS have their layers en the wwv * eataasMB w. * -._-. m •IV SitU CS St " "" " " """" HOGANS DANCE 2.38, Won Murmering nnes *«* -™,d -" ™ * c ™»°. »- particular 4.02, won *"**• ■»»wa» ui m* m um w Mondays free code: ..... _ miner vis 124.18, won We Advertise Our Horses Every Day — Win or Lose Ajty k k A DEDICATE *8 Won Honesty Is the Best Policy — That Has Been, and Always Will Be, Our Motto X I X III golden c3!5a™ ~~W won ■** B,G PROBABLE LIMIT PARLAY TODAY ~9« - fl Iff I II -A"1 other straight free rode winners. Limited ADVERTISED PARLAY WIRED ALL CLIENTS PROMPTLY 1/ * s## JL f »P°oe Prevents us from publishing same. Subscribe today. Pont miss this big parlay. Two real good things. Both horses should Wtt I AN ACE IN THE HOLE easily and pay big odds. 7 jtmLSTiimnmj: J£ £S S«r Wire Immediately for Todays Parlay ~*8 ii f1T% lifted * l0DB t,me *Dd ,0 ,*y th* ■"chor wU1 ta We want everybody to get in on todays parlay. Cash a big bet on these two horses. Go the limit-* » ▼ w/E* GO GET IT— HEBE IT IS- todays free code WW CHICAGO PLAYERS— NOTICE— CH ICAGO PLAYERS ~W Tbia Daily Service Wire is breaking all records WASHINGTON— Jim-19-21-14-*. Dont go to the race track today unless you receive our big parlay at Washington Tark. Botk „...„.,„ . _. ■And ai1 t,iat is necessary to get the kev for this horses should win unextended. tor consistency. Get this Daily Service Wire every free code is get a copy of RACING REVIEW weekly and see page 2. g» Big Getaway Parlay Goes Saturday at Washington Park -8 TERMS FOB PARLAY — DAILY Our information at Washington Park is without equal. Were jou to pay 00 a day you could not ________ W-Vl" TUTO Tou can W P1"?"* "WIN PRLYS" by sub- receive the information released from this office. Our connections operate with this office exclusively, TERMS FOR THIS -»j» jFajy«n» n* da,ly_-strictly TWO HORSES- daily WIRE Two norses that afejfLde •f-S, and TelegTamssenf ZgZttSS** "™ ** " * ** *~ 9 m * P" * ▼ connections advise that these two horses par- S8 %£2*~ "" ? Turf Agency | M ,5 at .nee «d get tod.,, big winner. » «* 1 tbis parlay. City clients, call. Under the Laws of Duly Registered the State of New York, County of New York Tnis horse should pay 0 to . Dont fall. Get RAOINO B.FYIFW prnnsnivn n* «u. r.u.. now. Boom "".!«• b«S5w*?b "iSwE at, B. HEWITT and SONS, 200 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York City TODAYS FREE CODE: _, TLJr. ,__. ,-..._ THE 0F - ■- betsnsveea!ent i i ii-" o n m rn,ir THE RING AT LAT0VIA TODAY 1 I JH V IVI I I IXI 1 1 PUBLISHING CO. Friday, june 28 */• %/• l-l-Jk/lf lVa/1 1JL/ M South Dearborn Street Suite 412 Chicago, DJ. * have "f watched and supervised the / DAY secret, careful preparation of TODAYS "GOOD 2JJS." ."1 connect,OM "re absolutely con- Worlds Leading Turf Informant ■rv-j| FIDENT of the successful result of this transaction ° i| M I I I M 9 f » Ji B »k « fl TODAYS SPECIAL is well worth 00 in advance, B LEADS IN WINNERS. SERVICE AND QUALITY-37 YEARS ACTIVE EXPERIENCE -§ | H I Bf lB M ■ but ln or,I,"r 4o P1" th0 conservative p a.ver a Yon have subscribed to the ro«t~r.ow subscribe FOR THE 15EST. "Do business with people oa H WWm bbbbJ B chance " in this MELON CUTTING, 1 the sJKpf Ml will for the . _ .. _, __ , ni TTiiwji failBaB °f * traiKht plnv to °* r"n,t,««i promptly after tBW i ne Longest Run Advertisement in These Columns Tpg 111 KM WMiA-.T.. The Neason Is— Eccatise It Is the BEST— Ask Any Player ■■ ■fl 11 |KbbbbV.11VJ I ™J i| MUL ML AT .n, ONCE x.,„ ami be sure to include your ™ ■ •*-*- «"il»» ■ ■ I ■ iasal STRICTLY TWO HORSES EACH DAY STREET ADDDRESS "wuiioo. RELEASED TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF MY SUBSCRIBER* PUBLISHED WEEKLY SI A COPY SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS BILL KEENE These two horses are advertised in this publication win or lose. Hone«t, legitimate turf information. LIBERTY PARLAY SERVICE W6 West 12th St. Newport, Ky. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO nORSES: ft DAILY ALWAYS A WINNER TOMBEREAU. ;:|J0.74. Won ■■ ||| ll U1WJ| AViat0r -14 -18 Our parlays are advertised In thee columns daily, r3k OaBHJlBandLT Aj ff " I nflArC Skfr%r% Skllll JnA "TTttTTl tke same two released to all clients regard- L*ifl lalfl LUfl h VllCCI Oe ljU.4Ue tDeJ.UUa aClIU £«* vl leas tie ■■■ HbBL£±ScbbB aHMH DON T MISS TODAYS LIMIT PARLAY WedneMlays Strictly Two Horses: Tuesdays Strictly Two Horses: AMERICAS ORFATFST thuf nrrrvrv Connections advise us that the two horses in our TTt u,11:Aaj:-HT IDKF WEEKLY TOMBKltEAi; 0.74, Won T11EO. HOCIIESTKR 7 04 Vol farlay today should win easily and pay twenty price. Sold at All News Stands -:• Price, per Copy L.NCLK BOOT . . Lost SALONA " Sli4t « •■ Wire for this parlay today. «ity clienta call. TODAYS FREE OODB: I ONC »1 YE.STERDAYS V FREE CODE «io in — Did *ny handicapper select either of these two horses? Did they pick them to run 12 3? WelL """ l LAT0NIA— Queen-13-26. " J »i».«w, won ,ust Jook t thp cliarts i,0,.SIj-t that convince the most skeptical of the caliber of my information? LIBERTY TURF GUIDE WEDNESDAYS FREE COOK: | Marie Bid*., Room 316. 52nd st. and Broadway BUKC ■■■■• $ s.»2, Wu i JBbF" Do Not Miss Todays Transactions — Expect Limit Prices "8 New York City. TODAYS FREE CODE: . . ... . — - - - - - - LATCNIA Phil-30-67 have assigned a starr of clerks to handle out-of-town subscriptions exclusively, so that all those = ,______ = | wiring their money will receive tbe advertised parlay within an hour, regardless of in what part «t _,_ TERMS — FOR A WIN PARLAY the United States the subscriber may reside. T«j- f % £ Ulxr »jlliCI.lllT5 GREEJi SHKET TURF WEEKLY HONEST. LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION. NO GUESSWORK. NO HANDICAPPING Sold On AH Newsstands— Price, ** C°0rt St" *°°m 1803 Brooklyn. N. Y. | The name is known from coast to coast as one of the most reputable and honorable turf men. A _ -rui.- " I 0,ean record and an honest reputation. The horses I release are the horses 1 advertise. ut iv uwiv-•. ■.■!» TODAY8 FREE CODE: ,HK KA« I «. 1 ION E t " 1476 BROADWAY Room 1022 NEW YORK CITY . . WASHINGTON— w»ran.flTn«_r x- « nccumin Georna-Fic-F»«. J. J. For Bale at News stand, fl a DESMOND TIRE SECRETS TODAYS FREE CODE: I 1123 BROADWAY, SUITE 310 MEW YORK »v«v v»*a CITT Ml South Wabash Ave., Suite 310 Chica*©, TD. LATONIA— 40. | Turn to page ti. — ■ %T*5 SSf tree K°? uVntY79 i BUY ™E CH,CAG0 DA,LY TELEGRAPH— PRICE 15 CENTS W«5ltMaSll / UUf WASHINGTON— ItaJy-Candy-Bilk. | |—»»aa-»a»»»««ws» r-rJJ-JJJJJfrJJJ_.J-JrJ-JJJ_.Jrjr.._.,_r_rj-JJ-

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929062801/drf1929062801_21_1
Local Identifier: drf1929062801_21_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800