untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-28


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ESTABLISHED IE 191 J— STILL IK TH£ 8AM£ PLACE ___ Edw. V. Christian ffi|T|7lTllvH5 REGISTERED LAWS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORE H mmmWAmmT*mmmmmmmmm A% POSITIVELY CONVECTION WITH ANY OTHER FIRM IN THIS LINE H- I B TERMS— DAILY |H I I J M A Tfl M V MB H H STRICTLY AND ONLY TWO HORSES EACH DAY B I 8 I I ■ 1 A lH ll A W H B IMPORTANT NOTICE— READ CAREFULLY Jfc LA sJ L! *• Edward Chriatiaa, do hereby promise cive every person subscribing to Bay IHHiHIIHHHHilllllHHIHHIIIlHHIB the advertised parlay the very same day tbeir money arrives. Western sabscribera receive the adver- . tlsed parlay one boor after their money arrives by fast rush telegrams by either Western Union or Sold Oil All NeWSStandS Price, i Postal Telegraph. The two borsea I release each day are positively the only bones I release. This Is an honest, truthful statement. Signed EDWARD V. CHRISTIAN. /"I If Til aP ATFII7 1001 TsP T/117 YESTERDAYS STRICTLY AND ONLY TWO HORSES. RELEASED TO ALL MY SUBSCRIBERS: ll | E Hi HI I 11 lalallll Rill W ■ flTBff KllH m/1 I 1 /||| W aflTI G° at °nce t0 y0ur ncarest dealers and Ret the latest issue of Dodds Turf Weekly. JLivllsW JaAUH* l/A/«Tt"/«» |f 1/11 Get u before they are all sold. The instantaneous success that followed the remarkable * * ™ achievements of this publication has caused a tremendous demand for this turf weekly, • 9 m -* _ _ j* •*« and tne intelligent player will get his copy of Dodds Turf Weekly NOW. "Sfe... !!Jon WINNERS! WINNERS! WINNERS! 0.86, Won VANDAL .86, Won | if its winners you want, then by all means join our many followers. The new issue ns/MT MONTANARO a 6.16, Won MID MINT Lost I is Just chockful of horses that are going to win the next time they go. and they will pay pIenty When they ** YoU cann°t afford *° *• ™thout *• «•* now. V° copy The above bones were positively the only horses released to any aubscribers. Over 70 per eent winners released in the past two months. Show me another tnrf informant in the business with a accord like this. YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: TODAY— PROBABLE 0- LIMIT WIN PARLAY— TODAY W • J Tinder no circumstances do not fail to pet todays strictly two -horse parlay. Two of the most W Tpl In I Iff "1 1 ■ 5* B probable winners tbat ever fared the barrier, two crack jockeys have been engaged to ride, and the JL UJL WpJLsn** nk JLUA money has been carefully placed away from the traek to protect the big prices on both horses. Go the very limit and play both horses in a win parlay, to win only. Not one atone has been left unturned - to make both the«e horees starting today romp home the very easiest winners, at very big odds. 1 safl M 4 dBBi t*tt *and Western subscribers, go to your nearest Western Tnion or Postal Telegraph office and wire for mM I MM I I I ■ m M todays strictly and only two horse parlay. Be sure to play both horses in a win parlay to win only. L B #1 ■ H m MjMsf df Vie EDWARD V. CHRISTIAN •ll I T"#/£d1dm if Ul w»» 132 Nassau Street. Suites 216-17-18 New York. N. Y. I 7 OFFICE OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TO « P. X. DAILY Wednesdays Free Code: Tuesdays Free Code; 1 LAHOR 1.06, Won SALONA 5.44, Won m J ▼ K T Mondays Free Code: Saturdays Free Code : f[ 4£T # |%J 1 ■ T C=T5-T1 ___ S,XTY 0.18, Won BROWN BRUTUS. 0.16, Won Mgf" "*c*£o MmJk I 1 B 9 9 4rV ~vM Play these Free Codcs every day. These horses are winning with a regularity that is g£ J| J m jPgjsj gL * truly amazing-. The key to the above code will be found on page 2 of your weekly. Decode and go the limit. TODAYS FREE CODE: Now Combined with Americas Home Run Parlay King WASHINGTON China-26-39 Win or lose, prices Ms or small, my two horses are advertised in this publication every day. ANOTHER WIN FOR PARLAY KING ** Although this horse has not shown a thing in his last few outs, have no fear as to the result. He is going to wake up today and should pay a big price. YESTERDAY— THIRD HOME RUN DOUBLE: W Tsl YESTERDAYS FREE 00 SPECIAL: Hogans Dance - „r s .12, Won DEEP RIVER Lost P 1 *1 OO 117 Wednesdays Second Home Run Parlay: Tuesdays First Home Run Parlay: 1 I W ■§■■ fill MONTA!AKO *1«.1«. Won COLONEL BELL 8.22, Woi -X% I W MMm WW ■■■ AGIHCOUUT i.4S, Won SALONA 4.44, Won flf M mmAMf%. WW Qfl TODAYS ADVERTISED HOME RUN DOUBLE I 7 Mr EXPECT AT LEAST 60 FOR -** Wednesdays 00 Free Special: Tuesdays 00 Free Special: jggg*3g* WESTERN PCESS. 8.88, Won COLONEL BELL .. .8.22, Won h£ mvJgSA Jin # Another 00 Free Special * H jaajgJB jMLrV tD J. vfvrVF The advice on todays *500 Free Special comes from a source that has never failed ut I .AAC H .. yJfSfmlSnfi in tne past and we know wont fail us today. We are trying to introduce this special JvCd BajBfesB,*il!ijPyy service to the public and, for that reason, we are making this sterling proposition; Saturday |plgf Today Special Offer TERMS— Only Daily and Nothing Else But Name and Address ,*, M tno9e who subscribe for six weeks issues of t»i. publication for w. wtu WW FIRST BIO HOME BIN CLUB HOUSE SPECIAL TODAY -«■ ; give free six consecutive 00 Specials. Subscribe at once. ANDY DODDS TURF WEEKLY 6 Varick Street. Suite 1001 New York City ! 31 E Congress St SuJte 3,Q . m rlarVey Ames, Inc. R„ f v racing guide Earle Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St., New York, N. Y. DILiLi I *Dafly Code £| P * ■ 1 H r1 117 MPW",W W VJO WORLDS GREATEST RACING WEEKLY Sunny Saint, 1 8-5, Won JV LLL I b now on sale Above is yesterdays "Harvey Transaction." and. of course, the only horse advised. Attention is drawn to the fact that this horse was not mentioned 1. 2. 3, 4. by any selector J pAHF ROOK" NVk 41 fl TWO GREAT FREE INFORMA-ln the country but, due to the tremendous volume of our followers plavs, this horse was ! WI/I-i UVx-fJTV liU. tlU backed from 10-1 to 18-5. This transaction was 50-1 last time out. Our subscribers are j TION SERVICES recjuosted in their own interest not to make their plays until the last possible moment in: KKLI YS CODB FOR FB1DAY* " order to protect the odds. ; AftUEDUCT-E-M-S-19-43. CARMACS CODE HORSES Always Winner oa a Flat Flay HARVEY TRANSACTION TODAY A new book wtlh new code puDhshd *very carmacs rei.easb for kriday: Subscription, 00 in Advance by Telegraph w r or in Person one Horse a Day selected by Americas Sold by your dealer, or direct from , Greatest Expert We confidently behove this transaction to be of the best ; one thiiiKs we have released tiT»il* T 1 vr 11 AC A DAlAfCTI I thus far this season. This horse has worked privately, and the odds, consequently, should Mil lilt m Uawlrsv ■ a I In Handt rUWCLL belong. Early subscription is advised in this instance. strongly If lllEdUl DUlKC l611y Th. Ma» Wko Catche. Tbem Out .f Ui,. . ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: at FAST ClCHKsi« K1,„... -,r We mentioned the name of this horse for the benefit of those who have been vie- * cu:*UM1:ss o»«*.lSX t.tonta r;, M « tlmised by impostors releasing wrong horses as "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS." CHICAGO, ILL. "lunul o.x-m-». — ASA POWELLS THURSDAY RELEASE: Telephone Numbers: Columbus 2415. 2422, 2428. 6760. 0995 CROYDEN 31-40, Won ~~j " ~ "*" ================= Weekly Racing Guide SUBSCRIBE FOR MONTHLY FORM BOOK AND INSURE DELIVERY *1£S?L SPSS? *** EfifSJS mS£9 ** IJ1T0R1A— Buff «.lo-Jewel -Fancy Hedte-Honor. On Sale at All MewssUndt r~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**~~~~~~~~~~~ HOMEWOOD— UUca-Kers«y LaUnt-Launch-Hed«*- Price. Twenty-five Cents

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929062801/drf1929062801_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1929062801_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800