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UNCERTAINTY OF RACING Illustrated in Rapid Turn of Events Affecting American Derby to Be Run Saturday. The old bromide about the uncertainty of racing has had its exemplification again in the rapid turn of events affecting the American Derby, which, though it still stands out as one of the most promising races of the year, has suffered more from mishaps to its eligibles than any other important fixture of the year. . Late last February, soon after the announcement of the Kentucky Derby nominations, C. W. Hay, general manager of the" Washington Park Jockey Club, offered a sporty wager that the American Derby" nominations list would be the larger of the two. One hundred and fifteen were in the Kentucky list, released for publication February 20. Hay won his bet, for when the American Derby list was issued March 19 there were 129 eligibles. So far as quality was concerned, however, the lineups differed little. The class of the two Derbys seemed to be concentrated in, Top Flight, Burning Blaze and Tick On. There was one notable exception in favor of the American Derby the filly Evening was on the roll. G. D. Widener had neglected to name her for the Kentucky Derby. There was a good advertising point for the American Derby. If Top Flight won the Kentucky Derby the Chicago race would have another sterling filly to match with her, or if Top Flight was beaten there still would remain a first class filly to dispute the championship with the successful colt or gelding. Little so far, referring to the date the American Derby roster was made public, which was March 19, was said of Burgoo King, Economic, Stepenfetchit, Faireno, Boatswain or Osculator. They simply were among those present. That was less than three months ago. Misfortune did not visit the ranks until late in April. Top Flight didnt measure up to expectations and was declared out of the Kentucky Derby. Tick On then took on added importance. It was a question of whether he or Burning Blaze would be the favorite. Burgoo King came to be mentioned a little more frequently, but even with hardly more emphasis than his stable-mate, Brother Joe, and both were discussed more as Bradley eligibles than as a pair actually figured in the decision of the race. Just before the Kentucky Derby Burning Blaze met with his accident. Tick On was the horse of the hour. Then came the running of the race. Burgoo King won it, Tick On fell from grace. Economic and Stepenfetchit stepped into the spotlight, which the others, save Burgoo King, had occupied. Burgoo King went on and won the Preak-ness and then was hailed as a real champion. The American Derby still had exclusively, A so far as the other stakes were concerned, J its Evening, and her stock had soared since her nomination through her victory in the Chesapeake Stakes. Happen what might, Evening would still be an ace for Washing- ton Park. But Burgoo King remained in the lists and seemed sure to defend his championship. Defeat on a muddy track took little from his supremacy. Then came the thing that had been feared in silence by the Washington Park officials. Burgoo King did break down, just as some other great Bradley horses have in the past. The King was really out; well, long live another king. Economic won the Ohio State Derby. Faireno won the Belmont Stakes. It was lucky that both were eligible for the American Derby and both seriously intended as starters. Meanwhile Top Flight was coming back and the prospect of the two great fillies meeting in the American Derby was indeed a pleasing one. A filly championship could" be. decided, at any rate. And, as a contest, no previous event could have held more promise than a race between Top Flight, Evening, Economic, Stepenfetchit, Boatswain, Faireno, Osculator and whatever else might loom up in the preliminary events at Washington Park. Even this was too much to hope for, however, Evening went wrong in her training, then Economic. Top Flight became an uncertainty. Just as in the two weeks before the Kentucky Derby, it all happened in rapid sequence. Still the American Derby, fortified as it was in the beginning by so much class, remains a most promising and most important race. It is more likely than ever to be "truly" decided. Stepenfetchit, Boatswain, Osculator, Gusto, Sunmelus, Adobe Post and other good ones remain, the cream of the three-year-olds in training. The 0,000 prize will go to one who a month ago could hardly have held the slightest hope of winning it, another inducement for owners of good three-year-olds, even though they may not be regarded as potential champions as they conclude their juvenile season, to enter them in the Chicago fixtures for three-year-olds, which come on late enough in the season after the ranks of the stars have been thinned by accidents and the strain of early competition.