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W ORKOUTSl -fr- -fr- rfAL vvn Vwv -""wt Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type t ------ TUESDAY, AUGUST 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 . 1 - J 3 . " 3 u J i u u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HAWTHORNE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7- 31Alpcrs :37b 7-30 Fire Star. .. . :37h 8- 3 Btonian Gal :37h 8-3 Fretful ..... :36h 8-4 Bd Meadows :38 b 8-6 Fannie Brice :37h 8-6 Bittybit .... :37h 8-4 Greenwald .. :37b 8-1 Buck Sner.. :36h 8-6 Indian Red.. :36h 8-6 Bld Event.. :36h 8-3 Just Buck.. :36h 7-26 Betty Marie. :36h 8-6 Meloy :37b 7- 21 Brown VVm :39b 8-6 Naval Cadet. :40 b 8- 6 Carpet :36h 7-31 Pretty Monk :36h 8-5 ChIey Bruce :36h 8-7 Queen Beth. :36h 7- 27 Cold Check.. :38 b 7-26 Risky Miss. :35 h 8- 6 Depression . :38 b 7-25 Smuggled In :36h Dad Mners. :36h 8-6 Six Bells... :40 b 8-1 Dust Girl ..:38 b 8-4 Thgh Od.. :37h One-Half Mile. 8-2 Active Amn :51 h 8-1 Little Joyce. :51 h 8-5 Bichloride .. :53b 8-6 Lisheen .... :51h 8-5 Betty Farrell :50 b 8-1 Pancoast ... :48h 7- 20Concisus ... :53 b 8-5 Pharahead . :52b 8- 5 Donna Beta :49h 7-27 Shaker Lady 0 b 8-1 Dna Bna.. :50h 8-4 Sir Anthony :49h 8-5 Esperanto .. :51b 7-31 Sir Koster.. :50 h 8-4 Flying Sands :51h 8-5 The Murian -.50 h 8-6 Flickamaru . :51h 8-6 Ultie Vote . . 0 h Jesemola ... :50h 8-5 Vivid :49h 8-2 Kashgar ... :50h 7-31 Whirling ... :53b 8-5 Lazi Canter. :49h 8-2 Whiskora .. :50h Five-Eighths file. 8-2 Brway Bellel:03d 7-22 Prince Platol:03h 8-3 Bert Lahr..l.-04 h 8-7 Ragacreek .l:04h 8-2 Benevolence 1:04 h 8-6 Sidney Grantl:05b 7- 21 Calome . . . .l:08b 7-23 Threat - 1:05 b 8- 5 Far Star. . . .l:05b 8-5 Tallalulah ..l:02d 8-5 Fireflash ...lK4h 8-5 Tcstout ....l:02b 8-4 Inheritor ...1:07 b 8-2 Timorous ..1:05 b 8-6 Lemon Hills.l:05b 8-7 Wild Kitty.. lK3h 7- 21 Our Rose... 1:10 b 8-1 Wait Not... 1:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 8- 4 Amn Smile.l:22b 7-27 Lahor l:17h 8-5 Bag Smasherl:18b 8-5 Miss Envy .l:17h 8-5 Bobsled ....1:18 b 8-1 Mt. Wgton.l:19h 8-5 Constant Wel:17b 8-5 Plucky Girl.l:18b 8-4 Chief Bting1:15 d 8-7 Sland Lad.. 1:21 b 8-4 Domino Prerl:17h 8-5 Skidmore ..l:17h 7- 20 Dark Sea... 1:16 h 8-5 Towee l:17h 7-16 Don Manuel. 152b 8-5 Transbird ..l:15h 8- 5 Full Tilt....l:17b 8-6 Teralice ....l:15h 8-5 Halliard ...150b 8-6 Yonkel ....l:15h 8-5 Infinity ....150b Seven-Eighths Mile. 8-5 Rock Point. l:34b 7-30 Tela 1:29 h 8-5 Stock Mketl59h One Mile. 7- 31 Al Neiman..l:47b 8-1 Prce. Trgarl:45h 8- 1 Cathop ....l:42h 8-6 Pari-Mutuel l:42h .8-5 Ce Vn Dnl:44h 8-5 Parfait ....l:44h 8-5 Dble Dy...l:50h 7-31 Rowdy Boy.l:43h 7- 30 Fair Image. ,l:43b 8-6 Trek l:44h 8-6 Haramda ..1:49 b 8-5 The Bigist.l:44h 8-5 Marmion ...1:44 b 7-27 Village Vp.l:43h 8- 4 Morpheus ..l:44h 7-30 Wise Lee... 1:44 h One and One-Eighth Miles. 8-4 Swivel ....1:56 h Swivel worked well in hand. Risky Miss had her speed. SPORTSMANS PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7- 31Caius 39 b 8-5 Lydia Ann.. :40b 8-5 Fk Gssman :37h 8-3 Ly Camelia :38h 8- 6 Ida S :39h 7-31 Twd Thrds. 38 h One-Half Mile. 8-1 Heads Up... :52h 8-2 Taxi Dancer :53h Five-Eighths Mile. 8-4 Hoops imb 7-22Sarazen II.. .1:06 b Three-Quarters Mile. 8-6 Bob Weidel.l:24b 8-6 Gaerie 152 h 8-5 Charlie Chan1:17h Seven-Eighths Mile. 8-5 Bud Charltonl:34b 8-6 Santa Sophia1:33 h CONEY ISLAND. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8-1 Abdel :36h 8-4 Little Gertie. :38b 8-2 Busy Spain. :39h 8-3 Moane Keala :35h 8-5 Busy Office. :43 b 8-5 Migosh :37b 8-2 Bob Dozer.. :37h 8-1 Orchestration :39b 7- 27 Domnt Miss :38b 7-24 Parade Step. :37 h 5-15 Dr. Becker.. :38h 8-5 Prinzey .... :38b 8- 4 Doris B :39 b 8-1 Precocious .. :38h 7-28 Flowery Ldy :38 "b 7-18 Royal Past.. :43 b 8-4 Guidess .... :36 h 8-2 Silver Sun.. :37b 7-13 Hilds Dream :37b 7-30 Spill :38b 8-3 I Pass :36 h 8-1 Sun Boy.... :38b 8-7 K. Russell.. :39 b Zuvela :42b One-Half Mile. 7-9 Balancer ... :51h 7-15 Lunalady ... :51b 8-3 Bisque Doll. :54 b 7-31 Lady Ebony. :50b 8-3 Cherokee Sal :50b 7-23 Morning Fair :53 b 8-5 Ding Bin.... :49 b 4-10 My Sylvia... :52b 8-2 Dble Shuffle :50b 8-5 Nostaw .... :50h 7-26 Fair Cynthia :52 b 4-10 Princs Ivory :52b 8-4 Golden Deeds :51h 8-5 Swceprush . :49b 8-6 Hit and Run :53 b 8-4 Tadcaster .. :51b 8-2 Le Ministre. :50h 8-1 Tyrant :51 b Five-Eightus Mile. 7-26Babeson ....l:04d 8-2 Like Sweep.. 1:03 b 8-4 Brit Bubblel.-03u 7-25 Martin Barnl:02b 7-31Copain 1:03 b 8-1 My Blaze.... 1:03 h 7-31 Dusty Dawn. 1:06 b 8-5 Ridge BIondelK5b 7- 27Escorun ....1:04 h 7-12 Sis Agnes... lK4b 8- 5 Foxy Artist.l:03 h 7-18 Transform ..1:05 b 7-31 Garb 1:08 b 8-3 Yarnallton .1:10 b 8-4 Judge Leer. .1:08 h Wild Hour..1:01h 8-2 Landover ..1:02 h 7-29 Whiskme ...l:04h 7-27 La Rcoyu. ..l:05b Three-Quarters Mile. 8-5 Billies Orpnl:19 b 7-22 Fashion Showl:18 b 8-5 Billy Bob. ..1:16Jb 8-6 Legionary ..1:17 b 7-31 Billy Champ.l:18 b 8-1 Mocker ....l:18b 8-5 Billy Jones.. l:16h 8-1 Miss Adele. .l:17h 8-4 Big Gold....l:22b 8-2 Pent House.l:21 b 8-4 Carnl Queenl:16h 8-5 Royal Gold.. 1:20 b 1 8-5 Cousin Nora. l:17b 7-27 Seymour ...l:18b 8-4 Deemster ...155 b 7-21 Trice l:19b I 7-31 Easy l:17b 8-6 Vesec l:18b 8-5 Earl Baker. .1:19 b 8-7 Zenka l:18b r 7-25 French Lass. l:17b 8-2 Zeus Prince. 1:20 b i Seven-Eighths Mile, t 8-5 Blondella ...1:30 b 8-7 Field Goal.. 1:30 b One Mile. t 8-4 Crcsta Run.l:49b 8-3 Flag Wave. .1:47 h 8-3 Fair Rochterl:45 b 8-5 Kadiak 1:48 b 7- 28 Low Gear... 1:52 b 8-4 Snobful ....1:45 b 8- 6 Lucille Writl:45h 8-7 Scarlet Brdel:53 b 8-7 Peter Parley.l:45b 8-7 Warren Jr. .1:42 h 8-6 Sharon l:49b THISTLE DOWN PARK. Weather rainy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 8-2 Grd Chpion :37h 8-7 Ogee :36d 8-4 J. A. Weil.. :38h Pompeia ... :36d 8-6 King Beauty :38 d 8-6 Pce Pebbles :42 b 7-14 Ld Tnamnt :44 b 8-6 Sun Carry.. :40d 7- 28Mutl Friend :44b 8-1 Star Royal.. :42b 8- 5 Max Way.. :41 h 5-7 Zode :38h One-Half Mile. 8-1 Ivan W 2 h 8-1 Rn or Shine :50 d 8-5 Little Toots. :56h Spring Bud. :56b 8-6 Pass Order.. :50d 8-5 Scet Mission :52b 7-9 Patangon .. :52h 8-5 White Toes. :55 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7- 18Anadnab ...1:09 h 8-3 Miss M. Lutzl:06h 8- 5 Deja I:05d 8-3 Ms N. CIanl:06h . 8-5 Easter Boy.l:10 b 8-5 Never Quit.l:08b 8-4 Golden MothlK7 h 7-30 Polycron ...l.-08h 8-3 Last Hour..1:04andd 7-16 Ruane l:08b Three-Quarters Mile. 8-2 Bender First1:204h 8-7 Leo M 153h 7- 15CIiftons Nelll:22h 8-2 Prince Cbarl:27 b 8- 3 El Galivan..l54b 8-4 Van Law....l:24b One Mile. 8-6 Chattering .1:55 h Due to weather and track conditions, training was very light this morning. Pass Order showed good speed in the going. Rain or Shine worked impressively. SARATOGA. Main track. Weather rainy; track good Three-Eighths Nile. 8-2 Bartng Kate :36h 8-6 Miss Snow.. :36h 8-5 Blue Again.. :38h 8-6 Night Sprite. :35d 8-6 Borr Knight :35d 8-3 Pompeius ... :35d 8-6 Caloric r36h 8-3 Pass :37li 8-5 Chance Line. :36 d 8-6 Physician ... :34d 8-5 Cherry Tart. :37 h 8-6 Peace Chnce :35d 8-3 Dark Devil.. :36 d 8-6 Pinway :37d 8-4 Flint Shot... :36 d 8-5 Ruff Stuff.. :38h 8-3 Fingal :37 h 8-6 R. Pinchot.. :35d 7- 31 Guardian ... :37h 7-25 R town Belle :37h 8- 5 Gaalwarrow. :37 h 8-2 Soon Over. . . :35d 8-6 Infilee :37h 8-2 Sabula :36h 8-6 Jester B.... :37 h 8-7 Somebody .. :35 d 8-5 Koterito .... :35d 8-2 War Letter.. :39b One-Half Mile. 8-6 Arapal 55 b 7-31 Hastipast ... :49 h 8-6 Aunt Marsa. :50h 8-6 Lofty Lady.. :50h 8-1 Agrarian.... -J51 h 7-19 March Step. :49 h 8-6 Believer :49h 8-1 Maas Choice :48h 8-6 Bubblesome.. :49h 8-3 Parry :47h 8-6 Blind Bowby :49 h 8-6 Pot au Mint. :52h 7- 25 Baby Chard. :50 h 8-3 Peetee B.... :52 b 8- 5 Canynge .... 50 h 8-6 Reprint :52h 8-6 Ccliba :50h 8-5 Sir Ten :49h 8-6 Dd Recking :50 h 8-6 Shell Hole... :50 h 8-6 Dinner Coat. :49 h 8-6 Sgt. Byrne.. :52 h 8-4 Dunlavin ... :49 h 8-3 Sleuth :49h 8-5 Epicasta .... :49h 8-2 Saracen Maid :49h 7- 30 Fancy Flight. :48d 8-1 Scout Master :53h 8- 4 Gawaine :49 h 8-6 Turret :54 b 8-5 Good Goods.. :55 b 8-5 Vicar ...... 51h 8-6 Grnys Trade :48d 7-31 Walda :48h 7- 6 Guidg Light. :49h 7-28 Wtys Junior :49h 8- 5 Gay :49h 8-2 Zulu Lad.... :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 8-5 Bahadur ...l:03h 8-4 Keep Out... 1:12 b 8-5 Blue Broomsl:03 h 8-5 Moon Shy... 1:06 b 8-6 Barkantine .l:02d 8-6 Mad Beth... 1:04 h 8-2 Cantine Lassl:03 h 8-5 Nipped l:01d 8-4 Contessa ...1:02 d 8-4 Our One. . . .l:02h 8-5 Domovoi ...1:05 b. 8-3 Proud Girl..l:02h 8-5 Easy Sailing 1:06 b 8-5 Rhythmic ..l:02h 8-6 Gold a. Bckl:02h 8-6 Spoilt Bety.l:06 b 7- 31 Hustle Homel:03 h 8-4 Trillium ....l:01d 6-9 Ipsedixit ...1:05 h 7-31 Welsh Lass. .1:03 d Three-Quarters Mile. 8- 2 Baby Chink.l:17h 8-7 Precept ....l:17h 8-2 Caranier n.l:17h 8-5 Sir H. Bkerl:18h 8-5 "ount Rae..1:14d 8-6 Shot a. Shell.l:18h 6- 24 Deferred ...1:15 d 8-5 Sugar Cake.l:18h 8-6 Fortification 1:16 h 8-5 Sweepg Lhtl:23 b 7- 27 Golden Ship.l:16h 7-17 Spanish Wayl:18h 8- 6 Holystone ..1:20 b 8-5 Twidgets ...1:16 d 8-7 Kozak .....1:17 h 8-2 Tambour ...l:14d 8-1 Malimou ...l:17h Tiswild l:18h 8-5 Mexico l:17h 8-5 Uncanny ...l:16h Nereus 1:19 b 7-28 West Main..l:18h 8-5 Poppyman ..l:18h 8-7 Watch Him.l:15d Seven-Eighths Mile. 8-2 Amcan Air.l:30h 7-22 Oriley 1:32 h 8-7 Bcelona Petel:31 h 8-6 Polly Egret.l:32h 8-2 Eva B 1:30 d 8-6 Sun Celtic. .l:30h 7- 25 Little Lad... 1:30 d 8-5 Upturn ....1:31 h One Mile. 8- 3 Bney Castlel:45h 7-31 Pencader ...l:43d 8-7 Bonnie Cain.l:46h 7-12 Pters Drml:46 h 8-6 Canron 1:41d 8-7 Pilate 1:45 h 8-5 De Valera...l:42d 7-17 Primute . . . .l:45h 8-6 Good Ad vice. 1:43 d 8-6 Robn Crusoel:46 h 8-6 Kerry Patch. l:44h 8-7 Sun Envoy. .1:48 h One and One-Eighth Miles. 8-4 Dk Winter.l:58 h 8-6 Sarada 1:55 d 8-4 Enthusiast .1:58 h 8-5 Sun Archer.158 h 8-2 Pomponius ,l:57d 8-5 War Glory. .l:57d One and One-Quarter Miles. 8-2 Osculator ..2:09 h Sarada worked impressively. Proud Girl showed improvement after her race. Good Advice is right on edge. Count Rae looks and acts like a good colt. Physician has all his early speed. Kerry Patch is well trained. SARATOGA. Oklahoma Training Track. Weather showery; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8-2 Ayston :39h 7-7 Toney Fastc.i :39 h 7-31 Carsono :39h 8-5 Transen :38 h 6-11 First One... :38h 7-27 The Crane.. :39 h 6- 28 Goldn Words :39 h 8-5 Wise Nat. ... :37 h 7- 4 Lebam :39h 6-27 Zorana :39h 8- 6 Par Value... :40 h 7-8 Zaidee :38h 7- 30 Phtom Legn :37h One-Half Mile. 8- 1 Colic rt Miss. :51h 8-3 Filter :54 h 7-30 Chips :54 h 8-2 Gallant Lad. :52 h 8-2 Kneehigh ... :53 h 7-27 Source Circle :51h 8-1 Lucky Rket :51h 8-4 Strong :53 fa 8-2 Pardee :55 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7- 1 Bickering ...1:05 h 7-28 Murmuring .l:03h 8- 6 Chain 1:05 h 7-5 Slipper Kingl:03fa 7- 22 Escadron ...1:05 h 7-28 Unkie Tom. .1:07 h Three-Quart3rs Mile. 8- 6 Auburndale .1:21 h 8-4 StirreJ Up.. 1:22 h 8-5 Oral 1:20 h 7-31 Uluniu l:19h 7-19 Renaissance 1:18h One Mile. 7- 28 Flag Mamie 1:47 h CONNAUGHT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8- 4 Blk Duchess :40 b 8-1 Shady Rest.. :39 b 8-4 Bosn Waters :41 b 7-20 Tout Feu. ... :37 h 8-5 Sunchen :41 b 7-27 Wanderoo .. :40 b 8-3 Shady Girl.. :38 b 8-5 Wee MacGor :40 b One-Half Mile. 8-4 Goldn Play. :51 h 7-28 Marn Ormt :52 b 7- 28 Skirt :52 b 7-27 Wood God... :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 8- 3 Pomfret ....1:04 h 7-17 Squeeze Playl:05 h Three-Quarters Mle. 8-1 Gold Ridge. .1:19 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 7- 31 Jug of Gold. 1:30 h One Mile. 8- 7 Golden Fairy1:46 b 8-19 Vendee 1:50 l 8-5 Invester ....1:48 b HAMILTON, ONT. Weather cloudy; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 7-19 Common .... :37 h 8-4 Polyp :38 b 7-10 Cntby Rain :38h Sweepvale . . :42 h 7-29Jdge Prrose :36h 7-24 To Arms.... :39 b 7- 24LadfieId .... :40 b 8-4 Wise Anne... :36h 8- 5 Lillybet :37h One-Half Mile. 7- 25 Allanah .... :51h 8-7 Juniam :53 b 8- 4 Darkling ... :51 h 6-7 Ld Rockville :55 h 8-4 General Toy. :53 b 8-5 Royal Guard. :52 h 7- 24 Hell Diver... :52h 8-3 Traumagne . :54 h Five-Eighths Mile. 8- 7 Craigco ....1:05 h 8-5 Sweep Trap.. l:07h 8-4 Hogarty ....1:07 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7- 28 Canny Age.. 1:20 h 8-5 Toe Dance.. 1:22 h 8- 4 Spanflow ...1:22 h