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BAINBRIDGE PARK r ; * ;" The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Second and Third Races ! • at Bainbridge Park Saturday Paid ,006.20 for j GEAUGA LAKE, OHIO, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1S34.— Bainbridge Park 1 mile. First day. Bainbridge Breeders and Racing Association. Summer meeting of 13 days. Wait* Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Steward, J. T. Ireland, R. S. Eddy, Jr., and J. A. King. Placing Judges, R. A. Leigh, C. C. Cantpau and . Daiupnan. Starter, W. Snyder. Racing Secretary, R. A. Leigh Racing starts at 2:15 p m. Chicago time. 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each ra -e indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5. pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. * i — i 1 i — — QQ1 f£"| FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Al Green, June 26, 1932— 1:10— 5— lit. Purst V fiiRk M- 3-y«»rolds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second. 5: juiy-n-j«-Bj t thirdf |2o; fourth claiming price, 00; if for 00, allowed 3 lbs.: if for 00, 7 lbs. Imln Horses ICqt A WtPPSt % % Str rin Jockeys Owners Bquir. Odd* Strt 98344MT. WASHINGTON wb 4 108 5 8 5 4" 24 li ManifoIdH Mrs R Scoville 500100 98322 MAR YNF.LL w 3 107 6 5 4 34 44 24 CheatmR Long Run Stable 3630100 98408GURGLER wb 5 113 7 2 lk 1 14 3* LeylandJ C Troutt 250100 98525DIXIE BEE w 3 110 3 3 24 2 34 4 Hilley W H McGehee 550 100 98409GULFKLANO wb 4 112 9 7 3* 64 5l 51 SmithFA Mrs G F Jenkins 320 100 97881 MVRAPLAY w 3 100 1 6 6» 7 6 6 CanfieldL K G Haller 3180 100 98479 DONNA BARONA w 3 107 4 1 34 54 7» V SvlvesterJ Mrs D Hoffman 810100 92546 HRE NECK w 3 1074 8 4 7» 34 8l 84 CooperRG Newport Stable 3300 100 97252 WH1SKORA wb 3 108 2 9 9 9 9 9 DewainS T Lewis 1140100 Time, :23*£. ;48, 1:15. Track slow. 62 MUTOELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS—— "I- WASHINGTON 2.00 .00 .00 500-100 200-100 150-100 MA*™ELL 25.40 11.40 1170-100 470-100 GURGLER 4.20 110—100 Winner— Br. g, by Mount Beacon— Gaffney Lass, by Jim Gaifney trained by R. Scoville; bred by Mr. C. F Hamilton. Winner entered to be claim?! for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:19. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out ; second and third driving. MT. WASHINGTON closed strongly on the outside of the leaders through the stretch and won going away. MARYNELL, always close up, finished strongly. GURGLER showed the most early speed and quit in the stretch. DIXIE BEE tired in the last eighth after forcing the early pace. DONNA BARONA quit badly after showing early speed. WHISKORA beuan well, but soon dropped back. Scrat hed-96998 The Choctaw, 107: 98670 Easier Herald, 117; 97881 The King, 103- 98749lAeUa 103-97316 Silver Wave. 105; 79844sAlmadele, 100; 97251 Moiras Boy, 112; 98632 Minnie Belle, 107. Overweight — Dixia Bee, 3 pounds ; Fire Neck, 3|. QQ1 |52 SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Peter Parley, Aug. 15, 1928— 1:05%— 4— 104. Purse . , lo/oL 0°- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5: July-14-34-Bbg third? 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Imlei Homes BqtAWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jo. keys Owners Bqnir. Odds Strt 98503 HIGH COMPLEXION w 4 1091 1 4 3* V 1* V Levlandj Mrs E E Watson +1640100 98709 MORDEN w 5 107 7 1 14 21 2* 21 CarrolIW C A Grande 480100 98S01SHiFT w 9 111 4 3 41 3k 3* 3* GriffinM C Lemons 470100 98340 KYSO ■ wb 3 107 8 9 7» 4 4* 4 CheatmR T Root . 520100 985001 STATECRAFT w 4 107 5 7 8* 64 6l 51 ManifoIdH C R Allen 320100 9850IT SLIP KNOT w 3 106 6 6 64 7* 74 61 DverJ P Hatcher 2360100 98275" ELEGY wb 4 106 11 2 2* 5 5* 7 EdwardsD Mrs H G Hvde 360 100 98502 ROSY DREAMS w 3 102 3 12 10* 94 84 8l MartinezP E Robinowitz 4370100 97834-NOELS BLAZE wb 5 116 2 8 ll1 11* 9 9s CooperRG L Grieves 5380100 97799 EBONY TORCH w 3.107 12 10 91 104104 104 MartinJ K G Hallar t 65562 CANDY ROSE w 7 1111 9 11 12 12 12 11 SwannJ G A Munn + 88888 GOLDEN BALA w 4 112 10 5 5 8 114 12 MillsC E M Kerr 10870-100 tMutuel field. Time, :Z3%, :48. 1:08. Track slow. , 6 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . HIGH COMPLEXION Field 4.80 0.80 .80. 1640—100 440—100 240-100 MORDEN 9.00 6.00 350-100 200-100 SHIFT 6.20 210-100 Winner— Ch. f, by High Time— Complexion, by Fair Play trained by E. E. Watson; bred by Mr. C. T. Fisher. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:54. AT POST— 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. HIGH COMPLEXION drew away after the far turn and won handily. MORDEN was a factor throughout. SHIFT saved ground all the KYSO closed the way. gamelv on turn. STATECRAFT closed a gap SLIPKNOT raced cvenlv. ELEGY tired badlv. Scratched— 97286 Espa S., 102; 98147 Race Extra, 107; 98781 Teeny Weeny, 107; 97725 Broadmoor 116: 97449 Genie Jr., 107; 98210 Mac Moon, 107. Overweight — High Complexion, 2j pounds: Rosy Dreams. 5; Candy Rose, 4£. OQ1 ftO THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Al Green, June 20, 1932—1:10—5—110. Purso . , ti « 34-Bbg .1: S3eo- 4-year-olds a"d upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5; July-14 thirdf 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horaea BqtAWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockey* Owners Bqntr. Odds Strt 97798 GAME wb 4 109112 4 21 1*14 14 AlbertsA Mrs W E Fischer 1710-100 97250LONG JOHN wb 4 108 3 6 4l 3* 34 2i ManifoIdH J Bronnenberg 740*100 98146PRIMER wb 4 108 5 1 lrt 2* 24 3* SmithFA Mrs N Howard 250-100 98407SPERO w 4 103 4 3 51 5* 4* 4* EdwdsD G H Foster I860 100 98503 JCDGE DIXON wb 7 113 12 3 4* 51 5» LeylandJ C Troutt 290 100 9*711 UMA w 5 108 9 9 6k 74 6* 6l MartinJ J Webber +1530 100 97451 ROMAC wb 4 113 11 7 7 64 T T LongH E Albright 1880-100 97366 CARUS CLARUS wb 5 113 8 10 and* 84 8"* 81 DverJ R E Spicer 2390 100 97885POLISHER w 4 113 10 5 9k 91 9« 91 CarrolIW S D Hudson 1010-100 98570 FLITTERLIGHT w 4 108 6 11 12 12 12 10" CooprRG Newport Stable + 97796DAY LETTER w 4 113 7 12 101 10410* 11 SvlvesterJ J Bronnenberg + 97429 BANK SHOT w 4 113 2 8 11 11 114 12 FryeJW Mrs J Lessert 1840 100 tMutuel field. Time, :234£. mAl%, 1:14. Track slow. — U MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKINO ODDS G*M ■•• 6.20 6.80 .80 1710-100 740-100 240-100 p2Eu7Vd°HN ••" 40° 240-100 100-100 PRIMER 4.00 100—100 Winner— B. f, by Wildair— Two No Trumps, by Ballot trained by S. Stafford; bred by Mr. C. H. Beriyman. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:27. AT POST— 9 minutes. Start sood and slow. Won ridden out ; second and third driving. GAME drew away into a clear lead in the stretch, but was overconfidently ridden near the end. LONG JOHN closed gamely in the last eighth. PRIMER acted badly at the post, but finished fairly well. SPERO was ?oing eamely at the end. JUDGE DIXON tired. UMA met interference. Sc ratched-97826 Outcry. 113; 98410 Bob Up. 103; 97730 Hukill, 113; 98343Patricia McKeon 103-97797 Princess Elsie, 108; 98215 Princella, 108. Overweight — Game, 1£ pounds. = i j OQ1 |5 A FOURTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. Tempus, May 30, 1931— :58— 2— 115. Purse 00. 2-year-JulH4Bb °dS" AI,owances- Net value t0 wnner 00; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. lodei Horwi BqtAWtPPSt % ** 8tr fin Jockeys Owners BqotT. Oddn Strt 98079LAIRD w 111 6 1 V 1* f l5 ManifoIdH I J Collins 290 100 96982iBULSTRODE w 111 9 3 34 3* 24 24 FryeJW Escoba Stock Farm Stable 140 100 98561 LEO B. w 113 7 9 71 6* 54 34 MvresB J S McGinnis 2040-100 98666 PEGGY CAN w 108 1 4 54 4* 44 4l LaneJ G G Waugh 6040 100 98666VIVA PETE wb 111 4 7 81 8l 6* 5l EdwardsH G C Overcash 1140 100 98561 PLAYSICKLE wb 108 5 8 9* 9» 9* 6* CanfieldL E K Thomas 2330 100 98666 HURDY GURDY w 109 8 6 f? V 84 7" PalumboS G Dougherty 920 100 93019 ELANBEE w 112 3 2 2 2* 34 84 PrivettW San Angelo Stable 6380 100 98631DICK STAR w 104 10 5 4» 5* 7* 9* CheatmR Long Run Stable 650 100 97519 SOLDIER BOY w 106 2 10 10 10 10 10 DverJ T G McKown 9930 100 Time, :23%. :47. 1:01. track slow. , 62 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LAIRD .80 .80 .20 290—100 90—100 110—100 BULSTRODE 4.60 4.20 130—100 110—100 LEO B 8.60 330—100 Winner— B. c, by Manister Toi— All in All. bv Everest trained by A. Miller; bred by Mr. E. K. Thomas WENT TO POST— 4:02. AT POST— 11 J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LAIRD, much the best, was never menaced. BULSTRODE acted badly at the post and closed strongly. LEO B. closed a big gap. PEGGY CAN raced evenly. DICK STAR tired. ELANBEE was restrained in the last eighth after showing earlv speed. Scratched-96128Gunwale, 108; 98405 Mere Satin, 108; 97696 Jacqueline D., 105. Overweight— Leo B., 2 pounds; Hurdy Gurdy, 1; Elanbee, 4; Dick Star, 2; Soldier Boy, 4. Corrected weieht — Leo B., 111. QQ-| DK FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Al Green, June 20, 1932—1:10—5—110. Bain-•yFJLJPt* bridge Inaugural Handicap. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to July-14-34-Bbg winner 75: second. 5; third, 5: fourth, 5. Index Homes Ki| I A N I IlSt ,+ Va Mr Km latter ja Owners Equiy. Odds Strt 9875DBONSOIR m 4 121 7 4 44 3* 14 l1 EdwardsD C G Overcash 310 100 98504 PORTCODINE wb 6 108 10 9 11 101 8* 24 GriffinM J D Mikel 360 100 98504GALAPAN wb 5 107 2 1 24 2* 24 3* BoucherJ J C James 1010 100 98150 PREFERRED w 7 109 3 8 9 94 6* 44 LeylandJ C Troutt 820 100 98930 HELL DIVER wb 4 110 6 11 8l 6 5 5" CooperRG P Clous 990 100 9702DFLAG WAVE w 4 113 4 3 3* 4» 3* 6* MyresB M H Jordan 1340 100 98385ROLANDA wb 3 105 1 6 5k 5* 7* 7l CanfieldL Mrs C E Gibson 640 100 98635 SKID w7104 910 10k 11 10* 8l CheatmR E Pfirman +2530100 96914OTTERROP w 3 101411 7 7* 84 9» 9* ManifoIdH S J Molay 1940100 98151LUCKY PROSPERO wb 6 112 8 2 lk 1* 4* 10» SykesD D Christian 1460 100 976*3MORING wb 3 102 5 5 6 7*11 11 KleinR P J Tusa + tMutuel field. Time, 23J£. :47and 1:14%. Track slow. Continued on fourteenth page. » BAINBRIDGE PARK Continued from eleventh page. , 92 MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB BONSOIR .20 .60 .80 310—100 180—100 90—100 PORTCODINE 6.20 4.40 210—100 120—100 GALAPAN 5.60 180—100 Winner — B. c, by Sir Gallahad III. — Bonne Etoile, by Wrack trained by E. Brining; bred by Mr. C. A. Stone . WENT TO POST— 4:40. AT POST— 14J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. BONSOIR moved up stoutly when straightened out in the stretch and drew clear in the final eighth. PORTCODINE closed with brilliant speed on the inside in the stretch. GALAPAN held on fairly well at the end, although tiring. PREFERRED gained steadily and finished courageously. HELL DIVER acted badly at the post, broke poorly, but closed much ground. FLAG WAVE tired, as did LUCKY PROSPERO. Scratched— 98003 Run On, 109; 97727 Tiny Wrack, 105; 978812Jackknife, 106; 99161 Donna Barona, 100; 98388Annuity, 101; 98080 Charming Sir, 108. Overweight — Flag Wave, 2 pounds ; Otterrop, 3j ; Lucky Prospero, 2. QQ-| Cttt SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile out of chute. Etonardo, Sept. 9, 1931—1:37—4—104. Purse *.c-,i,i£,u 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 5; •hjly-n-34-Bbg tnirdf j25; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000; if for 00, allowed 4 lbs.; if for 00, allowed 7 lbs. Index Horse* But A Wt IT St % %, Str Fin Jockeys Owner* »iuit i Ms Str t 97799*KING KELLY w 7 104 4 1 1"* V V V li ManifoIdH J Bronnenberg 250 100 97662 LOYAL LOUIE wb 5 110 8 8 7J 54 2» 24 24 CooperRG M H Gallasher 910-100 98724 ELCIDIO w 6 110 2 7 8s 7J 74 4k 3k ClemonsR Mrs K Hillock 1010-100 98566 PHARAMAID wb 3 99 5 9 9 9 9 81 41 CanfieldL B O Spotts 750100 98321VESEE w 5 114 1 6 64 6* 61 6J 54 MeversJ G J Mandel 990 100 98636 HIGHEST POINT w 5 113 7 4 2J 24 31 3J 6" CarrollW C A Grande 820 100 98667THIS PLAY w 3 102 6 3 4J 41 5 5* 71 CWmR E Kirby 1580 100 98251 SHOWMAN w 3 100 3 2 9 8s 84 9 8i MoonR J R Schuster 9920 100 98409 LUGEN LUGGAGE w 4 113 9 5 31 32 4* 7k 9 LevlandJ A Castin 320 100 Time, :25, :49. 1:13%. 1:41. Track slow. , MDTUELB PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , KING KELLY .00 .20 .20 250—100 110—100 60—100 LOYAL LOUIE 7.80 4.40 290—100 120—100 ELCIDIO 9.20 360—100 Winner — Ch. g, by My Play — Mollie Elliott, by Voter trained by J. Bronnenberg; bred by Messrs. Morris and Simms. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:19. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out ; second and third driving. KING KELLY showed the most speed, raced HIGHEST POINT into defeat, but was doing his best at the end to hold his advantage. LOYAL LOUIE eained steadily and closed resolutely through the stretch. ELCIDIO finished fast on the outside. PHARAMAID breezed an eighth before the start. The others tired. Scratched-98388 Annuity, 102; 98504 My Ideal, 112; 98409 St. Mica, 107. Overweight — Vesee, 5 pounds. QQ-| ftiy SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Economic, June 4, 1932— 1:51%— 3— 118. Purse 00. 2XA?W 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5; third, July-14-34-Bbg 0 ; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00; if for 00, allowed 4 lbs. Index Horse* EqtA Wt PI* St 14 Mi % 8ti Fin Jockeys Owner* Equiv. Odd* Btrt 97665PAULINE H. w 8 103 8 9 10 81 7* 21 lk KleinR R P Gillette 330 100 98507=*WILD LAUREL w 6 99 2 2 31 31 11 11 21 SmithFA G W Coffey 810 100 98507BLIND HILLS wb 8 103 9 10 8k 5k 6 3" 34 GriffinM I Smith 1150 100 98713 KADIAK w 10 109 6 5 4« 41 4 41 4k QnbushG J R Schuster 2390 100 97883 NIGHT EDITION w 5 108 10 6 51 61 51 51 51 DyerJ D Dodd 4760 100 98529MISS CATALAN w 6 109 7 7 61 7" 81 81 6* PrainA Mrs K Newman 320 100 98506*WAIT NOT w 4 99 3 1 11 1* 21 6* 7 MoonR R T Watts 1090 100 98281*ALLEGRETTO wb 6 1011 1 3 21 21 31 7* 8l ManifoIdH Mrs E B Shipp 560 100 987542LUKE CONNELL wb 4 108 5 8 94 91 9"k 9rt 9* TryonA M B Carlisle 640 100 97699 MISS UPSET wb 5 107 4 4 7"k10 10 10 10 EdwardsD A Belleearde 5370 100 Time, :25Ji. :50, 1:15. 1:41%. 1:55%. Track slow. S2 MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB PAULINE H .60 .00 .40 330—100 150—100 70—100 WILD LAUREL 8.60 6.40 330—100 220—100 BLIND HILLS 7.80 290—100 Winner — Ch. m, by Ormont — Baby Bonds, by Dick Welles trained by R. P. Gillette; bred by Mr. V. B. Campbell. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:48. AT POST— 3J minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. PAULINE H. closed fast and gamely in the stretch and wore down WILD LAUREL in the final strides. The latter moved up gamely on the outside on the far turn and held en gamely. BLIND HILLS moved up steadily. KADIAK raced evenly, as did NIGHT EDITION. WAIT NOT and ALLEGRETTO raced well to the stretch, then tired badlv. Scratched— 98507 Luck Piece, 108: 98411 Morocco, 103; 97883 Ormontime, 108; 98483 Nuckols Boy, 112. Overweight— Kadiak, 1 pound; Miss Catalan, 2; Wait Not, 1; Allegretto, 2£. QQ-| flQ EIGHTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Golden Auburn, Aug. 30, 1930—1:44—5—117. Purse tJJJXOO 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5; July-14-34-Bbg tnjrd 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtPPS: V« Mi *4 Str Fin Jockey* Owner* Equiv. Odd* Strt 97883- PRETTY PENNY wb 6 103 2 1 1" 11 11 11 1* EdwardsD W D Lewis 1150 IOC 98411 NOBLE SIR wb 6 108 5 5 2 2* 24 2J 24 MartinezP W C McKinley +350100 98501 3REX REGENT w 4 113 4 9 11 9"k 61 44 34 DyerJ H H Chopin 510 100 97801ON TRIAL wb 7 113 3 2 61 51 4 3" 41 FryeJW Mrs R M King 560 100 98502*PRATE wb 9 108 10 6 3" iu 3k 52 5a ManifoIdH C R Allen 300 100 98501SHASTA CHARM w 7 103 8 4 4k 4k 51 6" 61 SmithFA H C Rumage 830100 98004 JOE McCORD w 7 113 7 10 12 12 9" 811 7k QnbushG W A Baumgartner ~ 2410 100 98502 LADY SWEET wb 6 108 6 7 71 T 8 71 81 BoucherJ B Brosky + 97802:CAMP LADY w 8 108 9 8 81 8h 101 101 91 CooperRG L Grieves 5220 100 98754l*HELENS ALIBI wb 4 111 11 11 9" 10* 11411* 10 Edward*H Miss II Baker + 987541 NO MISTAKE w 4 113 13 5" 6" 7,k 91 ll5 WillardC V H McMullen 3190 100 97848TRUXTON wb 6 108 12 12 I0k 111 12 12 12 MoonR R T Watts 1880 100 tMutuel field. Time, :24%. :48%. 1:14%. 1:41, 1:47%. Track fast. , — - MDTUELB PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB . PRETTY PENNY 5.00 0.20 .40 1150—100 410—100 170—100 NOBLE SIR Field 4.60 3.20 130—100 60—100 REX REGENT 4.40 120—100 Winner— Br. m, by Dress Parade— Scramble, by Le Melior tiained by W. D. Lewis; bred by Mr. J. W. Parrish. Winner enteied to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST-6:18. AT POST— minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. PRETTY PENNY showed the most speed throughout, but was doing her best to hold her advantage at the iinish. NOBLE SIR raced prominently from the start and held on well. REX REGENT was shuffled back on the back stretch, but closed a gap. ON TRIAL was in close quarters to the stretch. PRATE had no mishaps. JOE McCORD closed a gap. Scratched-98332$ Cabama, 113; 97157Zinita, 103; 97796 Fulfill, 113; 978023Ham, 113; 98754£ D.ik Star, 108; S7883 Quetor, 113. Overweight — Helens Alibi, 3 pounds. Corrected weight— Rex Regent, 113.