Hawthorne Officials: Illinois Racing Commission Approves List of Men to Govern Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-16


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HAWTHORNE OFFICIALS Illinois Racing Commission Approves List of Men to Govern Racing. ♦ Hawthorne Gold Cup Not to Be Run This Year — Illinois Owners Handicap Featured Event. The official staff of Hawthorne rac- 1 ing officials, as approved by the Illi- j 1 nois Racing Commission, follows: J Stewards— C. W. Hay, C. J. Fitz- J Gerald, Francis Dunne. I 1 1 Judges — L. C. Bogenschutz, Max j Murphy, Emmet Hileman. J [ Starter— Jack Hodgins. ! Racing Secretary — Francis Dunne. j Clerk of Scales — L. Bogenschutz. j Patrol Judge — Frank Otis. ! Paddock Judge— Dr. A. M. Kaiser. j Timer — William Cunningham. ♦ Veterinarian — Dr. George B. Mc- j Killip. The Hawthorne Gold Cup will not be run at Hawthorne this year. This significant announcement was made Saturday by the Chicago Business Mens Racing Association at the same time the list of officials for the Cicero meeting was released after being approved by the Illinois Racing Commission. The absence of C. V. Whitneys champion Equipoise from mid-summer competition was the principal reason for the abandoning of the Hawthorne Gold Cup for this year at least, as without the great Equipoise and no other outstanding horse in the country aside from Cavalcade, Hawthornes feature attraction would be just another race without special appeal or promise, certainly not in keeping with the brilliant traditions of the Gold Cup since it was established and first run in 1928. The Chicago Business Mens Racing Association, in lieu of the Gold Cup as its stellar attraction, will make the Illinois Owners Handicap the big feature of the Hawthorne meeting unless some unexpected "special" materializes, such as the earlier proposed race between Cavalcade and Equipoise, when a bid will be made to secure the contest for th-» popular west side course. The Illinois Owners Handicap, possibly with ,000 added the exact amount has not as yet been decided upon, will be reserved for the last Saturday of the meeting. EIGHT RACES DAILY. President Albert Sabath announced that eight races will be run daily, and the minimum purse would be 00, with a ,500 opening day feature. A ,000 event for juveniles will be run on the first Wednesday, and for the first Saturdays racing the main attraction will be a ,000 purse for three-year-olds and upward, at one mile and a sixteenth. This probably will be named in memory of the late John C. Schank, former president of the Chicago Business Mens Racing Association.- The "Daily Double" will be continued as this popular form of speculation met the approval of the patrons of the Cicero course. The racing at Hawthorne will be in capable hands, judging by the list of officials approved by the Illinois Racing Commission. In the stewards stand will be C. W. Hay, Francis Dunne and C. J. FitzGerald, the latter representing the Illinois Racing Commission. The judges include L. C. Bogenschutz, Max Murphy and Emmet Hileman. A new starter in the person of Jack Hodgins, one of the most promising young men engaded in that important and arduous position on a race trade, will send the fields away. Francis Dunne, more popular than ever before and fast becoming one of the most sought after racing officials in the country, will be racing secretary as well as steward. Larry Bogenschutz also will do double duty, serving as clerk of the scales in addition to being in the judges stand. Frank Otis will act as patrol judge and Dr. A. M. Kaiser as paddock judge. Dr. George B. McKillip will be the veterinarian for the racing commission. President Albert Sabath and racing secretary Francis Dunne also made known Saturday that 800 applications have been re- Continued on twenty-fifth page. HAWTHORNE OFFICIALS Continued from first page. ceived for stalls, with the prospects that nearly all the horses now racing at Arlington Park will remain for the Hawthorne meeting. More are expected from Kentucky, as a number of horsemen rested up their charges after the close of the Latonia meeting. The Bentley-Murray ticket machine will be i used in the pari-mutuel department. This is a ticket-issuing machine which is controlled I from the stewards stand and on the press I of a button the sale of all tickets is imme- l diately stopped. AH preparations have been completed for the demonstration of the electrical "eye" at Hawthorne Sunday, July 15, and it is expected that a large crowd will take advantage of the managements invitation to witness this latest innovation to be introduced during the coming meeting.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934071601/drf1934071601_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1934071601_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800