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* -■and sSSfssssV *r L A BrTHSBWaswBBBBVX LbbbbbtbbbbbkbbbbbbbYbbbYb* J , 3?/ hS g« BBBBBBBBBBBsMssm BL asm bbbbbV I I sssssl bsB asm HB aw am IsssavAul awi a H lsmfl jassssP VHIb I TERMS, DAILY I have ridden for some of the most prominent stables on the track. Among my intimate friends are owners, trainers and Jockeys who are winning races every day. I know them and their methods. That is why my identity must not become known. SATURDAYS TWO HORSES: DANCING DOLL, .00, WON SIGNALMAN, .20, LOST Your attention is called to the fact that Dancing Doll was a first starter— was quoted at ten to one In the morning line, and it was only the best of inside information. However, word got out and the horse was backed down. In the future clients are urged to use more caution and to delay as long as possible in making their play. TWO HORSES GOING MONDAY The two horses going Monday come to me from some friends for whom I formerly rode, and I have been confidentially informed that these horses are at the very peak of their form and should have no trouble in defeating the cheap lot of horses they are asked to meet I am urging all readers to subscribe and get these two horses. WIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION City clients, call at office. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Please make all remittances to address below. THE M-J CO. 140 North Dearborn Street, Suite 1106, - Chicago, III. fSYSTOLOGYl m THE WONDER BOOK OF THE TURF— IT COSTS ONLY H JJ THE COUPON BELOW IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE H a a PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., DEPT. O. a M D 443 Plymouth CL. Chicago. III.: II Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . H D NAME M H ADDRESS | I" CITY STATE II Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GLIDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS Chicago Headers. Call Wabash 7276 Readers in the following cities, call accompanying ■umbers: Cincinnati, Ohio Main 42O0 New Orleans, La. Main 3678 New York. N. V Bojrardos 55*01 San Francisco. Calif... M Market 1624 St. Louis. Mo Garfield 4739 Cleveland. Ohio Kenmore 1153 or 1%5-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are the dailj releases of Cannae and Asa Powell. CARMACS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: A R LI N GT0N— Teddy-42-38. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: ARLINGTON— Mike-39-44. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JULY 21 SATURDAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL WON 55 Per -Cent Have Won Over a Period of Five Years ANOTHER SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL SOON WATCH FOR IT! CARMACS FRIDAY RELEASE: TOPHORN, .58, WON WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Subscription Rate — One Month. .80; Six Months, One Year. 320 East Third Street Cincinnati Ohio TURF GOSSIP WEEKLY-35c TURF GOSSIP FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— Apnl-55-47-51-50. CLOCKERS TIPS FREE CODE PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Day-67-G5-60-65. D ETR0IT- Gold-66-84-70-80. TURF GOSSIP POST TIME SPECIAL: QUIVER 0.40, Won FRIDAYS FREE CODE: CARBINA .34, 2nd RADTKES SPECIALS TWO HORSES DAILY DAILY— IN ADVANCE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Direct Connection With Racing Interests for 25 Years i THURSDAYS TWO HORSES: i MUMSIE, .30, WON SOME POMP, .06, WON j —ADDRESS— Room 405—123 W. Madison St. Chicago, III. . ., Phone Randolph 4780, Subscribe for Daily Racing Form SATURDAY THE FAMOUS RADCLIFF RATINGS PICKED DARK MIST 8.40, WON Every day its the same story. Followers of RADCLIFF have the bookies on the run. IF ITS WINNERS YOU WANT, RUSH TO YOUR NEWSSTAND AT ONCE FOR YOUR COPY OF POST TIME The Turfs Newest and Best Magazine 25 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS l/J/J/ jY"T "FY " DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day — In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR MONDAY: ARLINGTON-E-23-17-16-21. DETROIT— 0-20-2-26-1. FRIDAYS CODE RELEASES: TOPHORN, .58, WON ! GENTEEL LADY, .60, WON | WM. BURKE KELLY 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL H Mail us this ad and you will be re H ■ warded with a free copy ot "THE I ■ SECRET OF BEATING THE ■ I RACES." H Bl J- K. WILLIS, Inc. M I P 0. Box 635 Cincinnati. Ohio | paaanai i— — ansaanaaasssaM ■— — m. ARLINGTON FREE CODE: Ton-Gem-Gag-Fog-Bar. DETROIT FREE CODE: Ton-SJcji-Gag-Ivy-Bar. . . OCCA3IONAL CODE: . i ROCKINGHAM: Tan-Pin-Sun-Fee-Dim. HORSEMANS S WEEKLY 3te ON SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE, 15 CENTS MONDAYS FREE CODE IN THIS ISSUE A WINNER AT A PRICE IS ASSURED Here is a horse that has not shown a thing in a long time, but we have positive word that Monday is the day they have been waiting for, and the spot is right. He is going to be sent for the money, and its up to you to be there at the pay-off. MONDAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— September-Si -€1-53-53. This is information that you cannot duplicate no matter how much you would pay. By all means, get a copy of Horsemans Weekly and decipher the above code. This is the best thing of the Arlington meeting. And it is free to all readers Monday. Here Are Some Winners Already Advised in New Issue: LOFTY LADY, 0.00, WON INFORMAL, 7.40, WON LO, 6.48, WON FRAIDY CAT, 1.52, WON STEEL, 1.40, WON GET THE NEW ISSUE AT ONCE jThe Many Features in Horsemans Weekly Has So Appealed to Players That in the Short Time It Has Been on the Market It Has Become the Biggest Selling Turf Weekly in America And we want all readers to read the article by Sidney Graham, which tells how a group of swindlers were foiled attempting to hoax a Texas player. Read about this "new" racket. SATURDAYS EDITORS PARLAY SERVICE: CABEZO, 3.46, WON FLEAM, 2.70, WON Fridavs Editors Parlay: LOFTY LADY, 0.00, WON DUST GIRL, $ 8.64, WON EDITORS PARLAY SERVICE TERMS, DAILY 0 WEEKLY This is the Editors Private Service and is the best information obtainable. You can well realize the strength of this information when you consider that the entire organization of Horsemans Weekly is behind this service. Subscribe today. HORSEMANS WEEKLY j 20 West Jackson Blvd. Chicago, III. | -z — , TUIjF VfM0 WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE. 35c FOLLOW THE GOLD SEAL TO PROSPERITY NO EDITOR FRANK BRADY RELEASE ADVISED SATURDAY Rather than take any unnecessary chances when conditions werent exactly suitable for a play, we advised no release. Naturally, all clients will receive an extra days service. FRIDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: LOFTY LADY, 0.00, WON THURSDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: MISS MOROCCO, 1.00, WON WEDNESDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: RHODIUS, 2.80, WON TUESDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: CANCEL, $ 9.40, WON SUBSCRIBE TO EDITOR FRANK BRADYS SERVICE PAYS FOR SIX DAYS— CODES ADVERTISED DAILY This is a strictly one-horse a day service and it is the very best information that we can possibly give. Look at the results and judge for yourself. And above all else this is an honest service. You get just what you pay for. Send and let us take care of you for the next six days. MONDAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON-May-16-15-21-21. MONDAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Turf-1 4-23-27-27. DETROIT— Winning-14-23-9-22. EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: DETROIT— June-15-11-5-19. GOLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY 173 W. Madison St.. Suite 1207 Chicago. III. 13 JOCKEY ii Gregory Smallwood RACING WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— PRICE, 35c MONDAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— J im-64-60-80-6«. . MONDAYS JOCKEY SMALLWOODS CODES: ARLINGTON— Man ve-40-60-1 4-60. DETROIT— B I ue-60-26-40-54. CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH THE "PINK SHEET" PRICE. 10 CENTS MONDAYS TWO FREE CODES: DETROIT— 0range-1 12-108-1 13. ROCKINGHAM— Yellow-100-111-113. CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. .50 per Month by First Class Mail S7.00 per Month by Air Mail LONGSHOT SYSTEM — I The new sensation ! Picks many winners at limit odds. Really sets the loncshots. A few days with this system and your bookie wont want your bets any longer. % 1 brings you a copy by return mail. THE SYSTEM LIBRARY P. O. BOX 675 - .• CHICAGO, ILI_ . — #2fBUGLE JJFp* RACING WEEKLY s% is|s* LATEST REPORTS FROM THE TRACKS FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE 35c WEEKLY NEW ISSUE OUT NOW Every horse mentioned in The Bugle is selected with the greatest of care. You do not get a list of hundreds of horses. The horses that are listed are few and select and each and every one of them is inside information well north following. XXX SPECIAL IN LAST ISSUE: IMA GREENOCK 2.04, WON And the above horse was not just listed among many others. This one was separated and marked XXX as we knew that Jack Howard had him fit and ready and the spot was selected. Thats the kind «f information you get in The Bugle. SATURDAYS TRACKMANS PARLAY: SLIM ROSIE 6.68, WON MEROVECK .60, WON FRIDAYS TRACKMANS PARLAY: , WELL BUILT, 2.80, WON ENTHUSIASM, $ 7.90, WON GET THE TRACKMANS PARLAY SERVICE TERMS: Daily— 0 Weekly And these horses are the "pick" of this organization. When you subscribe to this service you know ■ that no matter what amount of money you may pay you will not receive better or more consistent winning information. If you are looking for a permanent connection to supply you with WINNERS, then subscribe to this service at once. MONDAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— I-Apt-Dan-Red-Not. MONDAYS CLOCKERS PARLAY: ARLINGTON— St. Louis-13-8-14-12. DETROIT— Omaha-22-12-33-12. THE BUGLE 20 W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO, ILL Four Stak -TURF WEEKLY- For Sale at All Newsstands— Price, 35 Cents MONDAYS FREE CODE: D ET R0IT— Fu r-38-34-70-34. MONDAYS TRAINERS CODES: A R LI N GT0 N — G reen-53-59-59-57. DETROIT— Green-57-52-59-48. MONDAYS OWNERS CODES: ARLINGTON— Black-51-56-50-52. DETROIT— Green-89-42-38-52. SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY At All Newsstands. 35c a Copy Last Mondays 00 ••• Free Code Won I : . Mondays 00 »** Free Code: DETROIT— J uly-10-6-16-1. Also 15-1 Free Telephone Special goes Monday! Sea. . . page 2, Supreme Flash.