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AIRWAY SYRACUSE WINNER SYRACUSE, N. Y., July 14.— H. L. Sauers Airway, six-year-old unsexed son of Way-good, thrilled a half-holiday crowd of 10,000 by getting up in the last stride to win the Belvedere Claiming Purse, a gallop of one mile, which was the chief offering on the bargain eight-race card as the Onondaga Racing Associations ten-day meeting at the Fair Grounds track here came to a close today. Garden Seat, the early pacemaker, saved the secondary award by three lengths over Baggataway. The winner was well ridden by C. Quattlebaum and was favored in the speculation, making his victory doubly popular. Airway traversed the eight furlongs in 1:39%. A total of ten bookmakers operated and served the wants of the large crowd. Four of these held forth at the wickets of the share option plant, while the six others worked on the old time blocks. Business was very brisk and little of the confusion of Friday was noticed. One thing appears certain and that is that central New Yorkers like racing and will not hesitate to back their opinions with coin of the realm, whether it be the oral or machine form, j The -additional oralists were recruited from Syracuse. i