Mount Royal Park, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-16


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: MOXJNT HOYi«L PARK Tho "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Third and Fourth Races at Mount Royal Park Saturday Paid 5.20 for MONTREAL, QUE., SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1934— Mount Royal 1 mile. Fourteenth and last day. Back River Jockey Club. Summer meeting of 14 days. Weather clear. Steward representing Province of Quebec Racing Association, J. G. Reeder. Stewards, E. C. St. Pere, M. P., and A Laberge. Judges, W. J. Morrison, E. W. Ferguson and L. A. Larivee. Starter, W. D. Richey. Racing Secretary, J. G. Reeder. Racing starts at 2:45 p. m. Chicago time, 1:45 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figure* in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds QQ1 F*£* FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Westys Fox, July 16, 1932—1:12—3—114. Purse 00. 3-year-...rir. old* a"d upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0; July-14-34-M.R fourth $|a ; Index Horses BqtAWtPPSt 14 % Str Ftn Jockeys Owners Kqulv. Odds Utrt 98811THUNDERDROP w 5 120 1 1 3l 2* 14 1* RallsC R E Richard 90100 98954*ELEUSAGON w 7 106 7 2 lh 1* ?4 2* PedenH G W OConnor 935 M0 98954 LITTLE WING w 5 111 6 10 84 84 41 34 PasseroJ Mrs B F Christmas 685 190 98811 DRESS CIRCLE wb3115 5 9 5l 54 34 44 StaszukT G Patterson 1645-180 98811 PILLARITA wb 4 111 3 3 44 44 5* 5* MitcheilM G B Dioguardi 1945 100 98742 SQUEAKY w 7 116 8 6 V 74 74 64 EamesC R Primrose 1895 10© 98811TRANSMIT wb5 109 4 5 64 6 6l 71 PeakeH C W Zanner 305100 99023 ORKIN w 6 114 9 7 9=4 9s 94 84 DovetW Mrs L Jenkins 3126 100 98953 FAIR CHARTER w 5 106 10 8 10 10 10 94 BurrillJ Mrs J McElroy 4860-100 98953 NOEL B. wb 3 106 2 4 2» 31 8* 10 ErwinS E P Barnes 9605 106 Time, :23%, :47£5. 1:13%. Track fast. , SI MTJT0EL8 PAID , f OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . THUNDERDROP .80 .60 .05 90—100 80—100 52J— 1M ELEUSAGON 7.50 4.60 275—100 130— 109 LITTLE WING 3.30 65— 100 Winner — Br. g, by Thunderer — Whats Dat, by Ballot trained by J. H. Smith; bred by Seagram Stable. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:08. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. THUNDERDROP raced close to the pace for half a mile, went to the outside entering the stretch and outlasted ELEUSAGON. The latter, awav fast, set the pace, raced NOEL B. into defeat and hung on gamety through the stretch. LITTLE WING closed a big gap. DRESS CIRCLE saved ground all the way, but could not reach the leaders. NOEL B. had eaTlv speed. SQUEAKY could not reach contention. Scratched— 99022 Fly On, 120; 99022 Dark AUos, 106; 98590 Rabble, 111; 99097 Dunrode, 116; 99097* Top Shot, 96. Overweight — Pillarita, 5 pounds. QQ-| rjfj SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Westys Fox, July 16, 1933—1:12—3—114. Purse 00. P wJ/1 4 4 year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, July-14-34-M.R 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses . Bqt A WilTSt Vi i Str Fin Jockeys Owners K jui v. Odds Strt 98951 THERMAL w 3 110 13 4* 44 2* 14 RallsC Riverdale Stable 2675 100 98888ROSELYS w 7 110 4 1 ll l1 14 2* FatorE O Burgess 80 100 987412RIDEAU wb 5 120 3 6 6* 5* 3* 34 HorvthK Marsonia Stable 345100 98741LOGWOOD wb 5 115 0 4 24 2" 44 44 BeecroftS G Foisy 2540 100 9J888 STAR CREST wb 7 112 2 2 51 3 54 5« PeakeH Mrs B Fisher 1875 100 98888LADY WORTHMORE w 4 115 5 7 7 7 6* 61 WoodJ J C Stillman 1135 WO 990255SOLILOQUY w5104 75 34 6l 7 7 ErwinS Mrs J E Hughes 1275 100 Time, :23%. AVA. 1:14%. Track fast. , %i MUTUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS — . THERMAL .35 .10 .10 267J— 100 55—100 55—100 ROSELYS 2.50 2.45 25—100 22*— 100 RIOEAU 3.70 85— 100 Winner — B. f, by Anmer — Ablaze, by Tony Bonero trained by J. H. Smith; bred by Mr. J. Hetfering. Winner enttred to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:34. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. THERMAL, away fast and shuffled back, was rated close to the pace for half a mile, went to the outside of the lead in the stretch and, wearing down ROSELYS, drew away. The latter, away fast and rated along, tired in the stretch. RIDEAU. outrun earlv, closed a big gap. LOGWOOD had early speed. STAR CREST raced evenly. SOLILOQUY showed early speed. LADY WORTHMORE was away slowly. Scratched— 98951Ville Crest, 99; 98740Assvrian Lad, 110; 98515 Optical, 112; 98420 star Diadem, 104; 98660 Confection, 99; 98888 Hidden City, 104; 93951 Pensweep, 110; 98588 Foggy Dew, 107; 98589 Moon Scamp, 104. QQ-I fTO THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. WestysFox, July 16, 1932—1:12—3—114/ Purse 00. 9 tlt/li o year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0: July-14-34-M.R fourthr 0. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 98887LEN SWEEP w 8 115 3 3 14 14 14 V PeakeH N McLeod 2024 100 988873VISA wb 4 111 6 6 34 24 24 24 CaseF Mrs A Taney 1675 100 99097 EN AVANT w 5 106 9 5 74 54 34 34 ErwinS A Sullivan 3460-100 98889HOGARTY w 9 120 7 9 8* 6» 54 44 RallsC P M Catalano 295100 99025 TIME ENOUGH w 6 111 4 8 44 44 64 5» EamesC Mrs W Ryan 495 100 98740RED GRANGE w 10 114 11 2 31 44 6 HorvthK Mrs R Trent 1580 100 98954 SHANDYGAFF wb 6 116 5 2 6* 7* 7* 7* FatorE L K Crist 1720100 98811MINTMAGI wb 6 116 8 7 5 84 81 8* WoodJ C J Wensley 385100 97291 AVANT w 3 105 2 4 9 9 9 9 FeeneyR F Stanley 4980 100 Time, :2Z%. A. ttttt. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKINO ODDS . LEN SWEEP .05 .80 .30 202J— 100 140—100 165—104 VISA 8.90 6.85 345—100 2421— 100 EN AVANT 7.65 282*— MO Winner — Br. m, by Leonardo II. — Furieuse. by Ethelbert trained by N. McLeod; bred by Messrs. Simmi and Smith. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:15. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily ; second and third driving. LEN SWEEP took the lead at once, set the pace under restraint and drew out in the final quarter, winning in hand. VISA forced the pace, but could not overhaul the winner. EN AVANT closed a big gap in the final quarter. HOGARTY, shuffled back at once, closed a gap. RED GRANGE had early speed. TIMS ENOUGH went evenlv. SHANDYGAFF tired badlv. Scratched— 98742Chile Gold, 120: 97297JPass Christian, 114; 98740 Tricycle, 116; 99025Baptism, 101; 99023 Londsun, 111; OgiOOSuranto, 106. Overweight — Avant, 4 pounds. QQ-f P7Q FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Bubola, Aug. 23, 1932—1:43—4—114. Purse 00. 3-V. AA.*? year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, ■"■ 0; July-14-34-M.R fourthf i. Index Horses BqtAWtPPSt Vt. V, K Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bquir. Odds Strt 990285MING SUN wb 5 108 7 3 54 44 24 24 ll PasseroJ C A Crangford 774-190 99028 CYRANO wb 8 108 6 2 24 24 l1 1* 2» ErwinH W N Henderson 129fMO0 99028 OUR PAL w 8 115 2 1 6" 6* 3* 3* 3* BeecroftS W C Weant 1245 108 98360 CRASHER w 9 110 5 9 7* 54 44 4* 4» HorvathK W S Sweeney 580100 98953*JOLLY GAL w3 90 4 8 9 9 74 64 51 WatsonG Mrs J E Hughes 2960 100 99028 CRENALAN wb 11 106 8 6 3* 3» 5 54 6,# CaseF J Coleman ~ 840 100 99099 GLORY B. " w8103 9 5 8" 8* 8* 8* ? BurrillJ Miss V St Martin 6180 100 98953MATTY wb 5 107 3 4 l*J 1«| 64 71 8f FatorE Mrs C Graves 1165 100 98809TANDY MAN wb 6 98 1 7 4* V 9 9 9 PedenH Mrs N McLeod 1975 109 Time, :25, :4i% 1:143. 1:41. 1:474$. Track fast. , St MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MING SUN .55 .70 .65 771—100 35—100 321—100 CYRANO 4.60 4.35 130-100 M174-100 OUR PAL 4.90 145—100 Winner — B. h, by Axenstein — Geisha Girl, by Huon trained by C. A. Crangford; bred by Mr. W. B. Miller. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:48. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out : second and third driving. MING SUN, rated close to the pace for the first three quarters, wore down CYRANO in the run through the stretch and was going away at the end. The latter, rated to the pace for the first half mile, took command entering the stretch and closed willingly, although tiring. OUR PAL closed a good gap in the last quarter mile. CRASHER, away slowly, moved up threateningly at the quarter post, then tired. JOLLY GAL broke slowlv and closed a large eap CRENALAN tired badlv. Scratched-98665 Partisan, 115; 99100Tee Off. 115; 99097 Spot Pot, 105; 98743 Dick Porter, 111. Overweight — Crasher, 2 pounds; Crenalan, 3; Matty, 2. Corrected weight — Cyrano, 108. QQ-f QA FIFTH RACE-14 Mile. Westys Fox, July 16, 1932—1:12-3-114. Montreal Purse. u.ilifiAun Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; iel",", second, July-14-34-M.R 0; third. 0; fourth. 0. Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Htrt 99027-DORSAYS wb 4 112 6 3 V 14 14 14 HburnW L Suprenant 7974 109 98952sZODE wb 5 109 2 2 44 44 4J 2* PeakeH Mrs B Hoagland 195 100 98952SINGLE STAR wb10114 11 2* 3» 24 3» WoodJ C Ferraro 135100 98814PROTRACTOR wB8119 4 4 9 2» 3* A* FatorE J U Gratton 245109 98891 DESPOIL wb 5 112 5 5 6 5* 51 5 RallsC M Wilbur 3320 100 98744 ORIENTAL LADY wb 4 111 3 6 5« 6 6 6 HorvthK J White 4965109 Time, :23?$, :47. 1:13. Track fast. T"** HuTUELS PAID , OFFICIAT BOOKINO ODDS—. »*.... DORSAYS w. 7.95 .75 .70 797J-100 137i-100 36-sii ZODE ; 3.05 2.40 521—100 •**—»■ 20-100 SINGLE STAR 2.45 JJJJ Winner— B. g, by Donnacona— Mv Boots, by Granite trained bv L. Suprenant; bred by Himyar Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 00. .•"""■ WENT TO POST— 550. AT POST-4J minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Continued on fifteenth vao#. MOUNT ROYAL PARK Continued from eleventh page. DORSAYS, away fast, sprinted into the lead in the opening eighth, yet the pace under restraint, lost ground entering the stretch and was going away again at the finish. ZODE. away fast, was taken back oil the pace when outrun and closed with a rush in the final quarter mile. SINGLE STAR, away fast, saved ground entering the stretch and tired in the final sixteenth. PROTRACTOR, a forward factor throughout, had no excuses. DESPOIL made up ground. Scratched— 98952 Toy Town, 110. Overweight — Oriental Lady, 4 pounds. Corrected weight — Protractor, 119. QQi O-i SIXTH RACE— pM6 Miles. Bubola, Aug. 23, 1932— 1:43%— 4— 114. Purse 00. 3-ualOl year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0: third, 0; July-14-34.M.R fyourth, 0. ___________! Index Hor»e» Bqt A Wt IT St Vi Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bqulv. Oddi Mtrt 98892 DR. SYNTAX w 5 112 2 1 4J 41 l1 1 14 MitchellM JD4HA Coulson 1374-100 98890LICKY RACKET w 5 102 7 5 3J I 4* 2J 2J WatsonG H D Hekkema 845 100 98956HARLEM wb 6 111 3 2 5k 51 SH 3J 38 PeakeH A L Taylor 195 100 98591 RISNEUR wb 4 111 6 4 21 2 2J 44 4J ErwinS Mrs H R Smith 2580 100 99028BOB F. wb 5 112 4 3 W 1* 3" 51 5,k FatorE M J Griff 1090 100 99026rAIR KING w 5 113 1 7 7 6 6SJ bi 65J HornG R Russell 860 100 98956LITTLE JAY wr 5 112 5 6 6* 7 7 7 7 HorvathK A G Dunlap 1175 100 Time, :24J4, :48, 1:13. 1:39%. 1:45%. Track fast. , MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DR. SYNTAX .75 .40 .80 137—100 70—100 40—100 LUCKY RACKET 5.55 3.30 177J— 100 65—100 HARLEM 2.75 . 37J— 100 Winner — B. c, by High Time — Memories II., by Rabelais trained by F. D. McElroy; bred by Mr. J. E. Widener. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:56f OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving DR SYNTAX, rated close up for half a mile, moved into command with a rush on the far turn, drew out in the final eighth and won handily. LUCKY RACKET was close up throughout, but did not menace the winner. HARLEM closed a gap. RISNEUR forced the pace and tired badly in the last half mile. BOB F. had earlv speed. AIR KING could not reach contention. Scratched— 99026 Gay Party, 113; 98890 Justold, 101; 99024Sir Michael, 106; 98956 Squeeze Play, 116. Corrected weight— Harlem, 111. QQ-f CO SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Bubola, Aug. 23, 1932— 1:43%— 4— 114. Purse 00. V .A: 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0; July-1434-M.R fourthi 0 Index Horse* Eqii WillSt M y, «4 8tr Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 98893 CHIPOLA w 5 115 5 2 6"k 4k 2i ll 1* HornG O Burgess 607J-100 98957PHIL R. w 7 115 13 3* 31 34 3* 21 WoodJ C J Wensley 295-100 98957 GRAND DUCHESS w 6 103 2 4 14 V P 24 3» BeecroftS Mrs F Sullivan 2160-100 98957REPLEVTN w 9 101 4 8 85 8s 64 4J 44 WatsonG R Robertson 1840-100 99028 FRANK GROSSMAN wb 5 106 9 5 4 64 7* 5 5J CaseF Mrs L Jenkins 6115-100 99026 SEDGIE wb 6 115 8 9 9 9 9 81 6J PasseroJ Mrs I O Taylor 460-100 98957:BIG BUSINESS wb 7 111 7 7 7* 54 44 T T- HorvthK Mrs R Trent 190-100 98957 FIFE w 5 106 6 1 21 24 5* 64 81 ErwinS Mrs H R Smith 7220-100 98422 BROOKHATTAN wb 4 111 3 6 54 74 81 9 9 RallsC R E Richard 355-100 Time, :24%, :48*4, 1:14%. 1:40. 1:47%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CHIPOLA 4.15 .45 .15 607J— 100 1721—100 257J— 100 PHIL R 4.45 4.45 122| — 100 122— 100 GRAND DUCHESS 6.10 205—100 Winner — Br. g, by Boniface — Caloosa, by Negofol trained by H. Dryden; bred by Mr. G. M. Hendrie. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 6:32. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. CHIPOLA. rated close to the pace for half a mile, moved up with a rush on the outside on the far turn and drew away in the final quarter. PHIL R., always close up, finished well, but could not reach the winner. GRAND DUCHESS set the pace and tired in the final quarter. REPLEVIN, outrun early, closed a big gap. FIFE tired b:-dly. FRANK GROSSMAN went evenly. BIG BUSINESS had no mishaps. BROOKHATTAN could not reach the leaders. Scratched— 98662 Circean, 105: 99099 Greg Ormont, 110; 97223 Sidney G., 103. Overweight — Frank Grossman, 3 pounds. » •■

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