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DETROIT !The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the First and Second Races at Detroit Saturday Paid 26.40 for DETROIT, MICH., SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1934.— Fair Grounds 1 mile. Tenth day. Detroit Racing Asso-- ciation.- Summer meeting of 41 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Steward representing Michigan Racing Commission, J. S. Youn?. Presiding Steward, J. A. Murphy. Associate Steward, H. P. Conkling. Judges, S. S. Brown, J. Carey and C. F. Henry. Starter, G. Palmer. Racing Secretary, J. A. Murphy. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. QQi A t? FIRST RACE— 5-9 Mile. Try Sympathy, May 29, 1934— :59— 2— 109. Purse 00. 2-«W9J X*«-» year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; July-14-34-Det fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 Its. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt hi Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt I DANCING DOLL w 109 4 3 31 lk 14 1* PorterE Audley Farm Stable 200 100 98717**UPTODATE w 106 3 1 lk 24 2* 2* WintersM G Rausch 530 100 98717 MAH GRANT w 111 7 4 4* 4* 34 3J CritchfldC G G Wedding 1010-100 99717 EDDIE J. w 114 1 7 6« 5 5* 4 CallahanH Odessa Farm Stable 680 100 99790MISS WISE will 5 2 21 31 41 51 LoumanH Ferguson and Hawkins 180100 94116GLINT wb 104 2 6 7 7 61 61 DronetL K Daineerfield Jr 2260 100 96354 PANSY PURPLE w 107 8 5 51 6a 7 7 MattioliJ Kecneland Stud Stable 5150 100 99717 MASTER LAD wb 112 6 Wheeled. McCuneD P T Chinn 7770 100 Time, :23%, :47J£. 1:00%. Track fast. t , S3 MUTUELB PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . DANCING DOLL .00 .40 .90 200—100 170—100 40—100 UPTODATE 4.99 3.20 140—100 60—100 MAH GRANT 4.00 100—100 Winner — B. f, by Strolling Player — Silver Slippers, by Ambassador IV. trained by J. F. Patterson; bred by Audlev Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 2:17. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. DANCING DOLL forced the early pace restrained, took command when ready and won handily. UPTODATE sprinted into the lead at once, but gave way to the winner, then held on well. MAH GRANT saved ground entering the stretch. EDDIE J. closed a gap in the stretch. MISS WISE quit badly in the drive. MASTER LAD wheeled at the start. QQi A £* SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Clotho, May 17, 1934— 1:10%— 5— 109. Purst t/vlO 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; July-14-34-Det third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,200; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt hi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqnlT. Odd* Strt 88958*DARK MIST wb 5 99 7 3 2* 24 11 1* FerndezF Mrs H Mcllvain 820 100 98872 RYE wb 4 112 1 6 l" lx 24 21 MundenF J Bell 440 100 99642 TRANSPOSE w 4 110 3 9 10 8 51 3! CowleyJ Mrs N D Thompson 1820100 99723 MYTURN wb 3 103 8 7 . 64 3fc 4* 41 MattioliJ L J Marks 1150 100 98718**SWIFTY wb 6 110 9 10 81 74 7l 5 BurnsE E Drillon 530 100 99002THIEF DAUNT wb 4 107 4 1 4* 54 3 6 ParvinC Mrs A M Creech 7120 100 99869 IDLE ALONG w 3 103 6 4 71 6* 81 71 MauroF I. L Kaplan 860 100 98869**SCYTHE wb 3 101 5 8 91 10 10 81 PetrellaP B J Thuring 290 100 97998 MAETICO w 4 109 2 5 51 91 9! 94 Judy J J C Kirkpatrick 630100 99064*SUN B. wb 6 100 10 2 31 4* 61 10 HaberR C E Graham 3230 100 Time, 33%, :47%. 1:13%. Track fast. r—Vt MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS «. DARK MIST 9.49 .49 .49 920—100 270—100 120—100 RYE 9.49 4.00 220—100 100—100 TRANSPOSE 6.60 230—100 Winner — Ch. m, by Traumer — Fair Mist, by Fair Play trained by R. Mcllvain; bred by Mr. W. S. Kilmer. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 2:46J. AT POST— 2* minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. DARK MIST forced the pace under light restraint, took command when ready and won easily. RYE took the lead on the inside, but failed to hold the winner. TRANSPOSE went to the outside and closed with a rush. MYTURN was not urged in the stretch. SWIFTY moved up and closed gamely. CHIEF DAUNT tired. IDLE ALONG had no mishaps. SCYTHE was outrun. SUN B. quit. Scratched— 97058 Flo M., 104. Overweight — Idle Along, 5 pounds; Scythe, 3; Sun B., 1. QQi Am THIRD RACE— 5-9 Mile. Try Sympathy, May 29, 1934— :59— 2— 199. Purse 00. 2-W M-t 4 year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. July-14-34-Det Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vi tt Str "in Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 99719*SCRAMBLED EGGS w 102 4 3 4» 41 31 1" FerdezF Nix and Hunter 380-100 99569IMPERIAL BETSY w 109 5 6 51 5 5* 21 CaihanH Imperial Farms Stable 460 100 983933RED ROD wb 108 2 1 21 2k 2* 3* CraigA T E Keating 950 100 99259HIDDEN DUST w 109 1 4 l1 11 1* 44 CritchfdC H W and W J Young 580 100 99197 HEROS LADY wb 107 3 2 34 3* 41 51 YoungS G Riley 130 100 99866 MAPLE RICCA w 110 6 5 61 6k 61 6* MeyerC W F McCanless 6280-100 99929 DELGADO w 109 7 7 V V V 74 McDottL C W Moore 9520-100 94367*DARK HAZARD wb 107 8 8 8 8 8 8 DronetL K Daingerfield Jr 2040 100 Time, :23%, :47. 1:01. Track fast. , XUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS— s SCRAMBLED EGGS .69 .90 .90 380—100 140—100 90—100 IMPERIAL BETSY 4.80 3.80 140—100 90—100 RED ROD 4.40 120—100 Winner — B. f, by Upset — Goose Egg, by Chicle trained by B. Yates; bred by Greentree Stable. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST— 3:17. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second anl third the same. SCRAMBLED EGGS went to the inside for the drive and withstood the challenge of IMPERIAL BETSY. The latter, a factor from the start, lost ground, but was wearing down the winner. RED ROD began fastest, forced the pace and tired in the drive. HIDDEN DUST, hustled into the early lead, tired after making the pace. HEROS LADY had no mishaps. The others were outrun. Overweight — Delgado, 1 pound. Corrected weight — Red Rod, 108. QQi ACL FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile out or chute. Clotho, May 17, 1934— 1:10%— 5— 109. Purst SXAS? - 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; July-14-34-Det third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt hi hi Str Fla Jockeys Owners EqnlT. Odds Strt 99643HTHE POINT w 6 106 5 6 54 34 24 1* WintersM Mrs F M Hector 130 100 98931*CRACKLE w 4 104 8 1 1* 11 lk 2 FerndezF J L McKnicht 370 100 98872PSHOOT wb 5 104 3 5 6 6» 3* 31 DronetL Lone Star Stable 690100 98939ODERIC wb 6 105 1 2 31 41 5* 44 HaberR B C Tatum 770 100 99932 UP wb 6 108 4 3 41 51 64 5k McCuneD J N Crofton 730 100 96756 TRACTABLE wb 4 108 6 4 2* 2* 41 6» WestH Hastings Stable 1360 100 96993,*WH1PPER CRACKER w6103 78 8 8 7* V SebastnW Allen and Sandusky 3740 100 98931 WISE EDDIE wb 5 112 2 7 7* 7» 8 8 BogskiW J Oros 1960 100 Time, :23%, :47%. 1:13. Track fast. • 9» MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . THE POINT .69 .20 .89 130—100 60—100 40—100 CRACKLE 3.60 3.00 90—100 50—100 SHOOT 3.00 50—100 Winner — B. g, by Apex — Much Ado, by Ed Crump trained by R. F. McDonnell; bred by Mr. H. R. Dulanv. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:47. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. THE POINT, outrun for three eighths, went to the outside and outlasted CRACKLE. The latter made the pace, disposed of TRACTABLE in the stretch, but was not good enough. SHOOT finished fast. ODERIC was a strong factor throughout. UP had no mishaps. TRACTABLE quit. WISE EDDIE was eliminated at the start. QQ-f 2S FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Elf Lock, May 21, 1934— 1:37%— 3— 99*. Purse 00. 3-year-22*sfts5? olds and uPwar l- Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; July-i4-34-Det fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Index Horses Bqt A WtlPSt hi H % Str ttn Jockeys Owners BqnlT Odds Strt 99934*OUR COUNT wb 3 97 5 5 5» 6 4k ll 1 FerdezF H C Rumage 430 100 99964 ROYAL BLUNDER wb 4 111 12 V 2 2l 3* 2 PorterE Audley Farm Stable 280 100 97693 EVEN UP wb 5 111 4 6 6 41 51 44 34 HooperC Nix and Hunter 490 100 98932*TERRIER wb 4 111 3 3 2 1" 14 2k 4 WintersM Mrs A M Creech 390-100 99256 WAR PLEDGE wb 3 106 2 1 3» 54 6 5» 5« LoumanH Bianchi and Williamson 440-100 98934OUR JUSTICE wb 4 114 6 4 41 31 3 6 6 RenoT Mrs J Chesney 730 100 Time, :24%, :49%, 1:14%, 1:395- Track fast. T** MUTUELS PAID-. , — OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . OUR ~..~ COUNT ...»...., 9.60 .60 .90 430-100 130-100 40-100 L..SLUNDER 5W 3M 15»-1M *-»• EVEN UP 3.40 70—100 Winner— Ch. g, by Reigh Count— Anita Peabody, by Luke McLuke trained by W. Emerson; bred by Mrs. J. Hertz. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST— 4:19. AT POST— 1 J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. OUR COUNT was lucky to find room on the inside when moving up and won easily. ROYAL BLUNDER was hustled into the early lead, but gave way to TERRIER, then came again in the stretch. EVEN UP outrun for three eighths, moved up gradually, only to lose ground entering the stretch. TERRIER forced the early pace and tired after taking command. WAR PLEDGE had early speed. OUR JUSTICE showed dull form. Scratched— 98934 Unencumbered, 102. Overweight — Our Count, 2 pounds; War Pledge, 4. Corrected weight — Even Up, 111. Continued on fourteenth page. DETROIT Continued from third page. QQi erf| SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Elf Lock. May 21, 1934— 1:37J4— 3— 89J. FW Running ROYAL •7«7J.«J VP OAK HANDICAP. ,500 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner July-14-34 Det ,300; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. ludex Horse* ButAWtlPSt £ Vft % Rtr Fin Jockey* Owner* EtjuIt. Odd* Strt 989332SABULA wb 4 112 2 2 52 64 41 21 lk MattioliJ F Alger Jr 270100 98135BI.ACK TARGET w 4 108 4 3 34 lk 24 1* 21 AbelA Mrs A J Abel 580 100 98933 MR SPONGE wb 7 114 5 4 41 4 54 31 32 YoungS C and C L King 1060 100 98264 BEAU TOD wb 3 99 3 5 6 5! 34 4 41 WintersM G Raush 1670 100 98933 RIP VAN WINKLE wb 6 108 7 7 7 7 6* 65 5 DronetL Lone Star Stable 1120 100 98472SIGNALMAN wb 3 107 1 1 2 32 lk 51 64 PorterE Audley Farm Stable 110100 98489 BAHAMAS wb 5 103 6 6 11 2* 7 7 7 CritchfldC Oak Tree Stable 2400-100 Time, :24%, :48, 1:13, 1:38%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB SABULA .40 .60 .20 270—100 80—100 60—100 BLACK TARGET 5.40 4.00 170—100 100—100 MR. SPONGE 4.60 130-100 Winner— B. 1, by Macaw— Florida Blossom, by Uncle trained by G. S. Preece; bred by Mr. S. B. Mason. WENT TO POSTt,4:44. AT POST— J minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SABULA, outrun for three eighths, retteied her position on the outside and outfinished BLACK TARGET. The latter, cleverly and well ridden, wls saved back of the early pare, disposed of SIGNALMAN after three-quarters, drew away to a clear lead and just tailed to last. MR. SPONGE, a strong factor from the start, used reaching contention, tired in the drive. RIP VAN closed a gap in the stretch. BEAU TOD. up :n WINKLE closed a gap in the stretch SIGNALMAN forced and set the pace under light urging, but quit badly when put to pressure. BAHAMAS quit. Scratched-98264 Silent Shot, 107; 99149 Terrier, 105; 98264 Red Roamer, 104; 98933 Desert Call, 107; 98933 Blue Emperor, 97. Overweight— Beau Tod. 2 pounds. qq-| £?-* SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-2 Miles. No track record. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. aalOl Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming July-14 34 Det Frice, ,200; if for ,000. allowed 3 lbs. Index Horses EqtA W PlSI Vj I IliStr Fin Jcokey* Owner* Bqulv. Odd* Btrt 98935FBL4CK STOCKINGS w 6 109 7 7 4 3" 44 I* li CochrancR A J Halliwell +410 100 98935J*PCHECO wb 8 103 1 1 23 2* l1 2 2 FcrndezF T E Keating 210100 99007 WATCH TOWER wb 5 111 8 8 61 42 3 44 34 HooperC H C Eldredge 510 100 91935irOLTYER w 7 104 2 3 31 5! 5 3 42 WwtersM J N Crofton 220 100 9M721CAT1NO wb 4 11C 4 4 7s 6s 6 52 51 DayW B F Clark 4.2760 100 St724*TARNlMI w 7 104 6 6 8 7* 710 75 6* MauroF A J Halliwell t 98S72i*NOELWOOD wb 5 106 5 5 li 1* 21 61 713 DronetL G Riley 900 100 98868 OLD NAN wb 6 103 3 2 5 8 8 8 8 YerratA B F Clark J fCoupled a* A. J Halliwell entry; JB. F. Clark entry. Time, :25, :49%, 1:15%, 1:41%, 2:07%, 2:33%. Track fast. i S3 MUTUELB PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD! . A. J. HALLIWELL ENTRY 0.20 .60 .60 410—100 80—100 30—100 PACHECO 3.00 2.60 50—100 30—100 WATCH TOWER 3.20 60—100 Winner— Br. g, by Ormont — Clock Stockings, by Pataud trained by P. McCabe; bred by Mr. W. C. Goodloe. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 5:11*. AT POST— 3J minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BLACK STOCKINGS, close to the pace under restraint, forged to the front in the stretch and held PACHECO safe. The latter forced the early pace under restraint, disposed of NOELWOOD after a mile, gave way to the winner, but came again in the late stages. WATCH TOWER, poorly ridden and close up from the start, lost ground and held on well. QUIVER, saved for a mile, came through on the inside in the drive, but tired. CATINO was outrun. NOELWOOD quit. OLD NAN had early speed. Scratched— 98935i Jodie K , 98. Overweight — Catino, 2 pounds; Old Nan, 3. OQI TO EIGHTH RACE— 1 Mile. Elf Lock, May 21, 1934— 1:374— 3— 89$. Purse 00. 3-year-V, « T~«K olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; July-14-34-Det fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses Do/t A Wt 11St A Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owner* Bmuit. Odd* Strt 98330,CORNELIA POWELL w 4 100 8 7 51 T 64 ll 14 SmithJJ Mrs A Manale Mot 100 98644J:SUN WORSHIP w 8 115 7 5 45 2s 1* 2 2» KnihtM W E Turner 390 100 98637TWILL w 6 115 6 6 64 5* 5k 54 3" LoumanH H G Shoemaker 380 100 98872J*SCIMITAR w 10 107 1 2 8 64 34 3k 4i MauroF A J Halliwell 910 100 988702CAMPAGNA w 3 101 4 4 2J 3J 2» 4 52 MattioliJ W D Hendley 390 100 98644l**DONATE wb5110 2 1 3k 4i 7* 6 6 FerndezF Mrs H Torriente 940100 98641MERELY wb 3 99 3 3 lk k 4 7* T HebertS L J Marks 1000 100 98265 OFF DUTY w3 99 5 8 ? 8 8 8 8 WintersM B C Tatum 540100 Time, :24%. :48%. 1:14%. 1:40%. Track fast. , MUTUEL8 PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB . CORNELIA POWELL 0.60 6.20 .40 1430—100 710—100 320—100 SUN WORSHIP 6.80 4.60 240—100 130—100 TWILL 4.40 120—100 Winner — B. f, by Westwick — Equal Rights, by Ballot trained by J. Manale; bred by Messrs. Herring Bros. and F. V. Tieford. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:44. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CORNELIA POWELL, allowed to drop back, went around the leaders when moving up and won handily. SUN WORSHIP disposed of MERELY when ready, but could not hold the winner. TVVILL, in close quarters early, moved up when clear and closed with a rush. SCIMITAR, used up reaching the leaders, tired. CAMP-AGNA was pinched back in the stretch. DONATE tired. Scratched— 98711 Little Joyce, 100 Overweight — Campagna, 4 pounds; Off Duty, 2. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT DETROIT Saturday — 3 Races, 04.60; 5 Races, 55.00; 8 Races, 79.40