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FORT ERIE j The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the First and Second Races J at Fort Erie Saturday Paid 2.20 for *. i FORT ERIE, ONT., SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1934.-Fort Erie 1 mile. Tenth day. Niagara Racing Association. Summer meeting of 14 days. Cassidy Starting Gate used. Weather clear. Steward representing the Canadian Racing Associations, J. P. Turner and D. S. Gillies. Honorary Steward, H. M. Gerrans. Judges, D. A. Boyle and J. P. Mclnerney. Honorary Judge, W. J. Kelly. Starter T. Rowe. Racing Secretary, J. P. Turner. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried, indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. QQ1 fJQ FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Marjorie Hynes, Aug. 18, 1920—1:11—3—107. Juiv*ld34Fr P-urse WW. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, juiy-i4-34-F.E J80; tnirdi j4Q. fourth, 0. todei Hor»e* KqtAWtPPBt K % stt Fin Jockey* Owner* Bqnlr. Odd* Strt 91963 DUNLINS LAD wb 6 113 9 7 41 41 V 1 WatsonR J E Smallman 3271 100 98804 QUICK wb 3 108 10 1 1» l1 2* 2* ObertW G B Foley 445-100 98882 CHASTE MORN w 5 107112 11 9* 81 4 3* McTagueC W F Monteith 7090-100 98880 NUNS WAY wb 4 111 7 4 34 21 3 41 RemilrdP F Corde 555-100 99916GIFT ROMAN wb 3 105 4 8 84 7 6* 51 DougrtyF S H Sloan 325-100 98882 LOST SPIRIT wb 4 106 11 2 61 54 71 6* VercherT W Stevens 5065-100 98949 PRINCELY PAL w 5 110 6 12 111 10* 104 71 AimersT W D Reddy 2265 100 98944PHOTOGRAPH w 8 111 1 3 2* 3» 5k 81 ThomasJ C S Mitchell 550-100 98944HANOVER JEAN w4106 25 7*919191 MurrayH S Walker +1985-100 98894 EXTRA MAN wb 4 113 5 10 12 12 12 10* PruchkiG W C Weant 2110-100 98889 CONVENTION w 3 104 8 9 101 11J 11* 11* MadeleyF B Pomeroy 7500-100 98888 PORT ROYAL w 3 107 3 6 5* 6k 81 12 WimmerR O C Teale t tCoupled as S. Walker and O. C. Teale entry. Time, :23%, :47%. VA3%. Track fast. ............... »» MTJTtELB PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB DUNLINS LAD .55 .55 .00 3274—100 1771—100 150-100 QUICK 7.50 6.00 275—100 200—100 CHASTE MORN 32.50 1525-100 Winner— Ch. g, by Dunlin— Suppress, by Superman trained by G. Alexandra; bred by Mr. H. Nesbit. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:42. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. DUNLINS LAD, racing in his best form and holding a forward position, wore down QUICK on the stretch turn, but tised suddenly and was forced to a hard drive right at the end. QUICK sprinted into an •asy lead at once, came again after being displaced and finished resolutely. CHASTE MORN moved up on the outside, but could not threaten the first two. NUNS WAY tired after challenging midway of the turn GIFT ROMAN closed fast after starting slowly. LOST SPIRIT went well. PHOTOGRAPH H quit as did PORT ROYAL. Scratched— 89398 Tannia, 106; 97159 Betimes, 103; 98880 Soil Gills, 113; 98804 Reigh Girl, 103. Overweight — Quick, 3 pounds; Chaste Morn, 1£; Princely Pal, 2; Convention, 1; Port Royal, 4. QQ1 FTf SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Marjorie Hynes, Aug. 18, 1920—1:11—3—107. i.iYirifrV Purse *700- 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to Juiy-n-di-F.E winner 50; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Indei Horse* IqtA WIPPSt U »,. 8tr fin Jockey* Owner* Bqui?. Odd* Strt 98807 SYNDIC w 4 105 4 1 34 32 24 11 MadeleyF C and C Stable 1821-100 99583 ARDAWN wb 3 105 13 1" JP 11 2s BarnesE Mrs HM Stewart 975 100 99017SBECAUTIOUS w 4 104 5 2 2 24 3 31 SmithCW P MacMurchy 1275 100 989453SEA KALE wb 8 120 2 5 54 4 4« 46 RemilrdP Mrs J Badame 165 100 98156GRAMTE ROCK w 7 120 3 6 6" 6M 51 5a DougrtyF Four Ls Stable 605 100 98882 FREETHINKER w 7 110 7 4 41 5* 6M 640 EricksonH Mrs F S Poole 1145 100 COLONEL LEDI wb 3 105 6 7 7 7 7 7 MurravH S Walker 4150 100 Time, :23%, :47%. 1:12%. Track fast. , 12 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SYNDIC .65 .25 .15 182| — 100 1121—100 1071— 100 ARDAWN 7.75 6.20 2871—100 210—100 BECAUTIOUS 4.95 1471-100 Winner— Gr. g, by Synorix— Sneezer II., by Missel Thrush trained by S. Jeanes; bred by Mr. R. E. Webster. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:18. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SYNDIC, close to the leaders, went to the outside for the final drive and took command in the last sixteenth. ARDAWN raced BECAUTIOUS into defeat, saved ground and continued gamely under urging. BECAUTIOUS went strongly from the start, but was not eood enough. SEA KALE lacked early speed. GRANITE ROCK was outrun. FREETHINKER was done early. Scratched-98286 Zakuska, 111; 98736 Fess, 103. Overweight — Becautious, 1 pound; Freethinker, 1£. QQi PT-f THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Pyroot, Aug. 18, 1924—1:09—2—113. Purs* 99. 2-year-vvlll olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 59; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 9. July-14-34-F.E — — Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt % % Btr Fin Jockeys Owners a iulv. Odds Btrt 98284BRANNON w 110 12 P 14 l4 14 FodenN F J Ryan 85 100 98946DANCING SPIRIT wb 105 3 5 3* 3 24 2s SmithG Elmtree Stable 795-100 98946CHEWSIE w 107 4 3 4* 4" 44 34 WatsonR H W Sage 415-100 970823BRANDY SNAP wb 102 2 1 2* 2* 3" 44 RoseG R S McLaughlin 385 100 9834TRIGHTFOOT w 105 5 4 5 5 5 5 BarnesE C and C Stable 1020 100 Time, :23, :47%, 1:00 equals track record. Track fast. , 3 MUTUELS PAID ■ r- OFFICIAL B00KIN8 ODD! BRANNON .70 .75 .20 85—100 37J— 100 10—109 DANCING SPIRIT 5.00 2.70 150—100 35—108 CHEWSIE 2.40 20—100 Winner — B. g, by Cohort — Anna Leigh ton, by Wormleighton trained by F. J. Ryan; bred by Mr. L. A. Lyne. WENT TO POST— 3:51. AT POST— 3 minutes Start good and slow. Won ridden out ; second and third driving. BRANNON, quick to get going, raced BRANDY SNAP into defeat in the First Five-sixteenths and, hard urged through the late stages, outlasted DANCING SPIRIT. The latter, outrun for three eighths, went around BRANDY SNAP and closed fast. CHEWSIE was hard ridden, but could not threaten the first two. BRANDY SNAP showed speed to the turn, then tired. RIGHTFOOT was outrun. Scratched— 96620 Armstrong, 103. Overweight— Dancing Spirit, 5 pounds; Chewsie. 4£ ; Brandy Snap, 2; Rightfoot, 2. QQ-g "79 FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Marjorie Hynes, Aug. 18, 1920—1:11—3—197. %3%3x. 4 +d Toronto Special Purse. Purse 90. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to July-14-34-F.E winner 60; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 8. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt "4 H -«i Kin Jotke/t Owners Kgim odd* 8trt 986552STEFAN JR. w 5 112 11 1 14 11 1 1* EricksonH W T Northgrave 845-100 99091 CHIPS wb3105 1 4 34 31 2 21 BarnesE T Boyd 395100 98655MAEBEE m 4 115 16 3 6» 7" 41 3s RemilrdP G W Brown 1120-100 98884 FLAXEN w 3 90 5 10 74 6" 51 41 BlackH C Robson 1050-100 98947STEEL wsb 4 115 9 2 54 41 62 5* DougrtyF Mrs T E McCarthy 1470-100 98221 POETS DREAM w 5 110 8 7 9* 81 8* 6l FodenN D Garrity 5465-100 98285BALD CREST w 4 109 4 5 2» 24 31 T WatsonR Erindale Stable 625 100 98805 LADY HOCKBERGER w 3 104 7 6 4» 51 74 81 MadeleyF C and C Stable 275 100 98885 FRETFUL wb 3 105 3 9 10 9* 9* 9* SmithG Elmtree Stable 740-100 98655 PROMETHEUS wb 7 110 2 8 8410 10 10 ThomasJ Mrs W R Padgett 3315-100 96939 HIDDEN LORE w 3 105 6 11 11 Lost rider. VercherT Mrs R H New 3255-100 Time, :23%, :47, 1:11 s- Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS—. STEFAN J R 8.90 .65 .90 845—100 282J— 100 245—100 CHIPS 5.85 4.80 192J— 100 140—109 MAEBEE 7.19 255-199 Winner— Ch. g, by Stefan the Great— Kum Kalessi, by Luke McLuke trained by F. H. Schelkc ; bred by Mrs. J. Hertz. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 4:29. AT POST— 12J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. STEFAN JR., away in motion and having good speed, shook off BALD CREST after five eighths, moved clear and won easily. CHIPS, prominent in the early stages, closed gamely, but was unable to menace the winner. MAEBEE worked her way up on the outside and finished with good courage. FLAXEN*, crowded back early and blocked at the stretch turn, finished stoutly when clear. STEEL had speed in spots while racing wide. POETS DREAM was outrun. BALD CREST, also away in motion, quit after live eighths. HIDDEN LORE lost her rider midway of the final turn while trailing her field. Overweight — Lady Hockberger, 2 pounds ; Fretful, 5. QQ-| n* FIFTH RACE— I 1-16 Miles. Friend Charley, Aug. 19, 1933— 1:43%— 3— 11 1 . Hotel */J/l 4 O Buffalo Handicap. Purse 1,900. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 09; July-14-34-F.E second, 89; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses ESqt A WtlPSt Vi Vj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners BijiiiT. Odd* Strt 98351KHORASAN w 6 120 4 5 4» 4 31 2 1* RemilrdP Mrs J Badame 140 100 98884*MISS MONOA w 4 105 1 1 21 2* 2* 1 2 MadeleyF Stuart Stable 385 100 98806 SPEY CREST wb 5 102 5 3 ll 14 1 34 31 RoseG W H Wright 1475 100 98884 CROUT AU POT w 3 109 3 2 3* 3* 4s 4» 45 FodenN W I Newmarch 165 100 98351 FINALIST w 6 10712 4 5 5 5 5 5 WatsonR Mrs S Neville 1180100 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:11%, 1:37%, 1:44. Track fast. , SI MUTUELS PAID , , OFFIC1AI BOOKING ODDB . KHORASAN .88 .25 .89 140—100 621—100 40—108 MISS MONOA 3.50 2.65 75—100 32J— 109 SPEY CREST 3.65 821—100 Winner — Ch. h, by Omar Khayyam — Evelyn White, by Zeus trained by J. Badame; bred b Mr. C. F. Clay. WENT TO POST— 5:17. OFF AT ONCE. Star good and fast. Won driving; second and third the same. KHORASAN moved up gamely under urging and, continuing well in the final stages, won in the last strides. MISS MONOA, close to SPEY CREST, took a short lead in the last eighth, but v. as not good enough. SPEY CREST hung on resolutely. CROUT AU POT went wide into the stretch. FINALIST showed speed midway of the final turn. Scratched— 98351 Hokuao, 116; 98737 War Plane, 105; 98806*Shady Well, 108; 98512 Stealingaway, 106. Overweight — Finalist, lj pounds. QQ~fl WA SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Friend Charley, Aug. 19, 1933— 1:43%— 3— 111. Purse •7 tfX 4 tt 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 8; July-14-34-F.E third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horse* EqtA fftlPit V* V-i % Str Kin Jockey* Owner* Eguiv. Odds Strt WbBAT. OF KILCRKIEwb 8 110 1 2 44 41 l1 1* 14 FodenN W I Newmarch 595 100 99921 HILLSBOROUGH wb 6 116 3 6 7fc 7" 5l 21 21 DhertyF M J Sansone 195100 98886 TROUBANOVA w 7 111 8 7 8 8 8 4 34 WatsonR Erindale Stable 1035 100 98950 GIFT O GAB w 5 110 2 1 51 6k 3* 3 4k EricksnH S H Sloan 1890 100 99021 UPSET LAD w 8 111 7 8 6* 5k 61 6* 5* MurrayH J G Fair 945 100 98802 BROWN TORCH w 4 113 4 4 1 2b 4k 51 64 McTagueC B McDonald 1715-100 98883RELATIVITY wb 3 105 5 5 2 1 2 7 7s BarnesE R S McLaughlin 215-100 98886 SWAGGER STICK w 4 113 6 3 3k 3k 7" 8 8 RemilrdP C M Henderson 1705 100 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:13%, 1:39. 1:46. Track fast. i 82 MUTUELS PAID , , — OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS BATTLE OF KILLIECRANKIE 3.90 .90 .15 595—100 195—100 571—100 HILLSBOROUGH 4.25 3.70 112J— 100 85—100 TROUBANOVA 3.95 971—100 Winner — Br. g, by Irish Battle — Lass o Killiecrankie. by Atlas trained by F. Gilpin ; bred in England by H. Garahan. Winner entered to be claimed foi 00. WENT TO POST— 5:57f AT POST— J minute. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. BATTLE OF KILLIECRANKIE took command with a rush and, hard urged to the end. outlaMod HILLSBOROUGH. The latter moved up gamely when uiged and finished boldly. TROUBANOVA worked her way up fast in the last half mile after meeting interference in the earlv stages. GIFT O GAB moved up menacingly, but tired in the drive. UPSET LAD began slowly. BROWN TORCH tired. RELATIVITY quit badly. Scratched-98658 Even Stephen, 116. Overweight — Gift o Gab, 2£ pounds. QQ-g rt* SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Friend Charley, Aug. 19, 1933— 1:43%— 3— 11 1. Purse ** ft .• ** 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 0; July-14-34-F.E third, 0; fourth, 0. Indei Horses Kqt A WtPPSt % V* % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv Odds Strt 98416BARRY w 4 110 3 3 l1 l1 l1 14 14 EricksnH A Hullcoat 157M00 98886SIR BYRON w 6 110 5 6 5k 64 4k 3* 2i AimersT R E Leslie 645-100 98416BRANDON PRINCE wb 5 110 4 4 31 3* 3 21 33 FisherRJ W Waterman 1390 100 98737 BRODWAY LIGHTS w 5 107 1 2 4 4" 64 5s 44 DhertyF T McCarthy 125C 100 98885 SEMESTER w 5 113 7 5 2* 2 2k 4k 5s RemilrdP J H Black 760-100 98352JCHAT EAGLE wb 4 112 6 7 7 7 7 6" 61 MannF W F Morrissey 720-10C 98095 SPARTAN LADY w 4 108 2 1 65 51 51 7 7 WatsonR Mayfair Stable 3C5-100 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:12. 1:37%. 1:44i£. Track fast. , %3 MUTUELS PAID , . OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS BARRY .15 .85 .05 . 157 — 100 92J— 100 1021—100 SIR BYRON 5.70 4.80 185—100 140—100 BRANDON PRINCE 6.20 210—100 Winner — Br. g, by Black Servant— Bred at Home, by North Star III. trained by A. Hullcoat; bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST— 6:38. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and fast. Won driving ; second and third the same. BARRY outran the others to the first turn, was rated in front until challenged, shook off repeated efforts from SEMESTER and outlasted SIR BYRON. The latter gained in the last half mile. BRANDON PRINCE was in close quarters, but held on well. BROADWAY LIGHTS raced evenly. SEMESTER was hard urged throughout. SPARTAN LADY had no mishaps. Overweight — Sir Byron. 3 pounds; Chat Eagle, 1.