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PORT ERffi- — ~ ******* — — — — — — ***** r ■ ! | The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the First and Second Races | j at Fort Erie Thursday Paid 36.80 for j FORT ERIE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1934.— Fort Erie 1 mile. Fourteenth and last day. Niagara Racing Association. Summer- meeting of 14 days. Cassidy Starting Gate used. Weather clear. Steward representing the Canadian. Racing Associations. J. P. Turner and D. S. Gillies. Honorary Steward, H. M. Geirans. Judges, D. A. Bojle and J. P. Mclnerney. Honorary Judges, W. J. Kelly. Starter, T. Rowe. Racing Secretary, J. P. Turner. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. *Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***M pounds. , QQ4HQ FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Marjorie Hynes, Aug. 18, 1920—1:11—3—107. S «Ti rZ m Purse J6ao- 3-yMr-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, July-W-34-F.E $„,; thirdf 0; fourth jgO. TT Index Horses EijtA WttPSt %, ft Str Fio Jot-key* Uwnar* Kqulv. Odda Strt 99294*DARK WAR w 4 108 2 2 | 21 21 li WatsonG M Keeling 4871-100 99294*FLYING HOME w 5 113 1 3 1* 14 1* 2» SniderA W C Weant 130 100 99169DUNLINS LAD wb6112 6 4 3k 3* 34 3* WatsonR J E Smallman 195100 99246 ALTSHEB wb 6 112 4 1 4* 5* 4» 4« DougrtyF J Sullivan 730 100 99294STOOL PIGEON w 3 103 5 6 6 41 51 51 HuntonL A Hullcoat 3375 100 89398 TANNIA w 4 104 3 5 5h 6 6 6 DawsonJ W L Sayles 3165 100 Time, :23% :47%, 1:13. Track fast. , 62 MUTUELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 DARK WAR 1.75 .65 .55 4871-100 1321—100 27i-100 FLYING HOME 2.90 2.20 45-100 10-W0 DUNLINS LAD 2.20 oTM Winner— Br. f, by Traumer— Sun Thor, by Sun Briar trained by C. S. Mitchell; bred by Mr. W. S. Kilmer. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:36*. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. DARK WAR was rated close to the pacemaker from the start and. finishing resolutely, took command in the final eighth and slowly drew out. FLYING HOME began fast, save! ground, but was unable to hold the winner. DUNLINS LAD, on the outside throughout, was gaining slowly in the drive. ALTSHEB did not menace the leaders. STOOL PIGEON lacked early speed. Scratched-99355 Wacket, 112. Overweight— Stool Pigeon, 2 pounds; Tannia, 2. QQ/fl f| SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Marjorie Hynes, Aug. 18, 1920—1:11—3— Ti «MrV 107 Purse 0°- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; July-19-34-F.E second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horaea Bqt A WtPPSt % H 8tr Fin Jockey* Owner* Equlr. Odd* Strt 99246BARTER w« 6 113 3 7 6* 51 lk lk WatsonR P S Price 525100 99106SHAWNEE wb6115 6 5 3* 11 21 21 PrietoJ S S Friedlein 1155100 99245=PROVEN wb 4 112 4 4 41 3* 34 3 SniderA Mrs W C Weant 100100 99246LACE SHAWL wb 5 113 2 1 51 4» 4k 4" MannF W F Morrissey 850 100 99174 BROWN TORCH w 4 112 5 3 2* 2* 54 54 McTagueC B McDonald , 1970 100 99092 TOP HATTIE w 7 110 1 8 8 7 61 6 DougrtyF J Salem 2995 100 99248IDLE TALK wb 3 105 8 6 7» 8 1" T VercherT Mrs N Ray 1040 100 98733 ALLANAH w 7 110 7 2 1» 64 8 8 BarnesE B A Langmuir 645100 Time, :23%, :47and, 1:12%. Track fast. 6* MDTUILS PAID—, . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BARTER 2.50 .50 .90 525—100 275—100 95-100 SHAWNEE 12.65 4.S0 5321—100 130—100 PROVEN » 2.50 25-100 Winner— Ch. m, by Purchase— Cola, by Combourg trained by P. S. Price; bred by Mr. H. F. Sinclair. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:13. AT POST— 1 J minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BARTER worked her way up fast, went to the outside in the stretch and outlasted SHAWNEE after taking a short lead. The latter raced ALLANAH into defeat and held on resolutely. PROVEN was pinched back leaving the back stretch and could not improve his position thereafter. LACE SHAWL began fast, but could not keep pace. BROWN TORCH tired. IDLE TALK was outrun. ALLANAH quit. Overweight — Idle Talk, 1 pound. QQzll "I THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Marjorie Hynes, Aug. 18, 1920—1:11—3—1077 ?5*?X.-- Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 60: July-19-34-F.E MCOnd jjj. thjrdf 0. fourth 9 Index Horaea Bqt A Wt IPSt "A % Str fin Jockey* Owner* EquiT. Odd* Strt 991692QUICK wb 3 107 8 3 1* 11 1* l1 ObertW G B Foley 220-100 98944 SOUTHERN SEA w 3 1071 9 1 21 21 2* 2* RemilrdP W Thumer 2715 100 99089!SASS wb 3 107 4 4 4l 41 31 31 BarnesE S King 1475100 98804 IRISH VOTE w 3 112 3 8 5* 61 44 4k EricksonH A Hullcoat 395 100 99248BILL KENNEDY w 6 113 5 12 12 10" 54 5* WatsonR G H Clark 1280 100 98804 ALEETA wb 4 111 10 9 61 51 61 6* McTagueC J Salem 1970-100 99243:MASONVILLE wb 3 108 7 2 71 7* 71 71 DougrtyF G W Lucai 380 100 97003 SILVER TAIL w 6 106 12 5 3" 3» 8* 84 VercherT E James 1760100 99169 PORT ROYAL w 3 105 6 10 94 94 9* 9* RoseG O C Teal 7340 100 98804 TAKUS wb 3 107 11 11 81 81 IV 10* SniderA Mrs W C Weant +830 100 99243 OLD FASHIONED w 4 106 1 7 10* 11 114 11* MadelevF J C Fletcher 4310-100 99089 THE BOUNCER w 3 107 2 6 11» 12 12 12 FodenN W C Weant t tCoupled as Mrs. and Mr. W. C. Weant entrv. Time, 33%. :47%. 1:13%. Track fast. . M MUTTJELS PAID . , OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS QUICK .40 .25 30 220—100 1621—100 75—100 SOUTHERN SEA 17.60 7.8t 780—100 290—100 SASS 7.55 277J— 100 Winner— B. g, by Whiskalong — Barracks, by Under Fire trained by G. B. Foley; bred by Regan Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:44|. AT POST— 5 minutes. ■ Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. QUICK, hard hustled to shake off SOUTHERN SEA in the lirst five eighths, moved clear when reaching the stretch, but had to be kept under pressure thereafter. SOUTHERN SEA made repeated efforts in the early stages, then came again approaching the finish. SASS, hard ridden while on the inside, made tip ground in the late stages. IRISH VOTE improved his position gradually and finished gamely. BILL KENNEDY, shuffled back early, came stoutly when finding racing room. ALEETA was forced to race on the outside all the way. MASONVILLE was outrun. Scratched— 97083 Lady Justice, 105 Overweight— Southern Sea, 2j pounds; Irish Vote, 5; Masonville. 1. Q04.-| 2 FOURTH RACE-1 Mile. Footmark, Aug. 6, 1932-1 :37%-4— 106. Welland~Purs*. Purse **••• 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to July-19-34-F.E winner 60; second, 0; third, 0; fourth. 0. ludex Horaea KqlA WUl»l a Vfj *» Sir Kin jBjrMfi Uwuera EquiT. Udd* Strt 99090MISSOURI JIM wb 3 1071 2 3 ? ? ? 1 1» RemilrdP Mrs G Hogarth 245 100 99357MISH MASH w 4 113 4 4 41 41 3" 3* 21 DougrtvF Mrs W Russell 595 100 99248LINDSAY w 8 111 7 5 6* 64 6* 5» 34 MadelevF H Dirks 745 100 99169 LOST SPIRIT wb 4 108 1 6 7» V 41 4* 44 Vert herT W Stevens 5005 100 99299REFINER wb 7 108 5 7 8 8 8 64 5« WatsonG C J Patchett 385 100 99243GAFFING wb 3 1071 8 1 1* 1» 1» 21 64 SniderA Mavfair Stable 235 100 988822DAN McCRIMMON w 5 110 6 8 5k 51 51 7 7" McTagueC C S Mitchell 1815100 99243 ROYAL QUESTION wb 3 105 3 2 31 3* 71 8 8 SmithCW Mrs E Smith 9475 100 Time, :23%, :47%. 1:13. 1:39%. Track fast. -— - .... — ** MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , MISSOURI JIM .90 .55 .65 245—100 771—100 321-100 MISH MASH 5.10 4.40 155—100 120-100 LINDSAY 4.50 125—100 Winner— Ch. g, by Oil Man— Rockady, by Trap Rock trained by G. Hogarth; bred by Thorncfiffe Stable. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 4:18. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and fast. Won driving; second and third the same. MISSOURI JIM, restrained for three quarters, moved up under puryshment and, displacing GAFFING, managed to hold MISH MASH. The latter moved up gamely in the final half mile and was wearing down the winner. LINDSAY closed fast after starting slowly. REFINER closed a big gap. GAFFING quit badly. Overweight— Missouri Jim, 2j pounds ; Gaffing, 2| ; Royal Quetien, 5. QQ/fi ~| Q FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Footmark, Aug. 6,1932— 1:37%— 4— 106. W. J. Connors S «/;VTVr Memorial Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to win-July-19-34-F.E ner 50; second, 5; third, 5; fourth. 0. ludt-x Hm w» W11 t A Wtrrni , % :;n Kin Inikf.yy Owner* »|iiit Iklrt* Strt 99175BARRY w 4 115 2 13 3 21 lk 11 WatsonR J E Smallman 210100 99298IPLAIN BEN wb 5 115 7 5 11 1 1" 2" 24 EricksonH A Hullcoat 270-100 98948*PEGGY J. w 6 106 3 6 64 64 5k 31 31 WatsonG S Buckland 2040 100 99175 SEMESTER w 5 115 6 4 24 2,k 65 5k 4k RemilrdP J H Black 1390100 99356 BROADWAY LIGHTS w 5 108 1 2 5 4k 7 7 51 Dou-rtvF T McCarthy- 1355 100 99247DARK MISSION wb5113 5 3 4" 5 31 6 6« MannF M Keeling 565100 99091 TELA w 7 106 4 7 7 7 4 41 7 VercherT A J Penprase 375 100 Time, :23%. :47%. 1:12%. 1:38. Track fast. . MTJTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . BARRY .20 .65 .60 210—100 821—100 30— 1SB AIN BEN 3.70 2.85 85-100 4**-lS rttibY J 5.60 Iff1 igaj Winner— Br. g, by Black Servant-Bred at Home, by North Star IIL trained by G. Alexandra- bred bv Idle Hour Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for 750 WENT TO POST— 4:48f AT POST— 1J minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BARRY, restrained while close to the early leaders, responded stoutly when called on, wore PLAIN BEN down to gain a brief lead, then held on with excellent courage. PLAIN BEN rushed around his field at the first turn to take command, was steadied until challenged and continued stoutly thereafter PEGGY J outrun for three quarters closed gamely when put to a drive. SEMESTER, squeezed back midway of the did TELA " San ClMr BR0ADVVAY LIGHTS had "» eKCUS«- »ARK MISSION weakened, m fCnntiimril nn Uffv-vH, n.,,,a I FORT ERIE Continued from eleventh page. QQ11 A SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Friend Charley, Aug. 19, 1933— 1:43%— 3— 111. Purse r ««r? *6M- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 0; July-19-34-F.E tnirdi 0; fourtht 0. index Horses BqtAWtPPSt % % % Ktr Tin Jockeys Owners Eqnt». Odds Strt 99249 VIRADO wb 8 110 2 1 74 5l 51 lk P SmithCW T McCann 7071-100 99249JBLACK JEWEL w 5 108 4 3 31 4 21 2k 2* McTagueC P S Pedlar 100 100 99248 POLYGENY wb 4 108 8 8 4 3 1* 34 34 FodenN D Garrity 190 100 99299 TABSON w 5 106 6 6 51 7* 41 4* 4* MurrayH J G Fair 3445-100 98658 PRINCE PETER wb 6 110 1 2 8 8 8 5 51 WatsonR H Neville 4420 100 99248 MR. DICK w 7 110 3 5 6» 6" 7» 72 6* PruchkiG W C Weant 1930 100 99243 PURPLE GOLD w 3 1071 5 4 1* V 3" 61 71 RemilrdP W Thurner 3690 100 99294STIRRED UP wb 3 105 7 7 2* 2» 6 8 8 RoseG W Levy 2010 100 Time, :23%, :48%. 1:13. 1:39. 1:45%. Track fast. , S2 MUTOELS PAID , , Of FICIAL BOOKING ODDS VIRADO 6.15 .40 .10 7071—100 120—100 55—100 BLACK JEWEL 2.45 2.20 224—100 10—100 POLYGENY 2.40 20-10t Winner— B. g, by Volta— Erase, by Atheling II. trained by A. Higgins; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:19. AT POST— J minute. Start good and slow. Won ridden out ; second and third driving. VIRADO, taken under slight reserve in the early stages, worked his way to the leaders with good speed, came to the outside to displace the leaders and drew out under pressure. BLACK JEWEL, prominent and in tight quarters for three-quarters, came willingly when clear. POLYGENY went around her field with a rush to take command, but flattened out badly in the final issue. TABSON could not better his position during the final drive. PRINCE PETER was held safe. PURPLE GOLD and STIRRED UP quit. Overweight — Tabson, 1 pound; Purple Gold, 2£. QQ4I C: SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Watervale, July 5, 1911— 1:50%— 3— 112. pTrse~ itJri*? 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 0; third, July-19-34-F.E 0; fourtnf j20. Indei Horses A Wt IlSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ecniir. Odds Mr* ~ 99034*FUSCO wb 4 115 3 4 3» 21 11 1* ll PrietoJ S S Fried lei n 345180 99092 FORT DEARBORN wb 7 115 4 1 11 1* 24 2* 2* WatsonR Erindale Stable 215 180 M174HILLSBOROUGH wb 6 118 5 8 8 71 4l 41 31 DougrtyF M J Sansone 250 199 99021GEORGE DE MAR w 12 110 1 7 4 31 3k 3k 4» WatsonG C S Mitchell 1570-lflO 99300 MARVEL1NE w 3 107 8 6 61 61 5* 54 5* FodenN W Gould 1260 1€» 99249 PUTTALONG w 4 108 2 3 51 5" 7» 6* 64 RemilrdP H Warner 890 100 98888 PAN w 9 115 7 2 2» 44 61 7* 74 PruchkiG L Clous 1650 -100 99249 PRINCELY PAL w 5 105 6 5 71 8 8 8 8 HicklingA W D Reddy 5060 100 Time, :24, :48%, 1:13%, 1:39, 1:52%. Track fast. -— -!» MUTOELS FAID . , — OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS fUSCO .90 .90 .95 345-100 95-100 471— 1M FORT DEARBORN 4.15 2.85 1071—100 42i— 1H HILLSBOROUGH 2.85 42J— 100 Winner — Br. g, by The Wanderer — Gayety, by Sain trained by J. J. Peno; bred by Mr. J. W. Bean. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:50. AT POST— 1 J minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same- FUSCO, blocked going to the first turn, moved up fast to reach the pacemaker when straid tened into the back stretch, took command when ready and was under mild pressure at the end. FORT DEARBORN, rated in front and saving ground, held on with good courage after being displaced. HILLSBOROUGH, slow to settle in his stride, circled his field and finished stoutly. GEORGE DE MAR raced evenly throughout. MARVELINE was gaining in the final drive. PAN weakened early.