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MONTHLY [Form Book I for I 1 JUNE 1 j Now On Sale 1 I The MONTHLY J BOOK j is issued during the first week of each month J with complete charts of the previous months 1 racing in North America. Each issue car- C ries an index showing each and every start of I all horses in training, with firsts, seconds, thirds A and track conditions designated. By means of | this arrangement, it is possible for the user of I the MONTHLY FORM BOOK to instantly de- 5 !FORM termine a horses ability to run on any sort of I track concerning which information is desired. £ Entirely New Feature | THE INDEX FIGURES ARE NOW PRINTED I IN LARGER AND MORE LEGIBLE TYPE, 5 EASY ON THE EYES AND EASY TO FOL- I LOW, AS IS EVIDENT FROM A GLANCE AT I THE FOLLOWING: 5 EQUIPOISE, ch. h, 6, by Pennant— Swinging, by Broomstick C. V. Whitney ® f mtxum mmiH tsisui *wmfi •isntsn isesan nsesit ww1" mgop 1 ERVAST, b. g, 1, by Pakines— Blind Beauty, by Heimst W. Fen wick X £ T78418 "78506* 78576* "79198 179278 79389 79772 79852* 80107 1 80218* 80278 »81289» "81537* 81716 82009 82312 82612* 83048* f * k83180 *$£*and •83706 83837 84564 *85156* »85227 1 C ESSIE, br. m, 7. by Westy Hogan-Pleasure, by Manager Waite Mrs. E. McCuan X 5 t3f ,80754«i SOS?!** 81054m «81234*l *81281h «81499m 81593 83360 83434 1 I 83534* 83617 »83806* h84074*b -84152* "84324 84450 "84705* ■86951*«y I J "87108 "87740» 87978* 88 100" J "88446 "886 14 89244 •and9344« "89469 I I 89572«y "89701 »89808b t Price, .50 j Single copies of MONTHLY RACING FORM f be sent as registered mail, with an extra S charge of TEN CENTS for registration. The i !must publishers are in nowise responsible for «* books sent by mail without registration. 1 | I Daily Racing Form Publishing Company Plymouth Court ....... Chicago, Illinois 112 Fourth Avenue .-----.- New York, N. Y. I 305-307 Decatur Street ...... New Orleans, La. c 50 Richmond Street, East ..... Toronto, Ontario I 1441 2135 First Avenue, N. W. ----- - Miami, Florida and Cat Off Here | Enclosed find .50, for which send me copy of JUNE | MONTHLY FORM BOOK. f I * DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., J 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. f | p NAME I , STREET AND NO .... 1 T P.O. AND STATE J and Please prist name and address plainly f yt/mmmKtUmmmtltn m*Jli— Mjp* enlif wnlif1 w*fr—***lb*1 mtJbJUJ