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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXX. NUMBER 173 FOXTVDED IX 1M4 Raterr* m second class matter. April 2, 189A. at th* past ftfftca at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March I. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY A daflj reflection of tlie American turf by telegraph. Publuhsd by DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. -Ml PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. M* W. MTH STREET MEW YORK CRY, M. Y. M RICHMOND STREET. EAST TORORTO, ORT. SOs-JTJ DECATUB STREET HEW ORLEANS. LA SUt FIRST AYE.. R. W. MIAMI. FLA. 114* HARRISON ST. IAR FEAMCTSCO, CALIF. TELEPHONE HARRISON 7508 For Proa Phone ttesult* Call Wabash 7000. Far business and circulation purposes only. Tata telephone lias no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate aritk them. SUBSCRIPTION KY P1RST CLASS MAIL: IB.aO PER MONTH. S2.H0 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DE LI VKK Y. flU.GO PER MONTH BY AIR MAIL. -S2.S0 EXTRA rtIR SPECIAL DEL1VEBY. IATAKIA IN ADVANCE. BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL. 25 CENTS EACH. To fee considered and answered, all queries to Dally Racine form mutt be sent over the full name and with tbe address of writer. The names and addresses are ■abject to a local and foreijn directory test. Addrsss all esmmonicationa. make all remittance* a»d send all manuscripts to DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Ml Plymouth Conrt Chiots. ID. 91105 is First Index of 193*