Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-20

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»■:; .■»; ,• J? J-;."* t1 v -■■ . J*-"- 1; ■ ..■ .t ■■.■■■ . ■ j ■■»■■■ II ■■■■■■■ I II II I ii ■■ ■ I .1 ■ ■ I m nil wpaoitMM j | WORKOUTS /Vw*E v*andS *i£ 2Pv*ypP£ Date at left of horses Bams la M workout. Letters following time Indicate: a, mniului; C driving; e, easily; h, handily; e, all out; a, sulked; a. eased ue. ■ 1 1 ■ ■■ ■■■■■■ .i.i ■ i ■■■ ■■■■■« THURSDAY, JULY 19 ARLINGTON PARK. Main Track. Weather rainy; track good — Three-Eifhths Mile. 715Babuska ... 36%h 7 16 Our Chance.. 36%h 7-17 Band Wagon :38 b 7 16 Panorama . . 37%b 7 15 Big Beau.... 38%b 7-17 Rapere :37 b 616Chicotta .... :40 b 7 8 Sand Cloud.. :38 b 7 16 Camp Cook.. 37 b 7 15 Step Aside.. 35%d 7-15 Ct Tetrarch :36%h 713 Specl Agent. 35%b 7 11 Kissinbug ..:36 b 7-15 Shing Jewell 35%d 7 2 Lit Brocade. :40 b 7-15 Thataway .. :35%h 7 16 Master Beau. :35%d 7-13 Wild Pigeon. 39%b One Half Mile. 7-13 Cavalcade .. :51%b 7-16 Tartan Betsy :49%h 7-17 Fort Springs. :48%» 7 12 Thomasville. :55 b Five-Eighths Mile. 7-16 Bay Sister. .106%b 7 16 Count Arthurl04%h 716Bnie Princsl06%b 7 16 Little Lad.. .106 b 7-15 Bluebeard ..101%h 7-18 Noble Gift..l02%b 7-16 Bobbys Son . .1 05%b 7 12 Peppier 1 03%b 7 14 Black Queen.l:01%h 7-16 Ray Cart. . . .105%b 7-16 Cavalry Call.l07%b Ronardo ....107%b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-14 Aliens l:19%b 7 16 Jester B l:19%b 7 16 Black Helen. l:19%b 7-16 PVs Camelial:19 b 7-15 Chirac 1:16 b 7 13 Repaid .....l:16%b 7-16 Cloudet 1 :19%b 7-16 Slapped .... 1 :16%b 7 18 Essie Wessie.l :19%b 7-16 Snobeedo . . .l:19%b 7-11 Fair Countessl:19%b 7-17 Traliison . . .l-25%b 7 16 Impel I:25%h 716Wilco ...... l:19%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-17 Bibs Choice. 1:29 J£h 7 15 Prince Doo. .130%b 7 18 Hope to Do..l:31%b One Mile. 7 -16 Happy Lad. .l:47%b 7-17 Quasimodo . .1:43%b 712Hadagal ....l:49%b One and One-Eighth Miles. 7-16 Indn Runner2O0 b ARLINGTON PARK. Training Track. Weather rainy; track fast— Three-Eighths Mile. 7-16 Broadstep . . :37sh 7-8 Martie Flynn 39%b 7-13 Clarify :4l%b 7 8 Stricken .... :40 b 7 17 Dis Dat :41%h 7 16 Whirling ... 39 b One Half Mile. 7-15 Fly. Justice. :52%b 7-10 Star Bud... :52%b 7 16 Monks Bela.. :52%b Five-Eighths Mile. 7 14 Bad Penny.. 106%h 7-17 Que Gato...l08%b 7 17 Blue Day . . . 1 :12%b 7-18 Ternahila . . . 1 :07 b 7-14Cooley 1:82%h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-13 Supme Swtl:19 b Weather rainy; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-16 Kissie :38%h 7-13 Trevallion ..:40 b 7 17 Paul T 38%b 7-14 Western Lad :37 h 7-5 Sun Boy... :42 b One-Half Mile. 7-11 Busy Jay. . . . :49%h 7-13 Lady Louella :50%h 7-16Carbou :51%b 7 9 M. J. Brenn :52%b 7-17 Dandy Jay.. :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-16 Arthur Metz1:02 h 7 11 Knowlton ..1:12 b 7-16Cresfa Run..l.-09 b 7 15 Sir Richard. 1.03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7 15 Blue Armor. l:19%b 7-17 Royal Gold. .l:22%b 6-26 Grilaclay ...l:19%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 6 30 Leyland 1:40 b 7-17 White Legs . . 1 :S2 h DETROIT. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 22BrVg Along. :41 b 7-1S Mah Grant.. :35%h 7-9 Beckoned ... :37 h 6 20 Phildia :40 b 7-15 Balthasar .. :37%h 7 17 Pleasant ... :36%h 7-2 Chatterdoo... :36%h 7-12 Red Rod.... :38%h 7-17 Expedition... :36%h 711 Rempli :38%b 7-14 Inferno Lad. :39%h 7 17 Vignolas Bud :38 h 7-6 McCarthy .. :36%h One-Half Mile. 7-13Bartg Kate. :49%b 7 10 More Pep. . .. :52 h 7-14Chant«uta.. :48%h 5 26 OW Nan.... :51%h 7-11 Crittal :50%h 7-15 Swimalong. . :50%h 7-17 Flying Dere.. :48%h 7 16 Stock Market :50%b 7-15 Good Aim... :50 h 7-3 Thistle Guy.. :50%h 7-8 Lanier :49 b 7 9 Tractable ... :50 h Miss Flutter. :54 h 7 13 The Bard.... :51%h 7-5 Myturn .... :47%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-16 Beau Govansl:07%h 7 15 Princess Pyrel:04 h 7-18 Dark H47.ard.l02%h 7-14 Piping Hot. .l:02%h 7 18 Dark Featherl02%h 715 Perminata ..1:04 h 7 6 Left Over. ..104%h 7 -15 Runng Heel.l.-03 h 7-18 Lee Gold.... 102%h 7 15 Slash 103%h 7-18 OW Reb ...102%h 7 17 Standout ...106 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-15 Avail 1 :16%h 7 18 La Goldrina.l £0%h 7-14 Axial l:15%h 7 12 Maetica ....l:15%h 715BatailIe l:21%b 7-16 0. Martinez.l:16 h 7 11 Even Up. . . .l:18%h 7-lt Red Roamer.lJh 7-14 Eddy Lee...l:14%h 7-13 The Point.. .1:15 h 7 17 Flying Flynnll b 7-18 Up 1:15 h 7-18 Gd Champnl:19 h 7 16 Wild Cress. .l:15%h 716Koneta l:17%h One Mile. 7-16 Boys Howdy .1:56 h 7 16 Strongheart 1:44 h 7-14 Blind Luck.. 1:46 h 7 16 Silent Shot. .1:42 h 4 23G. McCrann.l:47 h 7 16 Saunter ....l:44%h 7-10 Pre War.... 1:4t%h 7 18 Zenka 1:50 b 7-18 Respect ....1:47 h Red Roamer and Eddy Lee were in company. The Point, Axial and Maetico worked from the barrier. Pre War and Silent Shot went handy miles. ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three Eighths Mile. 7-14 Bravg Danr :38 h 7-18 Moralist .... :36%h 7-15 Candy Prince :36 h 7-16 Reba :37 h 7-17 Dozana 37 h 7 8 Radiator . . . :36%h 7-17 Enthusiasm. :37 h 7-15 Sweepogan . :35%h 7-17 Happy Scot. 36 h 7 12 Stretch Call. 37%h 7-11 Hardware . . :35J/5h 7-17 Toolbox . . . . :37 h 7-16 Juniority ... 36%h 7-16 Waterset ... :37 h 7-14 Morng Mail. 38 h 7-17 Westys Duke 35%h One-Half Mile. 7-13Barcna Pete :52 h 7-10 Star Chase.. :51 h 7-16 Flaghorn . . . :53 h 7-11 Santerno . . . :52 h 7-16 Jaz Age 30 h 7-15 Tazewell ... :56 h 7-7 Nht Vintage 32%h 7-14 Ukraine .... :49%h 7-10 Plumage ... 31%h Five-Eighths Mile. 710Bn Wisdml.05 h 7-15 Merovech ..1.05%h 7-18 Crazy Jane.. 1:03 h 7-4 Merrie Mariel:06%h 7-13 Hobnail ....105 h 6 12 Sandy Joe. . .104 h 7-4 Hppy Helen?1:0Q%h 7-14 Teddy Carl. .102%h 7-17 Joe Gee 103%h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-5 Butter Beansl 20 h 7-14 Can Pay.... l:17%h 6 30 Canterchord 1:16%h 7-16 Sun Cloister. 120 h 7-17 Cof Her 1:17 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-16Sp*dy Skippyl32%h One Mile. 7-6 Aquarius ...l:48%h 7-14 Hortio Hughl:55 h 7-11 Ch Surrderl:45%h 7-12 Yonkel ....l:44%h 7-11 Grand Hopesl:44%b 7-18 Way layer . . .1:43andh One and One-Eighth Miles. 7-17Sisko l:58%h FORT ERIE. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-17 Dunlins Lad 39 b 5-25 Steel :38 h 7-17 Little Caesar :36%d 7-16 Santa Crest. :38 h 7-13 Silver Tail.. 37%h 7-3 Troubanova. :36%d One-Half Mile. 717Cnty Court :51 h 7-13 Judge Rock. :51 d Fan :53 d 7-16 Stirred Up... :58 d 7 17 Gay Symthy :51 d Wilfred G... :52 d 7-16 John Robin. :52 d Five-Eighths Mile. Cave Girl... 107 h 7-10 Granite Rockl03 h 7-11 Fanny 1:02%h Happy Mag. 1:06 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-6 Irish Kid. ..1:20 b 4-15 Little Son. ..1:15 d One Mile. 6 24Ergetic Boyl:46 h 7-18 Prince Fox. .1:42 d 7-5 Field Goal... 1:46 h 7-14 Sin3le Sea. .1:54 h 7-18 Live One.... 1:48 h KINGS PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-12 Blind Playda 37 h 7-16 Hidden City. 37 b 6 24 Betty FarIl. 39 b 7-13 Len Sweep.. 37 b 6 27 Brown Wren 37 h 6 22 Papillote . . . :40 b 7 15 Black Anna. 37 b 6 22 Roselys 38 b 7-16 Fatal Gift . 38 b 6-1 Watchlite .. :34%h 7 6 Hogarty .... 36 h 6 29 Zode 36 b One-Half Mile. 6 14 Assyrian Lad :50 b 7-16 Jerry W.... :49 h 7-13 Attribute ... :49 h 7 16 Little Posm :49%h 6 30 Baton dAr. :53 b 7 12 Mad Miss ..:53 b 7 14 Charlies Girl :51 b 7-16 Pass Chrian :51 b 7 8 Chiclero .... dB b 7-14 Synopsis ... :4t h 7 17 Cupboard . . :53 h 7-12 Sister Clare. :50 b 5 16 Donie :51 b 7-15 Ting Fan ... 31 b Five-Eighths Mile. 717Canmas ...106 b 7-5 Egad 105 b Cyrano 106 b 7 15 Eu sine 104 b 7 12 Fortune Bayl:04 b 6 17 Imadud ....1:12 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6 16 Cloudy Day. 1:22 b 7-15 Sweet Jean. .1:18 b 7-13 Mere Wave. 120 b 7-7 Social ......1:20 b 7 4 Niggertoe ..1:17 b 7-16 Star Player.l:17 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7 16 Dug In ....1:30 b One Mile. 7 16 Busy Masterl:45 h 5 26Poiiten ....1:45 h BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4-11 Alamae .... :35%h Maelo 39%b 2-9 Actuarius .. :36%h 7-16 Nora Brons. :43 b 6-14 Betty Shinn :36%d 7-18 N. Mc V hey :35%d 7-11 Broad Smile. :39%b 6 20 Old Honesty 39%h 7-15 Broadmoor . :36%h Old Boss.... :43 b Catch All... 35%d 7-17 Runanwin .. :41%h 7-9 Corida :38%h 7-16 St. Mica.... :53%b 5-17 Elegy 39%h 6-17 Santa Roma. 33%b 7-17 Edgar Boy.. 39%b 6 30 Slip Knot... :50%h 7-16Fmer Bob.. :50%h Shn Beauty :38%h 6 22 Grand Union :38%h 6 20 Tested :51%d 7 12 Joe McCord. :38%h 6 6 Taxi Dancer. :53%b 630 Le Flore.... :38 b 6 17 Transfix ... :40%b 7 13 Mentality . . . :52%b 6 17 Venarock . . :41 b One-Half Mile. 7-16 Auf Wrsehn :50%b 7 15 Marabou . . . :54 b 7-5 Alcove :49 h 7-16 Miss Gee... :51%h 7-17 Brn Admiral :50%h 6 26 Nanny D... 32 b 7-12 Clinton .... :50%h 4 30 Pretty Penny :49%d 7 3 Gunwale ... :49%b 6 28 Showman .. :50%d 6 29 Kcky Green :50%h 7-14 Sweep Myth :55%b Light Action :51%h 7-15 Stealakiss . . 30%d 7-13 Lady Sweet. :52%h Five-Eighths Mile. 6 26 Allegretto ..108 b 7-12 Laird 106%b 7-14 Blondsure ..105%h 7-10 Southard ...107%h 8-13 Catch On...1:02id 6-23 This Play...l04%d 7-15Canynge ...l:04%d 7-18 Verda 106 h 715Hnoras Hatl05%h 7-5 Wild Gus...l03%d Three-Quarters Mile. 7 3 Ado 1:17 h 7-13 Miss Catalanl:17%h 7-12 Claude C...l:16%d 7-15 Pman Homel:15%d 7-17 Alkali l:16%d 7-17 Who Win... 1:15 d 7-17 Kadiak ....l:20%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-1 Wishing Starl:37%h One Mile. 7-14 Redivivus . .l:45%d Alamae showed good speed from the barrier. Who Win and Alkali showed good speed in company. Postman Home was driving hard from the barrier. Gunwale was well in hand. EMPIRE CITY. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-10 Back Fence. . 38 b 7-17 Goron :0075a 7-17 Brillfalon ... 38 b Irilita 38 b 7-2 Banh Lath. :37%b 6 28 Pomponiu* . 36 d 7-17 Cant Rember :35%d 7 12 Pernickety. .. 37 d 716Ddy Dancer :36%b 7 17 Sock Dologer :36%d 7 14 Dinner Coat. 39 b 7 16 Uncle Donald :36%d 7 14 Gammon ... 39 b 7 17 Wittekind ..:38 b 7 14 Garrulous ..39 b 7-17 Wd In Cery 36 d One-Half Mile. Blue Spruce 31 h 7 15 Hh Hand II. :49%d 7 16 Bird Lore... :49%d 7-16 Little Lie... :49 d Dearheart ..:53 b 7-9 St. Omer.... :52 b 7-16Fairlv Wild. :52%b 7-10 Torfrida .... :49%h 7-17 Flg Mercury :52%b 7-17 Tetrarchai... :52 b 7-2 Genl Farley :49%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7 17 Credulous ..105 d 7-17 Miss Spray. .1:04 b 7-14Dunfox 1:10 b 7-17 Privellon ...1:03 d 7-16 Engraver ...109 b 7-17 Ruthie H. .. .107 b 7-16Folking ....1:06 b 7-17 Single A 105 b 7-17 Fever Youngl04 b 7 14 Sly Haste. . .1:12 b 7-8 Kozak 1:07 b 7 16 Transcendg 106 b 7-17Moisson.... 1:81%d Three-Quarters Mile. 7 17 Below Zero.. 1:18 b 7 8 Eldee 1:17 d 7-16 Bahadur ....1:15 d 7-16 Kievex ....1:15 h 6-llChillv 1:17 d 6 18 Nancy C....130 l 78 Dunlilt 1:20 b 7-17 Round 0....1:16%d One Mile. 7 15 Affirmative .1:55 b 7 9 Miss Caref 1.1:48 ■ 7-17 Bubblesome 1:45 d 717 Mt Paragon. 1:51 b 7-16Balios 1:43%d 7 16 Old Master.. l:45%h 7-2 Follow Thru. 1:45 d 7-17 Prcess Hastel:45 H 7-17 Identify ....1:46 b 7-17 Robn Crsuel:45%.l

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