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1 FORT ERIE TURF NOTES $ ยป Plans have been made for van service between Fort Erie and Stamford Park for horses that are scheduled to perform at the Falls course. Officials of the Belleville Driving and Athletic Association will be at the Stamford course early Friday morning to accept badge applications and pass on licenses. Wacket, owned by R. E. Leslie, was excused from his engagement in the first race Thursday. It was discovered that the sprinter bled slightly during his race on Wednesday. Most of the riders now engaged at Fort Erie have signified their intentions to remain for the Stamford Park meeting that opens Saturday. Paul Ciceri, one of the official family at Stamford Park, will accept entries each day at Fort Erie for the convenience of horsemen remaining at the Niagara Jockey Club course. Nat Ray has decided to maintain his stable quarters at Fort Erie and will van his scheduled starters to Stamford Park whenever listed. Johnny Hynes has decided to rest up the horses of the C. and C. Stable, which he took over a few days ago. They will be transferred to Hamilton to await the opening August 4.