untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-20


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CLAUDE WILLIAMS Catering to a Better Clientele — Information Direct from the Grounds STRICTLY ONE HORSE A DAY TERMS: DAILY YESTERDAYS ONE HORSE: COUNTESS BINA, 7.42, WON WHAT DID I TELL YOU? Every claim I made was confirmed when this horse came trotting back to the judges stand. Who else knew about this horse? When word is whispered to me in the EARLY HOURS OF THE MORNING that some smart owner is SHOOTING — you can rest assured that although the past performances of this horse might be bad — and no one gives him a 1-2-3 chance— THE RESULT IS SELDOM IN DOUBT and the pay-off is usually in telephone numbers. Dont forget, I am on the grounds and personally supervise every transaction. TODAY The entire turf World will be startled when this big "money horse" is turned loose. No matter v/hat your experience with information has been, take my sincere advice — DONT MISS TODAYS INFORMATION. It takes only one big priced WINNER like this one to put you FAR IN FRONT. RUSH TO YOUR NEAREST TELEGRAPH OFFICE and wire at once by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and get todays big priced WINNER. Address all subscriptions to — CLAUDE WILLIAMS, Arlington Heights, III. SKF* NOW ONLY 10 CENTS ~WB 0 BY SURPRISE, 4.80, WON MIGRATORY, 29.50, WON When Regren selects a horse that appears to be at a long price, he does it for a very good reason. Usually he has some word on the horse and is passing it along to "Pink Sheet" subscribers. The two above were dug out of the brine barrel at juicy odds. Bassett also pointed out Migratory, which made it a cinch. SEVEN WINNERS AT ROCKINGHAM ! ! ! PAPER MOON, 2.50, WON MIGRATORY, 29.50, WON GAY BANNER, 5.50, WON TERALICE, 14.90, WON FLYING CADET, 8.90, WON ADOBE POST, 10.60, WON RHODIUS, 7.10, WON f Regren, Bassett and McCarty were clicking with regularity at Rockingham Wednesday, having three winners each and at handsome prices. Regren passed along Paper Moon and in collaboration with Bassett each gave their following the long shot, Migratory. Bassett had Teralice and Adobe Post in addition to this and they paid nice prices. Regren went into the brine barrel and dug out BY SURPRISE, 4.80, at Bainbridge. You cant go wrong following this kind of handicapping. S*/* FRIDAYS TWO FREE CODES: /t* /SCMVICEl ARLINGTON— Black-53-58-69. /sERJVICr VPlJuSI ROCKINGHAM— Black-60-59-70. pJuS To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 9MM per Moiilb bj First Class Hail .00 per Month bj Air Hal Lloyd and Co. TERMS— WEEKLY YESTERDAYS CODE PARLAY: MINTON, 3.02, 2ND MERELY, $ 6.40, WON Wednesdays Code Parlay: NELLIE FLAG, 0.00, WON DARK MIST, $ 9.00, WON SUBSCRIBE TO THE CODE PARLAYS— NO TELEGRAMS, NO EXPENSE PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE Along with the Private One-Horse release we have been releasing a two-horse parlay daily that has been taking the country by storm. Look at the results listed above. These are the kinds of winners you get when you subscribe to this service. Remit at once and we will rush a code card to you, good for six days. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Georgia-45-39-28-27. DETROIT— Vermont-37-50-93-82. PRIVATE ONE HORSE RELEASE: DETROIT— Packard-13-31-26-24. LLOYD and CO.. 109 N. Dearborn St., Suite 907, Chicago, III. JSYSTOLOGYJ DThe "Law of Average" System Profits to July 12 at Arlington II Park Were: II j ,540.24 J H THOSE WHO OWNED THE MAGIC BOOK OF THE TURF AND PLAYED || GREAT SYSTEM, ARE THAT MUCH ON THE PROFIT M DTHIS SIDE OF THE LEDGER 1 1 THE "LAW OF AVERAGE" SYSTEM IS ONLY ONE OF EIGHT H || II SYSTEMS IN THIS GREAT BOOK H H THE PRICE OF WHICH IS H U ONLY U BORDER YOUR COPY TODAY II ITS THE RIGGEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED THE RACING PUBLIC H PICKS THE WINNERS AT A GLANCE - H D THE COUPON BELOW IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE H H PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO.. DEPT. G. Q. H Plymouth Ct.. Chicago, 111.: M D443 Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . 1 1 n NAMB ■ o II ADDRESS II II CITY STATE II jLjpp* RACING WEEKLY spr"S 4» LATEST REPORTS FROM THE TRACKS FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE 35c WEEKLY TODAYS FREE CODE: D ETR 0IT— F-And-Apt- Era-Not . TODAYS CLOCKERS PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Kansas-20-21 -20-11. DETROIT— Omaha-15-t-12-5. fPjp JOCKEY gfflf GMoryandShallMd RACING WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS-PRICE, 35c TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— Jack-58-74-88-54. TODAYS SMALLWOOD CODES: ARLINGTON— Red-1 2-40-80-34. DETROIT— Lavender-44-40-24-60.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934072001/drf1934072001_26_1
Local Identifier: drf1934072001_26_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800