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POST TIME AT HAWTHORNE First Race to Begin at 2:15 P. M. and Last About 5 :10, So All May Reach Home by 6:00 P. M. Post times for the Hawthorne races that begin Monday at the west side track will be so arranged and adhered to that persons leaving the loop as late as 3:15 each afternoon still will be able to see five races, yet the entire card will be so run off that persons living in distant sections of the city will be abie to be home by 6:00 oclock. This announcement came from the busy downtown headquarters, where a schedule of post times was worked out. It will be closely followed, give or take five minutes and is as follows: First race, 2:15; second, 2:45; third, 3:15; fourth, 3:40; fifth 4:10; sixth, 4:30; seventh, 4:50 and eighth, 5:10. With the popular old track within thirty minutes of the loop either by train, taxi or private motor, and no more than forty-five minutes from the most distant section of the city, racegoers can see at a glance what this schedule means. A tired business man who slams down his desk around three oclock still has time to see at least five races and possibly six. Those who call it a day at 4:00 p. m., will have three and possibly four races to put the figures en. The management intends to lay stress upon post time for the last race, thus giving the patrons an opportunity to reach their home easily by six oclock. The Hawthorne management believes that the above schedule will work out to the satisfaction of all and that it will please the early birds as well as the late arrivals. - ♦ — —