untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1935-04-10


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Worlds Greatest Race Horses? I i . . 1 .r A If you were asked to name W "f! ten outstandinS thorough- JL JL X L L Ji. JLC bred race horses in the world, understand, not on a comparative basis of merit, I Jk 4ljr 1 -g hut simply on their reputa- I - 11 I, V i 1 jL tions in their own countries, -K vi would you be able to answer the question with any degree w- "i -g of accuracy? Few would, and C$ I Ok ifu " unless they used sod juds- I I r J I gf I f I I t J ment in referring to the C3 American Racing Manual before attempting to reply. jH This is the only turf publi- A "I Ok "1 O cation in the world where JL X L such information . may be i had. A glance over pages y . J 566 to 583, inclusive, will re peal the names of many of the best horses of America, Australia, England and France. Remember, this is only one of the many features that make the American Racing Manual the "Wonder Book" of the turf. It is virtually a mine of records, a historical document of each years racing in America, with much of interest concerning the turf in foreign lands. The great expansion of racing has created a much larger demand for the American Racing Manual, and as the edition for 1935, now on sale, is limited, it behooves all desiring a copy to rush their orders immediately. For your convenience in ordering,-the following coupon is here presented: j DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. Enclosed find $ for which send me copy of THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL for 1935 in PAPER, .50 SPECIAL, .00 DE. LUXE, .50 j .PLEASE SPECIFY KIND OF BINDING DESIRED NAME . STREET AND NUMBER POST OFFICE AND STATE .PLEASE PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY , V

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935041001/drf1935041001_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1935041001_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800