untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1935-04-10


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i Price, - ? . , . j I 1 I The Simplex System The Law of Average System J e The Trapo System The Easy Way Profit System I J Zh Of" System Quadm Methods Fasto .. . I System I Two Speed Charts Unit .A System I Percentage of Winning Bookmakers Percentage Table II I Favorites .Track Diagrams 5 I Land Measure Handicappers Manual and Racing Facts Other Valuable Information I 1 Each one of the .systems is worth more than the price asked for tha 5 I book alone, and this without the added information such as the speed charts, etc. Do it now. Send in your order at once and get on the winners wagon. f HERES THE EVIDENCE: h f OUR COUNT, 2.10, WON I and MISS MELODY, 19.00, WON I. I v LAKELAND, 16.40, WON I DARK VISION, 22.30, WON I 5 INA DEAR, 18.00, WON I I R. D. POWERS, 15.40, WON 5 i BROWN BANK, 14.60, WON LAM PORTE, 13.70, WON I I MITIGATOR, 12.00, WON I DARK WAR, 10.60, WON I f MORCLASS, , 15.00, WON t DONNA JEAN,- 12.00, WON I ? GLISTENING, 10.30, WON I EVIDENCE THAT DEMONSTRATES SYSTOLOGY PRODUCES f i THE WINNERS f I You dont see ANY horse above under four figures. We DONT NEED I :80, .60, .50 horses. All we ever use, except on very rare occasions, are f four-figure winners. Show us any other system or systems able to duplicate the above record. The best part of Systology is you dont need to be a mathematician to jL 1 figure the plays. If you can read simple figures you can play the Law of 2 Average System, which produced the above winners. C That GREAT system, in addition to seven other systems, all winners, and Y much other important information, makes up the book of Systology, the great- J I est turf book ever produced. The cost . Once you own this book you s never need anything else. Its the first and the last cost. a ONE DAYS PLAY SHOULD BRING YOU BACK FIVE, TEN, EVEN f FIFTEEN TIMES THE COST OF SYSTOLOGY J IT PRODUCES, RACE PLAYERS YOU CANT GO WRONG BUYING SYSTOLOGY f T ITS THE TURPS GREATEST BARGAIN AT h J USE THIS COUPON J I PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., DEPT. G. G. A 443 Plymouth Ct, Chicago, 111.: Y Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find-. I I NAME. 4 ADDRESS f T CITY STATE A

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935041001/drf1935041001_18_2
Local Identifier: drf1935041001_18_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800