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POST T IME Americans Authority on Racing THE TURFS NEWEST AND BEST MONTHLY MAGAZINE 25 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS . TODAYS FREE CODE RELEASES: SANG FROID, .00, WON OLD JUDGE, 9.90, .30, 3RD APRIL ISSUE NOW ON SALE! WHY is POST TIME the only major monthly turf publication" to show a circulation gain during the winter? WHY is POST TIME the only major monthly turf publication to MORE THAN DOUBLE its circulation in LESS THAN THREE MONTHS? WHY, ior nearly one year, has the public demand for POST TIME far exceeded the number of copies with which it has been possible to supply newsdealers? FOR THE CORRECT ANSWER SEE THE NEW APRIL ISSUE Then you will understand that no turf publication, in-the entire history of racing literature, has ever compared with POST TIME SIXTEEN FEATURE ARTICLES APPEAR IN THE APRIL ISSUE EACH ARTICLE COMPLETE, BY A RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY OF THE TURF! - Look at other turf publications if you wish to compare. What will you find? LESS THAN NHALF THAT NUMBER! AND QUALITY SEE FOR YOURSELF. A 0 A WEEK SYSTEM By ELLWOOD TANSEY is typical of the entertaining and useful editorial content of POSTTIME. One of the most noted statistical experts tells you how YOU CAN MAKE 0 A WEEK, and he KNOWS, for wherever men wager on horses, the name of Ellwood Tansey is known, and he is recognized as foremost in jhis field. So many other outstanding writers are represented in the columns of the April POST TIME that it would be unfair to any to list a few; therefore, glance for yourself at the "Table of Contents" on the first page, and you will need no further urging to read POST TIME. CARMAC with his famous ratings; Split-Second Specials, which, in the March issue, gave Beaver Dam, at 2.60; the finest illustrations; POST TIMES Free Code Releases to readers all these additional features are yours for a quarter. NOTE: In case you have been unable to buy POST TIME in your community in the past, try once more. During the past two months, POST TIME has added more than 300 wholesale dealers to its distribution throughout the United States. If you still are unable to purchase a copy, write -the Circulation Department, give us your newsdealers name, and you will receive a valuable present from POST TIME for your trouble. AMERICAS AUTHORITY ON RACING t ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ELL. Free! Free! Free! One of the greatest books on System Play ever written is yours for the asking. It has never sold for less than yet you may have it now, while the remaining copies last, for absolutely nothing. The author ELLWOOD TANSEY - Recognized the World Over as Americas Leading Authority on Racing Systems, In Co-operation with the Turfs Smartest Magazine POST TIME MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO OWN THIS REMARKABLE TREATISE THERE ARE EXACTLY 750 COPIES OF ELLWOOD TANSEYS PREFERRED SYSTEM AND BETTING METHOD AVAILABLE All you need do to receive your free copy is to send in one years subscription to POST TIME. The price, for twelve issues of POST TIME is .50. When the 750 copies of the book are exhausted, there will be none available .at any price, so get yours today, while there is still time. " SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR YOUR YEARS SUBSCRIPTION, AND MR. TANSEYS VALUABLE S5 BOOK, HANDSOMELY BOUND, WILL BE MAILED PREPAID TO YOU IMMEDIATELY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT DEPARTMENT R-5 CHICAGO. DLL. AT ALL STANDS EVERY WEEK-35 CENTS Turf Gossip Free Code: BOWIE May-45-56-44-54. Clockers Tips Free Codes: ARLINGTON Sell-70-66-73- . 68 and ARLINGTON Grey-63-75-63-79. MONDAYS TURF GOSSIP FREE CODE: HOWS CHANCES, .20, WON MONDAYS CLOCKERS TIPS FREE CODE: WHIZZ AWAY, .40, WON S MAN O WAR "S!" ; FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: ARLINGTON Spur-42-36-17-23. Todays Code Parlay: BOWIE Albert-57-17-33-37 and ARLINGTON Dick-23-59-57-17. Todays Trackman Code: ACE Black-83-73-72-80. Todays Bowie Meeting Horse: BOWIE Rose-42-38-76-84. I y riVi I i ?Q J J II i BOWIE FREE CODE: Top-Ice-Pep-Caw-Nat. i ARLINGTON FREE CODE: Tax-Ivy-Pep-Sea-Dog. OCCASIONAL CODE: J BOWIE: Tie-Irlc-Dim-Pyx-Dim. A WINNING SYSTEM PROOF AND DETAILS ON REQUEST E. E. PARDO, Box 1053, Chicago, III. c Subscribe for Daily Racing Form 111 111 11 IV11 TV TV 11 DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form and1 PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR WEDNESDAY: BOWIE T-15-4-21-15. ARLINGTON DOWNS A-1 9-1 4-23-22. VVILLIAM BURKE KELLY 731 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 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THORP RACING WEEKLY 1 63 Park Row Suite 804 New York City INDIRECT FROM SCENE OF ACTION J "WOW!" "DID IT AGAIN!" YESTERDAYS "SMASHING" PARLAY: FRIEND JOHN 3.30, WON PLUCKY JACK 1.80, WON w $ $ TODAY Am handling TWO MORE WINNERS from the same source, and you carn "BEAT" your BOOKMAKER for PLENTY. YOULL BE SORRY if you Fail to take advantage of todays parlay. PARLAY TERMS, DAILY Out-of-towners, WIRE IN your subscription by-Postal rclegraph or Western Union. City players, call at office or phone DEARBORN 5610-3629 and receive parlay by FAST MESSENGER. "CLOCKER" SAM CLARK 127 N. Dearborn St., Suite 1435-37 Chicago, Iff. Write for sample copy of my booklet LIVE WIRE TURF WEEKLY Sold on All Newsstands Price, 15 Cents TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ARL. Peerless-35-33. ARL. Packard-53-85. TODAYS MARYLAND GLOCKERS ONE HORSE: BOWIE BIack-326-328. Five dollars pays for six days parlays and you will also get a code card to decipher our Daily Clockers Specials for the balance of the Bowie meeting and the entire Havre do Grace meeting W ABSOLUTELY FREE LIVE WIRE PUBLISHING CO. 1819 Broadway, Corner 59th St. Suite 818, New York TURF LIGHT A"Asl!af?15c USE ISSUE OF APRIL 13 FOR CODE: May Texas: Astound-Animal-Arcade-Active. Bi-Monthly Card Code. Ask Dealer or Box 66, General Post Office, New York City. 8th Race Texas: 14-17-21-3. Last, Free Code: GOOD HARVEST, .80, WON TRACK CRACKS RACING WEEKLY "The Truth If It Breaks Us" On All Stands. 15c Todays Code Parlay: ARLINGTON Porter-33-11-46-57 and ARLINGTON Parvin-88-8-75-17. Todays Bowie Code Special: BOWIE Pot-8-1-47-9. Todays Track Cracks Free, Code: ARLINGTON Head-13-18-13-24. 4 WEST 15TH ST. NEW YORK CITY CLOCKERS REVIEW FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS-35 CENTS Big Free Code Today: BOWIE In-24-20. TODAYS DURANTE CODE PARLAY: BOWIE PurpIe-8-12. BOWIE Lilac-9-26. Wire immediately and get Edward Tipton Durante Code Card, good for the next six days after you subscribe. For Free Race Results Call Wabash 7000