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WOR KOUTS Date at left of horses name is last workout. Letters following time indicate: i b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out;,s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type I - ; SATURDAY, APRIL 20 HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mia 3- 9 Blue Donna. :39 h 3-25 Nipantuck . :38 .h 4- 17 Black Helen. :37 h 4-17 Olamay .... :36 h Dalmatia ... :39 b 4-6 Raycart :37 b 4-17 Demonation :38 h 4-17 Step Away.. :36 h 4-lFnd Whitey. :37 b 4-17 Stand Pat. . . :37 b 4-5 Fing Falcon :39 h Sealed Ords :37h Gden Septre :37 h 4-17 Up and Up. :36 d Gum :35d Westy Junior :37 h One-Half Mile. Conquer ... :50 h 4-15 Sun Apollo. . :48 d 4-17 Happy Go... :48h 4-15 Sun Fairplay :48 d 4-13 Hymn :49h Sister Vinie. :49h 4-9 In Step..... :51 h 4-17 Teddy Hlam :48b Ltle Miracle :49 h 4-1 Venetian ... :51 4-18 Patch Pocket :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-13 Bushman ..l:03-ysk 4-18 Indn Rner.l:04 b 4-12 Brown Top.1:03h 4-15 Little Lad... 1:04 h 3- 31DVmg Doll.lK3b 4-3 Rustic Joe. .1:04 h 4- 5 Hight Pointl:04 b Three-Quarters Mile. 3- 2l Bcyd Doubtl:17 h 4-15 Merrily On. .1:17 h 4- 11 Bally Bay... 1:15h My Sphony.l:20 h 4-15 Banish Fear.l:25 b 4-17 Petee Blue. .1:20 b 3- 30 Darkling ...1:24 b 4-18 Pretty Wise.l:21 h 4- 17 Dona Dulcinl:17h 4-17 Protagonist. 1:19 h 2- 25 Hermie Roy.l:17 h 4-9 Paradun ...1:21 h 4-17 Lord. Admirall:17d Saxova . .v.l:18h One Mile. 4-14 Brown Twig 1:49 b 4-16 Justa Tcherl:46 h 4-13 Bull Fighterl:47 h Lone Miss. .1:47 h 4-9 Boocap ....1:46 h 2-22 Miss Snow. .l:47d 4-16 Biography . .1:48 b 4-14 Pous King.l:46 h 4-17 Communist. 1:45 b 2-28 Thisway ...1:43h 4-16 Dignitary ..l:44h Black Helen was breezing. Thisway went handily. Up and Up has his speed.. Sun Fairplay and Sun Apollo showed speed together. Merrily On is rounding to form. ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 4-16 Airy Heiress :38 b 4-5 Mannie i37b 4-15 Blind River. :38h 4-5 Metaurus . . :38 h 4-14 Chance Q!n.. :39 -b 4-17 Plucky Jack. :36h 4-17 Drstic Watr :41 d 4-16 Prty Patria :38 b 4-8 Fanfern :38h 4-8 Proprietor .. :37h 4-1 Grand Way. :37h 4-17 Profsor Paul :36h 4-17 In Memory.. :39b 4-14 Penncote ... :36b 4-1 Impl Bill... 38 b 4-17 Rapid Prince :38 h 4-11 Jean Brown. :37h 4-15 Slavonia . . . :37 h 4-12 KinesDort .. :39b 4-13 The Flkman :36h 4-16 Lady Carrot. :38 b 4-17 Tugboat Fk. :39b 3- 14Lepidus .... :37 h 3-10 William C7. :38 h One-Half Mile. 4- 8 Crout au Pot :53 b 4-15 Lucky Child. :51h 4-17 Eddie J.... :51b 4-9 Rock X.... :51b 4-8 Full Tilt.... :52b 2-23 Transen ... :51 b 4-16 First General :51 h 4-14 Viola C :51h 4-2 Gentl Lady. :49 b 4-16 Vin Noir.... :53 b 4-15 Integrity ... :54 b 3-14 War Plane.. :54 b 4-10 John Bane.. :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-6 Flag Bearer.l:08 b 4-15 Miss Purray.l:02h 4-15Furfiber ...1:01 h 4-15 Respect 1:03 h 4-14 Hold Fire. -.1:01 b 4-15 Unkie Tom. .1:08 b 4-15 Hvey G. 0.1:10 b 4-15 Whizzaway .1:10 b 4-15 Irish Wake. .1:05 b 414 Whiskolo ..1:01 b 4-16Kapena ....1:02 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-163alancer ...l:18b 4-17 Dark Devil. .l:21b 4-15 Cross Ruff.. 1:16 b 4-16 Vanita l:17h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-15 Dark Mist... 1:36 b One Mile. 4-12 Hndy Princel:51 h Mannie and Penncote were both breezing in their short trial. Crout au Pot was hard held. Kapena worked well in hand. Eddie J. was breezing. Furfiber worked well. Whiskolo was breezing and was accompanied by Hold Fire. Whizzaway was loafing in his slow work. Accompanied by Harvey G. O.,. he repeated a quarter in :23. " Cross Ruff was acompanied by Miss Pur-ray for five-eighths. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-10Brwn Torch :37 h 4-5 Maidwell :39b 4-17 Balmacan .. :35d 4-17 Rhodesia ... :36d 4-13 Cash Book. . :36 d 4-17 Recital :36d 3- 26 Desperado .. :40 b 4-3 St a. Shell. :36h 4- 17 High Treason :35d 4-15 Sgt. Byrne.. :34 d 3- 29 Jimmy H... :37h 3-12 Uncle Billy.. :41 b One-Half Mile. 4- 17Aileen C... :51 b 3-2 King "Saxon. :48 h 4-16Allie Sholtz. :50h 4-16 0ctaroro ... :49h 4-16Bdway Bill. :49d 4-13 Prosecutor. . :49d 4-16 Biddy Gal... :49h 4-17 Pass Up..... :51 d Balios :49d 2-1 Star Fire... :55 b 4-17 Jn Werring :49 d Five-Eiahths Mile. 4-15 Jessie D. M.1:01d 4-14 Seawick ....l:02d 4-16 Miss Ginbar.l:03d Three-Quarters Mile. 4-3 Apprentice .1:16 d 4-17 Stall Man... 1:20 b 3- 31 Desert Sandsl:16 d 4-15 Sand Runnerl:17d 4- 17 Ever True. .l:17id 3-26 Tuffy G....1.-21 b 4-17 Exhibit ....l:17d 4-17 Trickling ...1:21 b 4-16Guidg Lightl:17d 3-24 Velantrie . . .l:164id 4-17Jubal l:19b 4-16 Volta Maid. .1:16 h 4-16 Queen Vic. 1:18 h One Mile. 4-17Wged Flightl:43d 4-16 War Pledge. 1:42 d King Saxon worked well. Sgt. Byrne worked from the barrier. TANFORAN. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-10Bonynge ... :38 b 4-4 Lady Waite. :38 b 4-17 Ethel Mae.. :39 b 4-10 Linden Tree. :37b 4-9 Easter Tmy :38b Mighty Cute :37b 4-1 Gertie :39b One-Half Mile. 4-18 Barcarolle . :51b 4-17 Orra :51b 3- 9 High Tsion. :52b 4-17 Rosemaid .. :52b 4- 17 Knay Belle. :5iyBb Three-Quarters Mile. 3- 13 Frank D....l:20b Nothing worthy of comment. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 15 Ballyhoo.... :37b 4-6 Little Minnie :36 d 4-7 Blue Lillian. :40 b Lost Lghter :40 b 4-16 Blackbirder. . :40 b 4-13 Line Drive.. :36d 4-16 Cool Waters. :37 h Midnit Flyer :38 b 4-16 DVg Spirit. :40b 4-14 Mordark . .. :36d 4-16 For Romance :37b Miss Joker. . :38 b 4-16 Footwork .. :40b 4-17 Maintenance. :36h 4-16 Hymarque. . :40b 4-16 Nellfred . ... :37 h Holl Image.. :39b 4-7 Slim Rosie.. :40 b Hal Rey :37 b 4-13 Treasure :36 d Hal Image.. :39b 4-13 Thubs Down :36b 4-16 Julia Grant.. :35b One-Half Mile. 4-16 Albania .... :52b 4-15 Herbar :52 b 4-16 Billy Jones.. :55 b 4-15 Jge Bonelli. :52 b 4-16 Bellfounder.. :50h 4-11 Jerry H :52 h ...4-17 Busy Jay. . . :54 b Master Piece. :50 b 4-16Byrdel :50b Noble Star.. :50 b Bulwark :53 b 4-16 No Saint. ... :48b 4-16 Brn Witch.. :48h 4-16 Oh Dave.. :53b 4-16 Bubbler .... :52b 4-16 Ottoman ... :50b Cold Stream :52d Swift Rose.. :52b 4-16 China Gal... :50andb 4-16. Seven Pines. :49b 4-13 Donnahona.. :49b 4-16 Sun Boy.... :49b 4-16Darkways .. :50y5b 4-17 Ttennob .... :51h 4-18Epinique ... -:55b 4-16 Upon :50h Floradora ... :49b 4-15 Witch Wings :49b Harmonessa. :49b Yenoc :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-16 Army Sergtl:06b 4-16 Nt Flower. .l:08b 4-15 Beau Dis...l:02 d 4-12 Real Jam...1:0l4sh 4-16Clive l:04b 4-17 Star Bud. ...l:04b 4-15 Chalk Eye... 1:02 d 4-16 Score l:03b 4-16 Gobet l:06b 4-16 Ykee Watersl:05b 4-16 Mr. Mack...l:04b Three-Ouarters Mile. 4-16 Back Log. . .l:164ib 4-18 Mr. Presidt.l:16d 4-16 Chauvenet ,l:17b Muklak ....l:16h 4-18 Dark Hazardl:16d 4-18 Morprin ...l:16h 4-15 Direct Hit..l:15b 4-16 Nectarine ..1:18 b Dont Quit... 1:21 b 4-16 Our Bettie. .l:19b 4-18 Finance ....1:14 h 4-16 Pancoast ...l:16h 4-16 Gay Dog.... l:17h 4-16 Star Banner.l:l6h Joybird ....l:18b 4-16 Tophorn ...l:17h 4-12 Jane Brush. l0h 4-16 T. Imtal II.l:16h 4-16 Listening ...lJ6b 4-16 Top Dog 1:14 h 4-16 Lady Kiev..l:24b 4-16 Visigoth ...l:17h 4-16 Lady Genie. l:24b 4-16 Water Splashl:18b. One Mile. 4-16 Bobbys Son. 1:47 b 4-18 Little Cynic. l:44b 4-14 Carroll Day VA3h 4-15 Likewise ...l:44"b 4-15Felawake ...l:47b 4-15 Othenvise ..l:47b 4-15 Hazy Autmnl:43h 4-16 Richwood . .l:44h 4-16 Jump Off...l:55b 4-15 Sallie Gray. .l:44b 4-15 King Cicero. l:45b 4-15 Sora .l:45b Brown -Witch and No Saint did a good speed test together. Real Jam worked well. Finance and Top Dog were together and worked from the five-eighths pole. Direct Hit was breezing. Hazy Autumn showed improvement and was accompanied by Richwood. Carroll Day tired badly in his work. Muklak started from the baTrier. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear f track fast Three-Eigfiths Mile. 2- 17 Blondsure . . :37h Irish Rose . . :39 h 4-17 Baby Stare . :39 h Marv Terry . :37h 4-16 Durga ..... :38 h 4-16 No Change . :39h 4-13 Ding Bin .1 :39 h 1-20 Noveta ..... :37h 4-16Ennis K.... :37h 4-16 Ripantear .. :37h 4-16 Fern Moriam :42 h 4-16 Sunshine Boy :39 h 4-16 First Try .. :39 h One-Half Mile. Coral Wrack. :5Z4AK Crysostle . . . :53 h 4-16 Crimson :52h 4-13 Impatient .. :53h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-16Campagna .1:05 h Lady Pal ..l:02h Charlie Jr...1:02h Mpheys Lkl:03 h Johnny O...l:04h 4-15 Oriental Bootl:04h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-13 Billies Orpnl:20 h 4-16 Ridge Mor . .1:20 h 4-16 Cselor Crane1:15 h 3-18 Sue Terry ..l:17h 3- 27Dble Nget.l:17H ,4-18 Slip H l:19h 4- 16 Jessie Dear .1:21 h 4-15 Vellas Chbicel:18h 4-16 Open Hearthl:16h 4-15 Wanoah ....1:23 h 4-16Rettcf .....l:20h Lady Pal and Murpheys Luck went well together. Charlie Jr. showed speed. Open Hearth is training well. Counselor Cranes work was the best of the morning. DALLAS. Weather cloudy; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 4-15 Clothtop ... :38 h 4-17 Runy Bean.. :39h 4-15 Carbon -.42 b 4-15 Skibo :40 h 4-15 Elegy :42 h 4-16 Tombereau .. :41 h 4-16 Just High... :42 b 3-14 Willow Wood :41 b 3-17 Mica Rock... -.43 b One-Half Mile. 3- 27 Brides Delit :53 b Red Sugar. . :53h 4- 13 Black Flash. :53 h 3-24 Shilly Shally. :53h 4-16 Chu Chu.... :52h 4-14 Scotch Pepr.:51 b 4-17 Ladino :51h 4-11 Thistle Ray.. :54h 4-14 Ly Chiniquy :52h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-8 Fingai 1:20 h AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast One-Half Mile. 4-16 Cap Pistol.. :49 h Machilla ... :49 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-16 Below Zero.l.-03h- 4-8 Dont Blush. l:06h 3- 30 Capt. Jerry.l:04h 4-16 Philippi Boy1:02 h TBree-Quarters Mile. 4- 16 Impromptu .1:18 h 4-17 Sengaris ...1:16 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-17 Carry Over.l:33h 4-17 Happy Hterl:33h One Mile. 4-17 Miss Krefly.l:48 h 4-16 Pie Runyonl:53 h 4-17 Omaha .... .1:43 h 4-17 Sir Beverleyl:43 h BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast . -Three-Eighths Mile. Arguefication :36 h Gentle Tryst. :36h 4-16 Berry Patch :36h 4-17 Hindu Queen :36h 3- 25 Chance Ray :35h 4-17 Highr Cloud :38h 4- 17 Crded Hours :35h 3-18 Ladysman. . . :38h 4-17 Ancient King :37h 2-9 Mock Turtle :35h 4-14 Cot Tetrarch :35h Miss Mrimt :37 h 4-15-Discur :37h 4-15 Thorson .... :37h 2- 15Gcnl Parth :38h One-Half Mile. 4-13 Ariel Cross.. -A84h 2-10 Quel Jeu.... :48h 4-7 Borsa ...... :52b 4-14 Squeeze .... :54 d 4-14 Clean Out... :54 h 4-16 Songmaker. . :48b 4-17 Love" Lost... :48b 4-14 Semaphore... :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. Any Chance. l:04h Conte 1:01 h 4-12 Buck Minsterl:05 h 4-16 Lady Higlossl:01h Three-Quarters Mile. 3- 20 Amusing ...1:17 h 4-17 Old Story. . ,l:13h Carabanr II.l:16h Pompegret ..1:20 b 4- 17 Douceur ...l:13h 3-21 Stare l:16h Laughg Sunl:17 h