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1 GENERAL NEWS OF THE DAY f e 4 An increase of 214 millions boosted the total bank reserves to over four and one-half billions in the excess reserve funds of the member banks of the Federal Reserve System last week, according to statistics issued late .Thursday. This represents more than two billions excess, over legal requirements. A survey reveals that the home occupancy is near 100 per cent in some cities and indicates rising trend in rents. Senators Borah and Lewis denounced the League of Nations from the Senate floor Thursday and moved the prevention of all European loans by the United States. The "wrong man" who served four years in the Michigan City penitentiary for a crime he never committed pleaded for the real culprit, who confessed the robbery, when Edward Singleton asked the judge to parole R. E. Harwood, who went straight after committing the crime for which Singleton served four of a ten-year sentence. The judge granted the request