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CLOSED RULE FOR KENTUCKY 1 ,000 Is Set as Top Price for Horse in Claiming Race. i Claimants Must Have Starter In Race in Blue Grass Believe Rule Will Satisfy Horsemen. - LOUISVILLE, Ky., April 19. Many horsemen here believe that the "closed claiming rule" which was revamped several times during the winter to include features of the national rule as adopted by the Association of Racing Commissioners and other advantages determined by test, has an excellent chance to prove the most satisfactory and workable yet framed. The rule as it will be employed for the first time during the coming Churchill Downs meeting, is as follows: "In claiming races all horses are subject to claim only by owners of horses running in the race, or their authorized agents, but for the account only of the person making the claim. A horse claimed shall not be delivered by the original owner until authorization be given by the secretary, and the secretary shall require the proper amount to be deposited with the association until the claimant shall have such amount to his credit with the association. No money shall accompany the claim. All horses may be claimed for the entered claiming price. Each horse shall run for the account of the person in whose name it starts, but title, to the claimed horse shall be vested in the claimant from the time it leaves the paddock for the post. Every claim must be in writing, sealed and filed with the secretary or clerk of scales at least fifteen minutes before post time, and if more than one person should enter claims for the same horse, they shall cast lots for priority in the presence of the stewards or judges, and the one determined by such lot to have the right of claim shall become the owner of the horse whether he be alive or dead, sound or unsound or injured during k or after the race. The secretary shall not open a claim nor, inform an owner that a claim has been made until after the race has been run. No person can claim his own horse, or cause his own horse to be claimed, directly or indirectly, for his own account; nor shall any person claim from one race more than one horse, If the stewards or judges should be of the opinion that any person is not claiming for his own account, they shall require him to make affidavit that he is doing so and, if upon further proof that he has made false affidavit, he shall be ruled off and prosecuted for perjury. Any horse that has been claimed shall, after the race has been run, be taken to the paddock for delivery to the claimant. If a horse is claimed he shall not start in a claiming race for a period of thirty 30 days from the date of claim for less than twenty-five 25 per cent more than the amount for which he was claimed. No horse claimed out of a claiming race shall be sold or transferred to any one within sixty 60 days of the day it was claimed, except in another claiming race, nor shall such horse remain in the same stable or under the care or management of its former owner or trainer. Any one purchasing a horse that is entered in a claiming race shall forfeit the right of filing a claim for another horse entered in that particular race. No horse shall be entered in a. claiming race for less than twice the value of the purse to the winner. No horse shall be entered in a claiming race for more than ,000.