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MAY INCREASE TAKE AT FAIRMOUNT PARK SPRINGFIELD 111 June 18 Race horses were the objects of legislation today in boto branches of the Illinois general assembly assemblyIn In the house of representatives two billf were passed relating to horse races on legal izing parimutuel betting on races at countV fairs and another increasing the operators take at Fairmount Park Collinsville front 6 per cent to 10 per cent of all money wagered Meanwhile the senate advanced to second reading without committee reference a bill giving city officials of Chicago power to regulate the business of hand bookmaking on horse races racesThe The bill legalizing parimutuel betting at county fairs is sponsored by representative Henry Knauf D Ladd who declared that such a measure would be the salvation olj a number of county fairs It provides that such fairs shall pay a 50 fee to the state department of agriculture and that the races will be supervised by the state racing com ¬ mission missionThe The measure increasing the take at Fairmount was sponsored by representative A B Lager D Carlyle He contended that operations at Fairmount have been dis continued because the management was urw able to make a profit under the existing per centage limitation The bill does not appltf to the Aurora or Chicago race tracks tracksBoth Both the Lager and Knauf bills now go ttf the senate for further consideration