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Weekly Form FormGREATEST GREATEST WEEKLY RACING PUBLICATION EVER ISSUED ISSUEDOur Our Rockingham Park Trackmans Brilliant Record RecordEvery Every Week He Has Given a 16 or Better Winner in His Best Bets BOOK NO 1 MY PURCHASE 1840 WON RED BADGE 950 WON GREAT LOVER LOVERMIXED 520 WON BOOK NO 2 MIXED PARTY 1810 WON BOOK NO 3 ALL FORLORN 1690 WON All of the Best Bets This Expert Trackman Has Given Have Not Started Since He Released Them 15 RELEASES 8 STARTERS STARTERSFIVE FIVE WINNERS WINNERSr r One of the horses he released was beaten a nose at odds of almost 20 to 1 You cannot regardless of the price you pay or are willing to pay get information as good goodBOOK BOOK NO 3S BED STREAK SPECIALS SHOW 9 STARTERS 4 WINNERS 3 SECONDS 2 LOSERS LOSERSTHE THE WINNERS FIELD DAY 1820 WON WONPLAY PLAY LADY 1620 WON WONGALMICA GALMICA 1440 WON WONKNIGHTS KNIGHTS HOPE 1300 WON WONGET GET THE NEW BOOK OF WEEKLY FORM FORMNOW NOW ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE 35 CENTS YOU GET MOST FOR YOUR MONEY V vV vVTWo TWo Free Codes Daily Spot Horses Free of Charge ChargeTODAYS TODAYS FREE CODE HORSES LATONIA Letter638 DETROIT Pen2693 BOOK NO 3ON SALE PRICE 35 CENTS CENTSWEEKLY WEEKLY FORM PUB CO 443 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILL