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TEXAS TRACKS APPLY FOR FALL AND WINTER DATES I AUSTIN Texas June 16 Applications for fall dates have been received by the Texas Racing Commission from three tracks that will resume operations before the close of 1935 and it appears that another conflict in dates is inevitable inevitableThe The latest to apply is Epsom Downs the Houston track which plans to conduct a twentyfive day meeting opening November 9 and closing December 7 This meeting would begin a week before the close of Ar ¬ lington Downs fall meeting Two days after Epsom Downs opens and five days before the close of Arlington Downs Dallas would under the proposal of dates submitted to the commission come in with its opening Thus from November 12 to November 16 inclu ¬ sive these three tracks would be in opera ¬ tion tionAlamo Alamo Downs at San Antonio has applied for winter dates commencing January 1 The dates applied for by the four Texas tracks follow followArlington Arlington Downs Forth Worth October 24 to November 16 21 days daysEpsom Epsom Downs Houston November 9 to December 7 25 days daysDallas Dallas November 12 to December 7 23 days daysAlamo Alamo Downs San Antonio January 1 to February 22 46 days