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YESTERDAYS PARLAY DROMBO WON NELL BARTON WON I GIVE MY WORD that there will be NO MISTAKES TODAY in regard to TWO LONG SHOT WIN ¬ NERS as my connections tell me that NO STONES have been LEFT UNTURNED to INSURE SUCCESS nd 601 ODDS Just give me YOUR CONFIDENCE TODAY and let me make you CLEAN UP PLENTY PLENTYBE BE SURE TO GET YOURSW SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE ONCETERMS TERMS 3 DAILY OUTOFTOWNERS REMIT BY WIRE AND RECEIVE PROMPT REPLY City players call at office or phone DEARBORN 36103629 and receive parlay in plain scaled envelope by FAST MESSENGER no charge for messenger service serviceSAM SAM CLARK 127 North Dearborn St Suite 143537 Chicago HI WRITE FOR SAMPLE COPY OF MY WINNING BOOKLET