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RIVERSIDE PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track heavy Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago daylight time 300 p m For Riverside Park Telephone Codes i use Post Position number shown Im mediately before the names of all the J horses appearing in the entries First Race 4 12 Furlongs Donation Purse 400 2YearOIds Maidens MaidensTrack Track Record RecordBaby Baby Sweep May 28 1934 54 2 116 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrarkWt Time AgeToday Price 12570 10 Phil MarcusRP 109 56 112X 12345 5 Manly RP 108 55 112 11802 8 Sleep AlongRP 112 56 112 12169 3 Lucky Foot RP 112 56 112 12169 4 Black Onyx RP 109 56 109 11231 2 Kencva RP 109 57 109 1 Laverne Leader 112 6 Marching Man 112 11640 7 Lans Alice RP 109 58s 109 9 Daria 109 109Second Second Race Futurity Course 170 Feet Less Than 34 Mile Donation Purse 400 3 YearOlds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming Track Record RecordAltena Altena June 7 1934 108 3 105 121721 7 Wingo RP 115 110 8 114X 500 11721 lMary BiddyM 3 98X 500 06842 10 Dessner 4114 500 12346 9Snooks M RP 110 112 6109 500 12171 8 Fire Neck RP 115 114 4114 500 10230 5 Suneros 7 114 X 500 11727 2 Ybor City 3 103X 500 12090 3 Iowa Boy 11 114 X 500 12171 4Thomas Seth RP 115 112 8 109X 500 11452 6 Stimulaw RP 108 l16s 4109 500 500Third Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Donation Purse 400 3YearOlds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming Track Record Overshoes May 30 1934 105 4 115 11453 5 American Red ED 106 106 4 111X 500 11803 3 Adados RP 108 110 3103 600 12444s 1 Dixie Binder OP 112 107 5 111X 600 123481 7 Crosskin 5 111X 600 10595 6 Harmonical Aur 110 107 7 102 500 11901 9 Elania RP 106 108 4 111X 600 12444 10 Yaupon Ala 110 106 4 111X 500 12347 2 Aganalda M OP 103 107 4 102 500 10066 4 Miss Bane ED 98 110 3 99X 600 12346 8 Storm Princess ED 109 110 5 106X 500 500Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Donation Purse 500 3YearOlds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming Track Record RecordDoris Doris B June 1 1934 111 4 108 12091 9FLAG TIME Ala 113 111 8 111X 700 12259 7 Jack Collins v ED 107 113 7 112X 600 12445 10 First General FG 115 113 3106 600 12445 lAnimate Ala 104 112 5 99X 600 12174 4 Lady DeVcrAIa 103 112 6 108X 700 12448 3 Orkin MR 116 115 7 112X 600 123483 2 Playdema RP 111 114 4108 700 12575 5Scotch Pepper ED 114 112 4 108X 700 08173 6 Showcase Ala 105 113 4 104X 600 12347 8Bettie Joe Ala 103 112 8 99 600 600Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Donation Purse 500 3YearOlds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordRicciardo Ricciardo July 4 1933 145 4 114 12449 3Wirt G Bow ¬ man AC 110 145 10 105X 500 11726 6High HatterAIa 110 145 6 111X 700 124481 8 Dee Dee W Lga 111 145 8 111 700 12174 9Animator AC 114 147 7108 600 12176 5Cross RoadJP 109 149 5 100X 500 12656 4Drastic Water AD 114 146 7 105 500 12176 1 Miss Orleans OrleansM M Ala 111 148 6105 500 12654 2 Tecolote OP 118 146 8 110X 500 12448 7Great Chance ChanceM M Ala 93148 3 97X 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Donation Purse 500 3rYearOIds and Upward UpwardClaiming Claiming Track Record Kitty Sue May 26 1934 142 4 104 12449 7High Wire RP 110 144 5 112X 500 12449 5 Yarnallton RP 111 147 5 113X 500 11903 4Luxury Ala 105 143 8 107X 600 12451 8 Donau Ala 113145 8110 500 12090 3 Jessie Coppagc OP 107 147 6 105X 500 11903 2Norlhern Spy OP 111 143 8 107X 600 12654 lBobbie R Aur 109 146 9 108X 500 12262 6Indian LorcRP 107 l48s 4 109X 600 600Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile Donation Purse 500 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming UpwardClaiming Track Record RecordWhisking Whisking May 30 1934 138 5 114 12652 7Winning 7WinningWoman Woman 4 112X 800 12576 4 Redins DP 105 141 4 106X 600 12657 9 Hourless Won ¬ der Syr 103 139 4 103X 600 12444 6 Sure Gamble ED 103 145 3 101 800 12574 2 Through Fairly 3 93 700 12654 1 Rodania 4 98 600 12171 3 Fair Robert M 5 99 600 12574 5 Milady Cohort ED 103 143 3 99 800 12351 8 Lady Bracadale DP 110 141 5107 800 800Eighth Eighth Race 1 Mile Donation Purse 400 4YearOIds and Upwardt UpwardtClaiming Claiming Track Record RecordWhisking Whisking May 30 1934 138 5 114 123521 6 Little Joyce Dal 102 140 4 104 X 500 12446 5 Leanto M RP 106 143 6109 500 09989 4 Marceline B AC 108 141 5 107X 500 12451 8 GulfelanoVFG 109 141 5 112X 500 12352 9 Judge Murphy RP 114 148 9 109X 500 12571 7 Teresina RP 105 143 4104 500 12450 1 John Kendrick RP 108 145 8 109 SQfi 12451 2 Wading Bird BirdM M RP 107 144 4107 500 12576 3 Major Mickey MickeyM M RP 109 l48sy 5 109 500 12446 10 Jack B RP 116 IM 6 109 609