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OMAHA OMAHA NEB TUESDAY JUNE 18 1935 AkSarBcn 1 mile Seventeenth day AkSarBen Exposi ¬ tion Company Summer meeting of 31 days Weather cloudy Presiding Steward Dr F W Ashe Associate Stewards W H OGara and W Haycock Judges Dr F W Ashe E W Bury and C Sanford Starter J Hodgins Racing Secretary E W Bury Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 315 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 34 MELE Out of Chute Lady Bowman June 15 1935 111 3 107 O JC Q Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Nebraska Claiming L l O 3O Property of owners without transfer prior to March 29 which have not June1S35Oma ivon a race since that date 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price Claimingprice 600 Net value to winner 300 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses EqtAWtPlSt V Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 12008COLONEL 200100LITTLE B B w 7 113 1 7 3 5 S Ink RayW W E Wanser 200100 870100121773NORMA LITTLE HANK w5113 33 2 34 53 24 GrillF R H McCrossen 870100 121773NORMA CLARK w 4 108 7 2 14 li li 32 KurinecF R C Gilmore 250100 12177 2410100L1907 VILLA BANQUET w6113 21 52 42 44 43 NachelJ J W Cooper 2410100 L1907 LE KARONGA w6118 6 4 43 24 2 52 BoucherJ H Nellor 1920100 12452 GLADYS McALSTRw 9 114i 5 6 6 6 62 6 BartonM F Barton 410100 12452 COLONEL LE w 5 118 4 5 7 7 7 7 McDermtL R A Owen 780100 780100Time Time 24 49 117 Track heavy 58 MUTUELB PAID OEFICIAL BOOKING ODDS COLONEL 100LITTLE B B 600 340 260 200 100 70 100 30 100 s LITTLE HANK 720 460 260 100 130 100 100NORMA NORMA CLARK 300 50 100 Winner 100Winner Br h by Truant Colors by Yankee trained by E Fouts bred by Mr D Becker Winner entered to bo claimed for 600 VVENT TO POST 220 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCOLONEL COLONEL B B saved much ground responded well to hard urging and outstayed LITTLE HANK The latter moved up with a rush lost ground while racing wide jnto the stretch but finished gamely NORMA CLARK broke fast set the pace but tired in the drive driveScratched Scratched 11907 Ester Wheel 108 Ovenveight Gladys McAllister Ij pounds r = Corrected weight La Karonga 118 Colonel Lo 118 SECOND RACE 4 12 FURLONGS Sergeant Seth June 21 1926 53 2 110 Purse 500r yearbids Maidens Special weights June1835Oma fjet vaue to wjnner 385 second 75 third 25 fourtii 15 Inder Horses EqtAWt PP St i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 122652VIRBET wl8 54 4i li 15 McDermtL W C Goodloe 300100 12096 LOUP RIVER wl8 11 5 2h 23 BpucherJ W J Jenkinson 590100 590100123533DREAM 123533DREAM 250100KATE TRAIN wl5 63 li 34 3 LakeL B Binion 250100 KATE GREENA WAY wnll5 8 6 24 42 41 JonesL Mrs F Watrous 2550100 12265 BENEDICT T WB 118 99 6 6 52 LeischmnR Three Rs Stable 1520100 123532LApY 1520100123532LApY CHINIQUY wll5 2 2 3f 5 6 MoranW W A McLaughlin 350100 350100BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BELLE wl5 38 7 82 2 MqCownD W J Potter Jr 2300100 POLLY SHAW W W115 47 9 i 82 AshleyR C Meyers 2720100 12265 MARY COT w 115 7 5 8h 9 9 KurinccF G Simmons 2400iOO Time 24 W5 55 Track heavy 2 MUTUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS VIRBET 800 480 320 300 100 140 100 60 100 LOUP RIVER 560 300 180 100 50 100 100DREAM DREAM TRAIN 280 40 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Vito Our Luck by Luck Hour trained by A Wallin bred by Mr W C Goodloe GoodloeWENT WENT TO POST 252 AT POST H minutes Start good arid slow Won easily second and third driving VIRBET moving up with a rush while racing on the outside assumed the lead in the final quarter and won as his rider pleased LOUP RIVER was prominent all the way and held on gamely DREAM TRAIN tired KATE GREENAWAY tired when put to a drive LADY CHINIQUY was through after racing a quarter BENEDICT T began slowly and made up ground groundScratched Scratched 12096 Light Zephyr 115 Cotlo Bess 115 12009 Laro Keys 118 THIRD RACE 34MDLE Out of Chute Lady Bowman June 15 1935 111 3 107 O JA Purse 500 3yearolds Claiming NonWinners since May 29 Weight l OOtf 118 Ibs Non winners of two races in 1935 allowed 5 Ibs Claiming price Jtine1835Oma 1000 if for 800 allowed 5 Ibs Net value to winner 385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 i Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 12457LITTLE REIGK wnll3 46 i 14 18 Rayw F Cagle 140100 120103DONNAPEEP WB103 3 2 2wl3 2i 21 24 LakeL J Robilio 490100 12181 ODD BLUE wl3 6 5 5wl3 52 53 34 3li HanauerC E Robinowitz 230100 08701 OCA wl3 2 7 7WB105 61 61 62 42 McDottL W C Goodloe 1640100 12098 MISS DELBA WB105 5 3 7 7 51 5i BoucherJ W L McCue 1000100 11903 DR TWINK WB 108 1 4 2 3i 4h 62 SlameyF E Guthrie 2920100 12269 HAPPY VENTURE wal09 71 4h 4h 7 7 NachelJ B H Freeman 1760100 1760100Time Time 23 47 114 Track heavy 2 MUTUEL3 PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LITTLE REIGH 480 320 240 140 100 60 100 20 100 100DONNAPEEP DONNAPEEP 520 320 160 100 60 100 100ODD ODD BLUE 240 20 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Rcigh Count Peroration by Clarissimus trained by W J Potter bred by Mr A B Hancock Winner entered to be claimed for 51000 51000WENT WENT TO POST 322 AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingLITTLE LITTLE REIGH away fast opened up a big lead quickly and won well in hand DONNAPEEP was close up throughout but was no match for the winner ODD BLUE had no mishaps OCA made up some ground and showed a good effort MISS DELBA was under stout restraint in the early stages raced extremely wide into the stretch but finished fast Scratchcd12266 Always True 103 11650 Donna McGee 98j 12269 Dustanna 109 109Overweight Overweight Miss Dclba 2 pounds Happy Venture 1 Corrected woight Odd Blue 113 Contlnuedon twentiet OMAHA OMAHAContinued Continued from fifteenth page FOURTH RACE 34 MDLE Out of Chute Lady Bowman June 15 1935 111 3 107 OfJ 5 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Colts horses and geldings Claim A fOOL ing Nonwinners since May 17 Weight 115 Ibs Nonwinners of two races June1835Oma in 1935 allowed 5 Ibs Claiming price 800 Net value to winner 385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses ETtAWt PP St Ji Vt Str Fin Jockeys Eqnlr Odds Strt 11648YOUNG BILL WB 6 105 7 1 2n 2 = li GrillF R Holloway 490100 490100120992GALE 120992GALE WAY WB 4 105 1 3 1 P 24 2i JordanL W E Ball 270100 270100120122FORGET 120122FORGET NOT w 7 107 3 4 3i 3 32 3 SebastianW Mrs M Thompson 260100 260100122683POTENTATE 122683POTENTATE w 7 105 6 2 4 = 4 4 44 RayW H C Rumage 240100 240100106593EVERYBODY 106593EVERYBODY wB4110 56 5 5G 52 53 VailS J W I Choisser 1290100 12268 McLEAY w 6 110 4 5 61 65 6 62 NachelJ W H Van Scoy 4470100 4470100NUTWOOD NUTWOOD WB 4 110 2 7 7 7 7 7 BoucherJ M Lipscy 4910100 4910100Time Time 23 482 115 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS v vYOUNG YOUNG BILL 1180 500 300 490 100 150 100 50 100 100GALE GALE WAY 440 320 120 100 60 100 100FORGET FORGET NOT 300 50 100 100Winner Winner B g by Noel Meddling Miss by Tony Bonero trained by R Holloway bred by Mrs L M Holmes Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 354 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingYOUNG YOUNG BILL well up from the start disposed of GALE WAY approaching the stretch turn and drew away to win as his rider pleased GALE WAY was rushed into a good lead early but tired after racing a half mile FORGET NOT came through on the rail but his rider almost fell off when his feet came out of the stirrups POTENTATE had no excuse The others were outrun outrunScratched Scratched 12454Iago 105 12454 Cloister Blues 105 04821 Muffler 110 12101 Marion Barton 105 12178 Sultry 110 110Overweight Overweight Forget Not 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Nutwood 110 FIFTH RACE 1 116 MILES Dark Mist June 15 1935 1 45 6 108 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of 375 in 1935 Weight Weighti 800June1835Oma 118 lbs Nonwinners of 280 in 1935 allowed 5 Ibs Claiming price 800 i 10 n June1835Oma Nct vaue to winner 5385 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 ErjtA Wt PPSt 14 i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 11545SINGLE WAVE w 4 100 2 6 5h 52 54 32 In GrillF GrillFws8118 W Martin 990100 12357 LONGUS ws8118 8 5 62 62 61 2h 2 McCrayK McCrayKWB5113 Corbet Irvin 320100 12271 BURNING FEET WB5113 1 1 244 13 14 34 VailS VailSWB R L James 370100 370100s 12357 DARK SEA WB 8 113 5 8 74 710 71 = 6 44 WilsonL WilsonLw4113 Mrs A R Williams s 1610100 12458PRINCE DOO w4113 6 4 11 2 22 445 JacksonW JacksonWw4104 J Allgcyer 410100 1146PTHREE w4104 4 3 3h 42 3 53 63 JordanL W E Ball 4540100 115453JOHN MILL WB 7 108 3 2 42 311 42 7 i5 SebastianW J H Tate 260100 12101 PANOUT WB 5 108 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 HessA A C Nelson 4790100 Time 25 50 117 145 152 Track heavy 2 MUTTTELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SINGLE 100LONGUS WAVE 2180 5660 440 990 100 230 100 120 100 LONGUS 380 340 SO 100 70 100 BURNING 100BURNING FEET 500 150 100 100Winner Winner B f by Single Foot Wavelet by Flotsam III trained by G H Wolfe bred by Mr D G Minor Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 428 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSINGLED SINGLED WAVE made up ground steadily came to the outside in the stretch and was up in the final strides LONGUS moved into contention with a rush saved considerable ground but could not withstand the winner BURNING FEET had good speed from the break and tired DARK SEA camo from far out of it PRINCE DOO quit quitScratched Scratched 12271 Cut Price 108 108Overweight Overweight Single Wave 2 pounds Three 1 SIXTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Ruth Jelinek June 14 1935 143 5 102 1021O 1O f fo o Purse 500 3yearolds Claiming Nonwinners of two races at any time 800June18a50ma HH Weight 112 Ibs Maidens allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 800 June18a50ma Net to Dinner 385 second vaue 75 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses EqtA Wt PI St i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 122703FANDAN WB 107 3 4 24 2J 2i 14 1 RayW C Holt 240100 12269 TEXAS PAL w 112 6 6 6 5 4h 44 2k JonesL F J Melchiors 200100 12583 CHATTERMAN wl2 12 1 li H 243 LakeL Z E McGregor 430100 43010012583LUCKY 12583LUCKY BUCK w07 4 5 51 S 5 3 4 GriHF R Holloway 380100 12269 MISS KIEV w 107 2 3 41 4h 6 6 5 MerrittM J W Cooper 1260100 126010012457DELLA 12457DELLA BEACH WB 99 5 1 3 6 34 52 6 KastnerR A J Williams 2890100 2890100Time Time 25 50 117 146 151 Track heavy 52 MUXUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS FANDAN 680 360 320 240 100 80 100 60 100 100TEXAS TEXAS PAL v 320 260 60 100 30 100 100CHATTERMAN CHATTERMAN 3EO 90 100 100Winner Winner B g by Sheridan Dancing by Spanish Prince II trained by C Holt bred by Messrs Moulder Oldham Winnep entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 5OH AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start bad and slow Won driving second and third the same sameFANDAN FANDAN was rated off the pace for threequarters took command when ready and held TEXAS PAL safe The latter was off poorly but made up considerable ground CHATTERMAN had speed for fiveeighths then tired LUCKY BUCK had no mishaps DELLA BEACH had the best of the start and showed speed for a quarter dropped back then moved up on the rail approaching the stretch but faltered Scratched 12269 Eldred L 112 112Corrected Corrected weight Chatterman 112 SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Ruth Jelinek June 14 1935 143 5 102 g fJ A Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since May J JO 29 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Non winners of two races since June1C35Oma March 17 allowed 3 Ibs one race 6 Ibs Claiming price 1000 if for 800 allowed 5 Ibs Net value to winner 335 second 75 third 25 fourth 15 Index Horses E tA Wt IP St A y Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 124582WILD RElGH WB 4 110 4 2 2 2 In 1 In LakeL A Zitnik 510100 12451 PAUL T WB5118 3 6 4 3h 3h 23 2 BolIeroJ C N Finch 140100 14010011912CAPTAIN 11912CAPTAIN DANGERwn 6 1L5 656 4445 32 3e SobastianW Three Rs Stable 360100 36010012358MARABOU 12358MARABOU ylQ108 5 1 5h 52 56 5s M RayW Mrs J W Johnston 680100 680100123542ELINE 123542ELINE NIELSEN w6 97 1 3 I1 14 2 4 5 HebertS J W I Choisscr 630100 63010012270ADELIA 12270ADELIA A wB3 91 2 4 3h 6 6 6 6 KastnerR I E Burnett 13SO100 Time 24 49 114 142 147 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID f OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s sWILD WILD REIGH 1220 460 360 610 100 130 100 80 100 100FAULT FAULT 360 320 80 100 60 100 100CAPTAIN CAPTAIN DANGER 300 50 100 100Winner Winner Br gbyReigh Count Wild Denise by Wildair trained by J Zitnik bred by Mrs J Hertz Winner entered to be claimed for 800 r WENrTO POST 633i AT POST 11 minutes Start good and sow Won driving second and third the same sameWILD WILD REIGH was rated close to the pace took a slight lead in the final quarter but had to be ridden riddenout out to outstay PAUL T The latter saved ground throughout and was slowly getting to the winner CAPTAIN DANGER showed a nice effort MARABOU made up ground ELINE NIELSEN had speed for threequarters threequartersScratched123585Mortiser Scratched123585Mortiser 105 122712Bahadur 112 121022The Choctaw 110 Overweight Adelia A 2 pounds