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THE WIGINAftRLAY KNC Field followers are always protected all Tuesday subscribers receive Wednesday parlay absolutely free JAC Mondays Parlay ParlayBELLEEK BELLEEK 1018 WOtf WOtfNO NO SAINT 1004 LOST LOSTmr mr CONSISTENT WINNING INFORMATION Thats what makes FIELD the outstanding TURF INFORMANT In AMERICA ANYONE can stumble over a WINNER now and then BUT THE BEST PROOF IS DOING IT DAY IN AND DAY OUT OUTSTOP STOP GUESSING STOP HANDICAPPING STOP LOSING Dont Gamble Play the Game Safe Follow One Who Knows Just bear in mind friends that horsemen do not race for the benefit of the bettors In order to beat this game youve got to be on the inside Otherwise youre just out of luck I 1 MR PLAYER CAN YOU USE 100 TODAY Wl WlAll All you need is a 2 BET on my PARLAY today to WIN YOURSELF 100 Now lets go go9C 9C DONT HESITATE SUBSCRD3E NOW TERMS 3 DAILY City clients call in person or phone FRANKLIN 3134 for messenger service ab ¬ solutely no charge Outoftown clients wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union Service wired by fast telegram No delay delayJACK JACK FIELD 35 South Dearborn St Room 708 Chicago HI