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CHICAG NOW ONLY 10 CENTS GALMICA 1440 WON WONBassetts Bassetts Monday X Special SpecialINJ0STICE INJ0STICE 880 WON WONRegrens Regrens Detroit PayOff Horse HorseHardly Hardly a day goes by without one of the PointedOut Horses of the Pink Sheet going over at long odds Monday Bassetts X Special entered the winners circle at odds of better than 6 to 1 Thats not hard to take for a Special is it Every PointedOut Horse is fresh and ready to chalk up a win so there is never any need of fearing that one of the Pinks selections dont stand a chance of winning They are all in winning form and rarin to go INJUSTICE was also a Free Code Horse in addition to being Regrens PayOff Horse at the Detroit oval That release likewise paid a nice price Regrens One Best Bet of the day was CHIEF CHEROKEE which clicked at 442 for 2 Bassetts Special at Detroit vas PEACEFUL 520 Won So you see all in all Monday was a very gratifying day for the followers of the Pink Sheet Specials SpecialsMcCarty McCarty released three winners at four tracks Washington Rockinghara Aqueduct and Thistle Down Thats not so bad for a days work Twelve winners at four tracks Bassett also had three nice winners at Thistle Down Herewith Are the Winners at the Various Tracks TracksAT AT THISTLE DOWN DOWNSINGLE SINGLE A Bassett Tip 2480 2480LUNA WON LUNA BRIGHT McCarty Tip 1760 1760LILAC WON LILAC BLOOM BassettMcCarty Tip 1200 1200WILD WON WILD TRANSIT Bassett Tip 600 600SWEEPLIKE WON SWEEPLIKE McCarty Tip 500 500AT WON AT WASHINGTON PARK PARKKWAMUDI WONWON KWAMUDI McCarty Tip 1444 1444GALMICA WON GALMICA Bassett Tip 1440 1440CAW WON CAW CAW McCarty Tip 496 496CHIEF WON CHIEF CHEROKEE Regren Tip 442 442LO WON LO MbCarty Tip 396 WON AT AQUEDUCT WONWON DIABLERIE McCarty Tip V 1100 1100NIGHTCAP WON NIGHTCAP Regren Tip 1000 1000GLEEMAN WON GLEEMAN McCarty Tip 650 650CLOTHO WON CLOTHO McCarty Tip 390 390AT WON AT DETROIT DETROITCROSS WONWON CROSS RUFF Bassett Tip 1380 1380INJUSTICE WON INJUSTICE Regren Tip 880 880FAST WON FAST STRIDE Regren Tip 520 520PEACEFUL WON PEACEFUL BassettMcCarty Tip 520 WON WEDNESDAYS TWO FREE CODES CODESLATONIA LATONIA Green735759 AQUEDUCT Orange587273 To Decipher Above Codes Buy a Pink Sheet SheetCHICAGO CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILL 350 per Month by First Class Mail 700 per Month by Air Mail