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Latonia BEST BET GALLOPING GALLOPINGCloudy muddyFIRST Cloudy and muddy FIRST RACE 58 Mile 200 P M 2YearOlds Maidens Claiming ClaimingTel Tel Post Mud Prob Code Horse Pos WtMkOdds 4 MARY SEIBERT 12 110 52 52Chance Chance with these 10 IDLE DREAM 2 110 41 41Was Was close in last 3 ANKLETS 11 116 61 61Trackmans Trackmans choice 15 SATINWOOD 7 108 81 12 LEEORAN 4 113 X 61 8 SYCORAX 16 110 81 7 MANHATTAN 15 113 81 9 VITONINA 1 110 151 11 GORGEOUS HUSEY 3 110 151 13 ADGE W 5 113 201 14 RAPPAREE 6 113 151 16 WEGOWAY 8 113 251 1 LITTLE MINNIE 9 110 301 2 UMBRIERE 10 108 301 5 BROADWAY VILD 13 113 101 6 BEEAWAY 14 105 121 SECOND RACE 34 Mile 230 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 8 JAZ AGE 3 112 X 41 41Gets Gets another chance 9 WATERFRONT 4 105 X 41 41Will Will favor the going 11 MISS WISE 6 95 X 61 61Bears Bears watching 7 BEN BERNIE 2 115 61 2 POTTERTON 8 110 41 10 EL BANDIDO 5 105 81 5 IMELDA 11 102 X 101 6 JOHNNY 0 1 105X301 4 REGARDS 10 107 X 101 1 LADY COTNER 7 95 201 3 DELMA DUNN 9 102 X 121 THIRD RACE 58 Mile 300 P M M2YearOlds 2YearOlds Maidens Claiming 2 GALLOPING 8 105 52 52Rates Rates to gallop home here 5 SHORT ORDER 11 110 61 61Smartly Smartly trained tab this one 3 INDIANA FLYER 9 113 61 61Fair Fair trials recently 9 HAEHEART 15 110 X 41 4 GRAND FINALE 10 105 61 12 KENDAL GREEN 3 113 81 10 HAPPY RHINOCK 1 108 121 11 ALMARINE 2 105 151 13 VINCENT 4 113 201 14 MISS SUNSET 5 105 301 15 BROADWAY LAD 6 113 151 1 MARYS LAST 7 110 101 6 CORALWRACK 12 108 301 7 VALLEY PRINCE 13 113 201 8 SWEET GUINEA 14 110 151 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 330 P M M3YearOIds 3YearOIds and Upward Claiming 7 BROWN WITCH 2 109 X 52 52Should Should win it 2 SALLIE GRAY 5 111 X 61 61Can Can better recent starts 5 LADY PAL 8 107 X 81 81Wake Wake up horse tab 8 BROWNE YED PAT 3 97 41 4 EDDY LEE 7 111 X 61 6 GALLIC 1 107 X 61 1 WISE BESSA 4 100 121 3 SUN BOY 6 112 81 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 400 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds and Upward Handicap 6 WESTON 9 106 41 41Won Won last like a champ 4 MANNERS MAN 7 113 X 41 41The The one most to fear 5 MY BLAZE 8 105 X 61 61May May take it all 7 MARYNELL 10 110 X 41 10 MUCHO GUSTO 3 104 X 81 9 BEST BID 2 102 X 61 1 VISIGOTH 4 109 X 61 8 BOBBYS SON 1 105 151 2 GRAND ROCK 5 98 X 201 3 BLACK MISS 6 102 X 121 SIXTH RACE 1 11G Miles 430 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 7 JESSIE DEAR 4 107 X 21 21Track Track will suit choice 2 EILWEIR 6 111 X 41 41Formidable Formidable contender 5 PLAY LADY 2 111 X 81 81Due Due for another good race 1 SMOOTH 5 114 X 41 4 CAMPAGNA 1 102 X 101 6 BREEZING ALONG 3 112 81 3 KING BONNY 7 105 X 151 SEVENTH RACE 1 14 Miles 500 P M 4YcarOlds and Upward Claiming 1 STORM ANGEL 4 110 X 52 52Best Best needed 6 SCORE 1 105 X 52 52The The runner up 4 SCOTLAND BEAUTY 7 100 X 61 61In In light should be close 7 SADA 2 105 X 51 8 LAURA KIEV 3 105 X 101 2 BRASS BUTTONS 5 105 X 81 3 AXTEL 6 110 X 81 5 SWIFT EXPRESS 8 110 121 EIGHTH RACE 1 Mile 70 Yds 530 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 7 SIS AGNES 2 110 X 52 52Gets Gets the call 4 ERECH 9 115 X 41 41Will Will have to whip this one 2 WHANGDOODLE 7 110 61 61Got Got his last out bears watching 9 ROYAL SPORT 4 115 X 41 6 LEGALITY 1 107 X 121 8 UPON 3 110 61 10 SUPER TOY 5 102 X 151 1 GRASSWRACK 6 108 X 101 3 CHALK EYE 8 115 X 81 5 CHUM 10 107 201