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CKCRAC THE TRUTH IF IT BREAKS US USON ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS 15 CENTS PER COPY WE ORIGINATE OTHERS IMITATl IMITATlCALCULATOR CALCULATOR 235 SYSTEM SYSTEMTHREE THREE HORSES DAILY THREE PLAYS DAILY DAILYNOW NOW BEING RELEASED IN PRIVATE STABLE NUMBER CODE FORM FORMNO NO TELEGRAMS NO ADDED EXPENSE YESTERDAYS CALCULATOR 235 SYSTEM STABLE HORSES S2 PLAY 3 PLAY 5 PLAY PLAYIRISH IRISH WAKE JAKE BLIEDEN GIBBYS CHOICE 2006 WON 1120 WON 1166 WON WONMR MR CALCULATOR AMERICAS MASTER OF GENUINE TRACK INFORMATION and recognized b all as the ONE and ONLY originator of a safe and tried and tested winning system for beating the races ANNOUNCES THAT WITH HIS LATEST ACQUISITION TO HIS STAFF OF PRIVATE CLOCKERS HE HAS ACQUIRED THE PRIVATE RIGHTS TO USE THEIR WINNING INFORMATION heretofore confined only to the benefit of their own closed circles for the use of all CALCULATOR 235 SYSTEM subscribers MR CALCULATOR whose famous CALCULATOR 235 SYSTEM has astounded the turf tforld with hii consistent WINNING PROFITS that have amounted in the past fifteen months to IMMENSE NET PROFITS PROFITSHas Has found it necessary in order to protect the personal and financial interests of the connections who supply MR CALCULATOR with this GENUINE WINNING INFORMATION to release these THREE HORSES DAILY in PRIVATE CODE FORM undecipherable to any BUT THOSE IN POSSESSION OF HIS STABLE NUMBER CODE CARD MR CALCULATOR employing the highest paid code makers in America after four months of closed secrecy and research finally arrived at one of the best codes ever originated or invented in the racing game gameTHREE THREE HORSES DAILY WILL APPEAR IN THIS PAPER IN CODE FORM every day The THREE HORSES decided upon by MR CALCULATOR to be used from the many submitted by connections will appear in this paper in code form similar to TODAYS CALCULATOR 235 SYSTEM STABLE HORSES HORSESTRIPLE TRIPLE CLEANUP TODAY HERE IT IS RIGHT FROM THE BARN THREE SMART WINNERS TODAY 2 PLAY 3 PLAY 5 PLAY PLAYAT AT DETROIT AT NARRAGANSETT AT WASHINGTON PARK PARKAPPLES APPLES PEACHES PLUM PLUMSTABLE STABLE 44 HORSE 14 STABLE 234 HORSE 18 STABLE 117 HORSE 22 22You You will then look at your code card and you will be able to easily decipher these three horses No telegrams to pay for No telephone charges No added expense whatever You just buy this code card good for six 6 racing days and you then have the key that will enable you to decipher three horses daily 18 horses a week that should produce for you an average of AT LEAST 15 WINNING HORSES IN SIX DAYS AT LEAST 500 PROFIT IN SIX DAYS On an investment of no more than 10 per day As stated above 235 System has shown a big net profit in the past fifteen months on only an original 10 investment investmentREASONABLE REASONABLE TERMS TO ALL NO ADVANCE IN FEE WHATEVER WHATEVERSIX SIX DOLLARS 6 PAYS FOR CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX 6 DAYS DAYSIMMEDIATELY IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIPT OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION CALCULATOR 235 SYSTEM STABLE HORSE Code Card which will enable you to easily decipher these three horses daily as they appear in our advertisements each day will be sent to you and if necessary first days service will be wired so that you will not miss any of this winning information Make all remittances by Western Union or Postal Telegraph City clients call Address all remittances to TRACK CRACKS CALCULATOR SERVICE 4 West 15th Street New York City