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Washington Park ParkBEST BEST BET SPICATE SPICATECloudy Cloudy and heavy FIRST RACE 58 Mile 215 P M M2YearOIds ClaimingTel 2YearOIds Claiming Tel Post Mud Prob ProbCode Code Horse Pos WtMkOdds 6 TIME LIGHT 1 113 X 52 52Has Has won in the going 4 BLACK BESS 8 107 52 Logical runnerup 8 BONNIE DREAM 3 113 X 41 41Not Not out ofit 7 JOHNNY BANE 2 109 X 61 1 MOLL 5 102 121 2 BATMAN 6 105 61 9 JERRY H 4 105 81 3 PANICLE 7 102 121 5 GRACE C A 9 106 151 SECOND RACE 34 Mile 245 P M M3YearOIds 3YearOIds and Upward Claiming 7 CLAREMONT 2 115 X 41 41Best Best needed 12 POMPOHONE 7 108 X 61 61Strongest Strongest contender 3 TOMFOOLERY 10 113 X 101 101Chance Chance to improve 1 FROST BITE 8 108 X 41 2 WELL BUILT 9 103 X 61 8 POLAS FLAG 3 108 X 61 6 JOLYON 1 105 X 251 11 SYM JACK 6 113 X 61 9 DARK HAZARD 4 105 X 101 10 MISS BLANCHE 5 108 151 4 PEGGY GAL 11 108 201 5 RUBANS CHOICE 12 108 X 151 THIRD RACE 34 Mile 315 P M 3YearOlds Claiming 5 SPICATE 8 115 X 85 85Conditions Conditions suit 4 FLIGHT OF GOLD 7 115 X 41 41Shades Shades the balance 8 L B WILSON 2 115 61 61Money Money choice 7 LO 1 110 X 41 2 PLAYAWAY 5 110 X 61 9 RUTLAND 3 106 101 1 SICKLE HOUR 4 108 81 3 B BARON 6 106 301 6 BUGABOO 9 110 201 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 345 P M 2YearOlds Fillies Allowances 2 SEVEN PINES 5 113 X 21 21Gets Gets the call 4 KENTUCKY BLUES 1 110 52 Trackmans choice 3 SPARTA 6 110 41 41Shifty Shifty sort chance chanceS S LOTOFUS 2 113 X 41 6 DUNLIN LADY 3 110 X 61 1 MISS TWINKLE 4 104 101 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 415 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 6 MORNING MAIL 4 99 X 41 41In In light mudder de luxe 1 SPICSON 5 111 X 52 52The The one most to fear 4 BAND WAGON 2 113 X 52 52Due Due for sudden surprise 3 PRINCE TORCH 1 107 61 5 JOE FLORES 3 109 X 61 2 BE SHY 6 109 101 SIXTH I ACE 1 Mile 70 Yds 445 P M 4 YearOlds and Upward Claiming 7 PRINCE TOKALON 3 115 X 41 41Figures Figures edge over these 5 DR FREELAND 1 110 X 52 52Will Will give you a run 1 SETHS BALLOT 5 110 X 41 41Finds Finds track to suit him 2 SHIRLEY B 6 110 X 41 6 COLD STEEL 2 115 X 81 4 RANGE BOSS 8 110 X 81 8 BETON 4 105 X 101 3 HIGH POCKETS 7 110 X 101 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile 515 P M M4YearOlds 4YearOlds and Upward Claiming 4 AL NEIMAN 1 115 X 41 41Should Should lead all the way 5 WHIPPER CRACKER 2 112 X 41 41Clockers Clockers like 6 MANAGER BILL 3 109 X 21 21Threatening Threatening consistent racer 2 EL PUMA 5 110 X 41 1 STALL MAN 4 115 61 3 THE FETTER 6 109 X 151 EIGHTH RACE 1 18 Miles 545 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 2 INDIAN RED 1 109 52 52Should Should score 6 BLACK RIVER 5 95 X 61 61Probable Probable sleeper tab action 5 IMPEL 4 4Should 109 X 61 Should share in purse 1 TACK 6 4 ROYAL ROVER 3 3 STELLA F 2