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4JAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XLI NUMBER 146 FOUNDEIi IN 1893 1893Entered Entered as lerond class matter April 2 1896 at the yost office nt Chicago Illinois under Act of March 8 lit DA1L1 EXCEPT SUNDAY SUNDAYA A dally reflection of the American turf by telegraph V Published by byDAILY DAILY RACIN3 FORM PUBLISHING CO 41 PtYMOXJTE COTTBX CHICAGO HX HXSU SU W 28TH BTHEEI HEW XOEK CITY K Y 818 OALHOTJN ST HOUSTON TEXAS TEXASI I M HICHMOKD STBEET EAST TORONTO ONT S1S5 TIHST AYE N W MIAMI FZA hi FZAhi HAEEISON BT BAN KRAHCIBCO CALIF TELEPHONE HARRISON 7508 Tor business and circulation purposes only This telephone has no connection with the newt or oreditorial editorial departments and cannot be used to communl communltata tata with tbeni Vor Free Phone Results Cell Wobaih 7000 1 8DBSCRIPT10N HI FIRST CLASS MAIL 880 PER MONTH 200 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DK DKIUVERY 1600 PER UONTH BY AIR MAIL 260 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY IUVERY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL 25 CENTS EACH t To be considered and answered all queries to Dally facing Form inuit be sent OTer the fall name and with the address of writer The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test Address all communications maVe all remittances and andi i send all manuscripts to DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 Plymouth Couii Chicago HI 06260 Is First Index of 1935