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lef T nf 58 MILE Wise Counsellor June 23 1923 59 2 110 Purse 700 151 AuttL 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Weight 116 Ibs Claiming price 1200 if for 1050 allowed 3 Ibs Index Post BestatDistancov Wt Claim No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 070331 2 Idle Dream 110 1050 123312 12 Mary Seibert Lat 108 102 110 1050 12331 7Satimvood Lat 110 102 108 1200 12245 16 Sycorax Lat 102 101 110 1050 11502 15 Manhattan Lat 116 102 113 1050 12066 1 Vitonina Lat 105 104 110 1050 3 Gorgeous Hussy 110 1050 12331 4 Lecoran Lat 110 102 113X1050 5 Adge W 113 1050 Index Post BestatDistance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 12068 6 Rapparee Lat 115 103 113 1050 12331 8 Wegoway Lat 111 103 113 1050 9 Little Minnie 110 1050 10043 lOlmbriere 108 1050 12428 11 Anklets Lat 115 102 116 1200 12428 13 Broadway Wild Lat 115 102 113 1050 12431 14Beeaway Lat 107 104 105 1050 Best times shown above are from Jan 1 1934 1934JjJFair JjJFair mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner runnerBrackets Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown in Past Performances but In all cases only the latest with drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year yearIdle Idle Dream 110 B f 2 M by Golden Broom Sister Theresa by Trap Rock RockJune June 17 Lat 58 l06m LJ J Trainer C R Clark Owner B F Clark I if ITk OIK Time Con Odda Wt SU S r rinJorkej PPClFceSts Best Company CompanyJan Jan FG 35 ft 25 113 4 4Ji 2J BalaskiL4 1500 9 VrieJeanll2GdincM113GrEthcl 116 Janl8354FG i 23 ft 23 109 11 lOl 88i RenoT 1500 12 GyEthel 109GdFIaral09Kincsbryll2 Starts l t 2nd 3rd Won Starts lt 2nd 3rd Won 1935 record 2 0 1 0 RK RKJTary JTary Seibert 110 h 2 y In Memoriam Catania by Rock View ViewJune June 2 Lat 38 37ft Trainer D Lehan Owner D Lehan LehanJunl4352Lat Junl4352Lat 1 102 ft 2 108 5 2 In 21 PichonL10 1100 12 FldDaylllHlandLanellSOurBud 111 111JunlO352Lat JunlO352Lat l01gd 11 116 6 3 22 23 LilleyW7 1200 11 Nettel07GenPigeonll2 ShtOrder 112 112Jun5353Lat Jun5353Lat i 102 gd 51 115 2 3 33 44 TaylorD2 Maid 9 AHeneB HOTenace 115Stcpahead 115 115Jun Jun 335Lat 1 102 sl 13f 107 9 9 810 721 MorganA 1200 12 MissSubwayll5Gallopg llOTuccia 112 1935 record 4 0 2 0 225 225Satinwood Satinwood 108 Ch f 2 M by Rolled Stockings Rosewood by Magneto MagnetoJune June 18 Lat 38 40m 10 Trainer J G Goode Owner J W Parrish ParrishJunl4352Lat Junl4352Lat g 102 ft 8 107 7 7 43 55 BohnR5 1500 12 FldDaylllMySbertl08HndLane 115 JualO354Lat g 102 gd 16 110 3 3 34 34 BohnR2 1200 8 Nodoll2Stepahdll5SwetGuinea 112 May30352Lat 1 102 sl 18 115 9 8 810 68t Canf IdL3 Maid 10 MksGoldll5Gloping HOGnPign 115 1935 record 3 0 0 1 50 50SjCOrax SjCOrax 1 1 A B f 2 M by Whichone Homely by Sea King KingJune June 16 Lat 58108ft JJJ Trainer M Goldblatt Owner M Goldblatt GoldblattJunl7353Lat Junl7353Lat 1 103 m 115 SCRATCHED Post P 9 Maid 7 SnowFairyll5Nordriell5GnPign 110 110Junl3354Lat Junl3354Lat i 100 ft 53 102 6 8 73 64i SouthG0 1200 9 PrceDnyl05LarryM103iMorlute 105 ApiSgSSJam 101 ft 6 112 8 8 911 8si RichardsH7 1600 12 PtyBusyll7CashBkl07IrishPly 109 Ap SSJam 1 101 ft 15 110 7 7 671 531 CoucciS3 1600 7 MayV112TraitLadyll5CashBook 108 1935 record 3 3Manhattan Manhattan 1 1 Q Br g 2 M by Axenstein Virago by Fair Play PlayJune June 18 Lat 38 39m L J Trainer H H Battle Owner F L B Stable StableJun Jun 6353Lat 1 101 ft 105 SCRATCHED Post P 5 1050 9 JneyBlO PrceDny 105FdDay 106 106Jun Jun 435 31 103 sl 5 109 4 7 64i 64 SouthG4 1050 8 Sanskritll2ThumbsDnll2Gsenk 101 Iay31353Lat f 102 ft 36 116 6 7 42 4 f SouthG7 1200 10 ThbsDownll6MrRicksll6Tenace 105 105fPIaced fPIaced third through disqualification Haj25352Lat 1 101 ft 56 115 4 5 54 5 ° SouthG Maid 12 LineDvellSJyTightUSPceFlow 115 May 8352CD 4 f 54 gd 55 116 10 10 101C10 SouthG8 1200 12 GlGlowll6WhipwiH 113EncMonkll3 1935 record 4 Titonlna 110 MoleJJV Br f 2 M by Vito Baronina by Sand Mole JJV Trainer J 0 Keene Owner Keeneland Stud Stable StableJunllSS JunllSS Lat 101 it 62 105 3 8 81C 815 RobertsP1 12QO 8 MksGoldllOTcnace 103SnowFairy 108 1935 record 1 1Gorgeous Gorgeous Hnssy 110 B f 2 M b Hustle On Vanity by Over There June 15 Lat 58 l05ft LV Trainer H Saladin Owner W R Coe First start startLeeoran Leeoran X 11 Blk 9 2 M b Lee ° Cotner Orana by Star Shoot ShootJune June 18 Lat 38 37m LJ C Trainer 0 Clelland Owner Mrs R J Murphy Junl4352Lat 1 102 ft 43 10612 10 84 7 ° FallnMH2 1100 12 FIdDaylllMySbcrtlOSHndLane 115 Junll353Lat i 101 ft 35f UO 2 4 43 55 FallonML2 Maid 12 Wpodwayll5GdSoldrll5Eccntric 110 May29352Lat 100 ft 88 115 2 8 8103l MayerJ7 Maid 10 Emileo 115 HiHun 115 EarlyCall 110 Maj lSSUur 4i f 53 ft 15 117 5 Eased up MayerJ6 1000 10 MriGirl 109NsChoice 109LauraS 114 Mayl635Uur 4if 53ft 4 111 4 3 6 72 MayerJS 1500 7 TimeLitllONatAlice 113Pantaur 116 May 735Aur 4 f 58 hy i U7 1 1 2h 2 MayerJ2 800 8 CourantllOMisriGirl HOInaMaid 110 1935 record 6 0 1 0 75 Adge W WJune B c 2 M by Missionary Adele W by Ballot June 17 Lat 12 55m Trainer 0 Johnson Owner J C Ellis First start Bapparee 113 9 2 by Waygood Jane C by Dick Finnell FinnellJune June 14 Lat 12 50ft Lt Trainer T F Devereaux Owner Devereaux Bros BrosJunl4352Lat Junl4352Lat 1 102 ft 111 SCRATCHED Post P 20 1100 12 FldDaylllMySbertlOSHndLane 115 115Junll353Lat Junll353Lat 8 101 ft 38e 115 7 10 104 983 SmithDC Maid 12 WoodwayllS GdSoldrllSEccntric 110 1935 record 1 Wegoway 113 B c 2 M by Whiskaway Dolly Seth by Seth SethJune June 11 Lat 58102ft 110 Trainer G V Barnes Owner G V Barnes BarnesJunl4352Lat Junl4352Lat 1 102 ft 49 111 4 5 7 84 CanfieldL 1100 12 FldDaylllMySbertlOSHndLane 115 MaySlSS Lat 1 101 ft 21 113 9 10 U IO KernW 1050 11 Jane F 113 Norado 110 Tuccia 110 1935 record 2 2Little Little aiinnie 110 Ch f 2 M by Peter Hastings Thunder Flash by Nocturnal NocturnalJune June 14 Lat 58103ft LJV Trainer C H Ferguson Owner A L Ferguson FergusonFirst First start startUmbriere Umbriere 1 OR B c 2 M by Prince of Umbria Morbelle by Morvich June 16 Lat 58 IrlOhv LVO Trainer H E Murphy Owner B Nash NashMayl3353CD Mayl3353CD 4 f 53 ft 49 111 12 12 H IO BurleyF5 1050 12 Biddy 104Gyral 106iMerriweather 107 Iay 635sCD 4i f 54 sy 58 109 10 10 92il02i CorbettC7 AHw 10 Dnieperll5DCreole 115DinFront 104 Ap SSCD 4i f 55 sy 19f 110 11 11 IT 11 PriceT10 Alhv 11 BkHbrwl07DnicpcrllOBbaraA 115 1935 record 3 Anfclets 1 1 Ch g 2 M by Rolled Stocking Gold Mine by Woolsthorpe WoolsthorpeJune June 17 Lat 38 38m u Trainer R L Stivers Owner R L Stivers StiversJunJSSS JunJSSS JunJSSSat at g 100 ft 3 115 4 4 7 = 3 84 SouthG3 Maid 8 Crimson 115 Zsar 115 Galloping 107 imll353Lat 1 101 ft 16 115 11 5 643 64 GrnerM10 Maid 12 WoodwayllSGdSoldrllSEccntric 110 1935 record 2 Broadway Yild YildJurie mBr g 2 M by Broadway Jones Laila Wild by Big Blaze Jurie 13 Lat 58 103 ft Trainer T B Young Owner Gorham Young Bros JualSSSiLat 8 100 ft 72 115 6 5 84 74 FandezFS Maid 8 Crimson 115 Zsar 115 Galloping 107 MaylO352CD 4i f 54ft 31 115 3 8 79 8i GarnerWl Maid 12 TheFightcrll5HiHunll5LineDre 115 May7352CD 4if 56m 48 48Beeauay 108 6 7 8 78 CorbettC 1200 11 GlynnalOSValcJeanllORuamuck 100 1935 record 3 Beeauay 1 fK Br f 2 M by Waygood Winged Bee by Infinite BeeauayJune June 7 Lat 12 53sl 53slJkl7353Lat ± JU Trainer H Gould Owner T S J S Mulvihill Jkl7353Lat 103 m 110 SCRATCHED Post P 14 Maid 7 SnowFairyll5Nordriell5GnPign 110 JunJ5354Lat 102 ft 59 107 9 7 763 711 BohnR8 Maid 9 Srdinell2NicksChkll5Dn inFt 115 1935 record 1