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Time wrinldes an ageing brow- smooths an ageing whiskey" lD 7WI5V TAVERV KEEPER J "I lHE hand of Time might lie Tfe. B X heavy on a mans brow hut fill. dP"" fll "tH it sure acts mighty gentle aa it - TJajJBro IH smooths out the rough edges of mm Vj? a whiskcy.Thats why the mak- 1 WfJ AVERN ll ers of Town Tavern keep that -- Stjcijdlyl- "lM good rye agein in charred-oak CWhfskeV "HI barrels at summer temperature. f , BH Town Tavern is just about the p Sss fjiH finest-tasting rye to be had at Swn,J"-W"Y""" -"SH this low price. Try it and see." MSRHHHiSy vtt" rr- "- T, . - - , NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION PrnnJIarjland Piriilon , Ww York N. Y.