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j Chance of a Lifetime to Make a Real Investment I Silas Mason Company j INCORPORATED Will Sell on the Premises One Mile West of Versailles, Ky., oh Highway 60 Between j Lexington and Louisville I BY PUBLIC AUCTION Monday, May 9 1938 AT 2 OCLOCK P. M. Beautiful, Expansive, Verdant, Highly Productive I HARTLAND FARM of 1,576 Acres j This great farm, in the heart of Kentuckys wonderful low-tax Woodford J County, rich in lime and phosphates, was selected and expanded by former United j States Senator JOHNSON N. CAMDEN for his successful production of Thorough- 1 bred horses, prize-winning cattle and sheep, and for annual crops of finest tobacco, J hay, corn, oats and wheat. Senator Camden dispersed his stud of Thoroughbreds j i in May, 1931, after having sent out winners of over ,000,000 in stakes and purses, ! ! and realized an average of ,665 for 83 head, total 21,250. j j HEARTLAND FARM, in two tracts, 918 acres East of Highway 60, and 658 acres West of -that highway, has a tobacco base of 150 acres, and is one of the best j appointed, best watered, best shaded, best fenced and most productive farms in the I J BLUE GRASS COUNTRY for all purposes. I On the East tract is the MANOR HOUSE OF 36 ROOMS and 12 BATHS, a grand structure of brick and tile on a stone foundation, which must be seen to be - I fully appreciated, 9 other residences of brick, stucco or frame construction. Thor- oughbred horse training stable and track, 4 stallion stables 21 x 21 feet each j occupying a separate paddock, two broodmare barns, one complete dairy barn, one I cattle barn with silo, 6 tobacco barns and 6 stripping houses, 7 garages, 6 chicken j houses, one work stock stable, water tower, greenhouse, power house, large granary, ! work shop and implement shed. Tobacco base of 81.40 acres. I The West tract has 3 residences stucco or frame construction, 2 garages, 3 chicken houses, 5 stock barns, one of which is a concrete sheep barn 66 x 180 feet, j I 2 silos, 4 tobacco barns and 4 stripping houses. Tobacco base 62.60 acres. I ! Pastures and fields number 33 and paddocks for horses 23. The water and j j electric lighting systems are perfect. TERMS OF PAYMENT will be 10 per cent in cash on day of sale; 23 1-3 per J ! cent additional within 30 days, the balance in 1 and 2 years. For further particulars I address j I HORATIO P. MASON, Representative j SILAS MASON COMPANY . I INCORPORATED j I 428 HERNANDO BUILDING LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY j