River Downs Granted Fourth of July Date: Cincinnati Track Runs May 27 through Holiday; Other Changes, Daily Racing Form, 1944-04-29


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I River Downs Granted Fourth of July Date Cincinnati Track Runs May 27 Through Holiday; Other Changes COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 28.— The State Racing Commission today reversed itself and granted River Downs at Cincinnati the Fourth of July holiday. River Downs revised dates are from May 27 through July 4. The commission, at its last meeting early in March, refused to permit River Downs and Hamilton to conflict and granted the Fourth of July date to Hamilton. Apparently, the commission had ruled that the two tracks are within 30 miles of each other and, according to Ohio law, cannot operate at the same time. The River Downs management protested and, at the meeting today, the commission granted the May 27-July 4 dates to River Downs. At the same time, the commission gave Hamilton the option of opening July 1 or 8 for a 19-day meeting. D. E. Cronin, president and general manager of Hamilton, chose the July 8-29 dates. Hamilton has operated on July 4 for the past four years. The commission also approved Beulah Parks request of August 9-Sept. 4 for a 23-day fall meeting, instead of September dates. Beulahs spring dates are May 6-30~. Mrs. Ruth Valone was reinstated by the commission. She was suspended at Fort Miami, Toledo, last summer when she refused to bring the horse, Grandioso, to the paddock, after learning that a claim had been filed for the horse.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1944042901/drf1944042901_26_4
Local Identifier: drf1944042901_26_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800