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Announce Revised Dates For Hollywood, Meadows Former to Operate Aug. 25-Nov. 2 And Mateo Track Nov. 4-Dec. 16 SAN MATEO. Calif.. April 28.— Under revised fall dates agreed to by representatives of the two tracks and approved by the California Racing Board, Hollywood Park will operate 55 days from August 25 to November 2, and Bay Meadows will conduct its meeting of 37 days, from November 4 to December 16, it was announced by George P. Payne, chairman of the board, here this afternoon. The announcement was made following a conference between Payne and William P. Kyne, general manager, and other directors of the California Jockey Club. Racing board members Charles E. Cooper and Dwight Murphy, who were not here for the session, voted their approval by telephone. The compromise on dates was arranged two days ago in Los Angeles during a conference between Joseph Cohen and William B. Hornblower, representing Bay Meadows, and Jack F. Mackenzie, general manager, and directors of Hollywood Park. The rearrangement of dates was requested by Bay Meadows after the California Racing Board had given Hollywood Park permission to conduct a fall meeting during a period earlier set aside for the San Mateo track. The adjustment of the dates was agreed to amicably on both sides, Payne said. The board approved the rearrangement after receiving assurances of both the Hollywood Turf Club» and the California Jockey Club that such revision of dates would be satisfactory to both associations. Payne said that it was the boards belief that the revised schedules are for the best interests of racing in California.