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Official Racing Charts _______ Copyright, 1944, by Triangle Publications, Inc. ____________ Narragansett Park FAWTUCKET. R. I., FRIDAY. APRIL 28. 1944— NARRAGANSETT PARK 1 MILE. Fifteenth day of twenty-eight-day meeting April 12 to May 13. Narragansett Racing Association. Automatic starting gate. Camera finish. Weather clear. Steward representing Rhode Island Administration of Racing and Athletics, Edward J. Fenelon. Jr. Stewards, Samuel C. Nuckols and R. Norman Charlton. Assistant Steward in charge of pari-mutuels control, James H. Doorley. Placing Judges, Howard G. Reynolds. Gordon Morrow and Henry Carroll. Patrol Judges, Harry Fiske and James Butwell. Paddock and Patrol Judge, Thomas Steele. Clerk of the Scales, Gordon Morrgw. Timer, Lester H. Smith. Starter, G. R. Wingfield. Racing Secretary. Mathias C. Shea. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Eastern War Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting, 1943. .32; current meeting, .36. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; no field horses. * Five pound* apprentice allowance claimed, t Five pounds apprentice allowance waived. E Disqualified. I5H1 Dead heat, a Coupled as entry, f Mutuel field. V Whip. S Spurs. B Blinkers. FIRST RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Jackie D., May 7, 1936— :52A— 2— 109. * Q A Purse ,400. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Fixed weights. 5/ O O 7 U Weight, 117 lbs. April 28-44 — Xar Net va|ue to wjnner 80: second, 45; third, 05; fourth, 0. Handle, 6,040. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Y*. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56528 SHASTA KO wb 112 8 1 1 | l1 l»i t •JKtMrt" J L Patterson 13.70 56567 EXIT w 112 7 4 5i 4 i 2"k M Lemons* Mrs A Bevan 37.00 56391 WESTPORT POINT ■ 112 9 5 2h 22 31 L Kerr* B F Tuckerman Jr 8.20 56477 RITA ROYAL we 112 2 3 4 31 45 H Pratt* R W Collins 4.40 55757 LILLCA wb 117 1 2 3i 52 51 J Boyle Leach and Meier 36.60 56391 ON HIGH w 112 3 7 6£ 6£ 6" S Oliver* Mrs W C McDermott 6.70 56262 T1NTAL1NE w 117 6 8 73 7* 7* T Luther D F Harrington 1.90 55931 SCARLET PANSY w 112 5 6 81 8 81 D Loop* Bar One Eleven Ranch 5.00 GOOD GRAVY w 117 4 9 9 9 9 G Moore Mr and Mrs F L Flanders 14.20 Time, :23, M%, :55S- Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid— , Odds to ■ ! f SHASTA KO 29.40 10.40 7.80 13.70 4.20 2.90 Ml uruel "rices* exit 24.80 u.6o n.40 6.30 I WESTPORT POINT 5.20 1.60 Winner — Ro. f, by Muckraker — Kollege Ko, by Iron Crown, trained by L. Copenhaver ; bred by Mr. Jame« L. Patterson. WENT TO POST— 2:31. OFF AT 2:32 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall eate. Won driving ; second and third the same. SHASTA KO took command at once and won all the way under brisk handling. EXIT bore in badly near the stretch, bothered RITA ROYAL, then finished will. WESTPORT POINT forced the pace to the closing furlong. RITA ROYAL was forced to take up sharply near the three-eiehths post when EXIT suddenly went to the inside. ON HIGH did not threaten. TINTALINE was outrun. SCARLET PANSY was fractious at the post. GOOD GRAVY ran greenly. SECOND- RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid. Sept. 14, 1935 — ttll Q 1 3 — W. Purse SI. 400. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Weight, 5£ ™ ° ° ■ 118 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. April 28-44— Nar Net va|ue to wjnner 80; second, 45; third, 05; fourth, 0. Handle. 5,603. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St j4 */* Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56429- BARNACLE w 118 6 3 3J 31 24 lg G Hettineer M M Schwebel 1.90 55306 HER IMAGE wb 113 7 4 1and lh P 23 M Lemons* G B McCamey 3.20 56429 BACK TO BACK wb 113 10 6 6 J 4» 31 3i H Trent A M Bank 4.00 56476 BlRGOO LADY w 113 8 2 41 62 61 4* E Robart M Wexler 30.50 ~ 56429 TREATY GIRL wbIOO 5 10 ll2 I| P 5* H Pratt* Mrs J W Camac 12.30 56300 LONE CAT wb118 11 5 2l 2i 41 6" J Bovle Mrs L A Newman 160.50 56566 BCRANDE wb 113 2 9 8* 8l 8l U P Patrson* Mrs A Bevan 109.20 52782 LITTLE RENE wb 108 112 5" 51 5h 81 L Kerr* Berry and Fillmore 183.80 56430 OCR FLARE wb113 4 8 101 ll3 101 9" A Clutter CLTempleton 98.60 56392 LEMS BABY w 113 3 7 9l 9* H 1*4 J Martin Mrs I Carriean 147.70 56566 KITTY ROSE w 113 12 1 7h 10i ll3 11* W Tumbull C A ONeil Jr 5.60 52597 GRENADE LAW wb113 9 11 12 12 12 12 D Loop* L E Ruff 21.80 Time, :233£, :48, 1:14!£. Track fast. » , . in* BARNACLE 5.80 3.40 2.80 1.90 .70 .40 Mutuel rricesi her image 4.60 3.20 1.30 .60 . BACK TO BACK 3.20 .60 Winner — Dk. br. g. by Kerry PatchTrim Risgine, by Teddy, trained by P. T. Catalano; bred by Vroonian S. Higby. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:00. OFF AT 3:02 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won driving: second and third the same. BARNACLE came eamely when set down lor the drive and disposed of HER IMAGE near the end. The latter went to the front after a quarter, held a clear lead in the stretch, but was not good enoueh. BACK TO BACK was in close quarters early, improved her position steadily when clear and finished well. BURGOO LADY could not reach the leaders when hard ureed in the drive. TREATY GIRL was unable to menace. LONE CAT tired. BCRANDE had no mishaps. LITTLE RENE could r.ot keep up. KITTY ROSE began fast, but lost ground. Scratched— 56096 Dislocate, 113; 56566 Refrain, 113; 56529 Two Oclock, 108. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 8.60— Double Pool, 9,296 THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— lrlOH— s Q *y 3 — -111. Purse ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 5r D O 7 L starters for a claiming price of ,250 or less since Oct. 1, 1943, April 28-44— Nar who have not won in 1944. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since November 1 allowed 4 lbs. Net value to winner 80: second, 45; third, 05; fourth. 0. Handle, 9,636. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *4 Hk Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt "56569 PETES BET wb5113 11 1 V2 l2i l3 l2i H Pratt* Mrs C P Miles 1.00 55809 ELBASAN wb 5 109 4 10 83 tt 51 23 K Scthrn* H H Haag 3.90 56342 FLAMING HIGH wb 7 118 3 8 71 8* 6J 3"k J Martin Mrs L Sambrot Jr 10.70 53011 WAKE ROBIN wb 7 114 6 5 43 2h 21 4* H Trent H Stutts 9.10 54899 CHANCE CROSS wb 4 111 1 9 93 101 92 5h E Jenkins* Mrs L Copenhaver 92.20 56526s MAY BANK wb5104 2 11 11 11 8* 6 J Yiary* Mrs F Landau 56.10 50222 INDIAN TRACE wb4112 9 6 56 TJ U H Ramirex S M Howard 202.70 561373 FLYING NED wb4113 7 4 3* 3" 41 8h J Reno* I K Mourar 9.40 565S02 MACKS MISS wb 5 113 10 3 2and 53 31 9s W Richmd L Donofrio 13.60 529313 HIGH BROW wb5114 5 7 61 92 11 10« R Duncan W A Gray 193.20 52860 NEDS QlEEN wb4111 8 2 101 4« 101 11 D Madden M Madden 25.50 Time. :23, M%, 1:12. Track fast. ». , in- PETES BET 4.00 2.80 2.60 1.00 .40 .30 Mutuel "rices? elbasan 4.00 360 1.00 .so i FLAMING HIGH 4.80 1.40 Winner — Ch. e, bv Wise Pete — Alwineton Bettv, bv Old Koenie, trained bv C. P. Miles; bred bv Mrs. M. R. Waueh. WENT TO POST— 3:30. OFF AT 3:31 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood fiom stall eate. Won handily: second and third driving. PETES BET stumbled leaving th» gate, lecovcred and took command, retaining his advantage under mild UFeine. ELBASAN. outrun to the stretch, came to the outside for the drive and finished well under punishment. FLAMING HIGH came between hoises on the final turn and closed fast. WAKE ROBIN tired after racing forwardly placed to ■iJHf «.f the strehh. CHANCE CROSS besan slugeishly. but finished well. MAYBANK broke slowly and lacked eaily speed. INDIAN TRACE could not threaten. FLYING NED raced well to the stretch, then eave ua. MACKS MISS bad early speed. Scratched— 55392 Lassagria, 114; 56569 Infant Queen, 109; 56343- Clamor Girl, 104; 55626 Hada Fortune. 116: 55725* Chance Sord, 109. • Ovtrweieht —Flying Ned. 2 pounds. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— l:10f, — c dL ™ tt Q * 3 — 111. Purse ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non- ** * winners of two races in 1944. 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. April 28-44— Nar Non-winners in 1944 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 80; second. 45; third, 05: fourth, 0. Handle. 5.603. Index Hordes Eqt A Wt PP St M *j gtr Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt ~56530 CANANEA wB4108 4 6 lj li lj l2 L Kerr* WLGmmh 6.50 56431 BALMY SPRING wb 8 115 12 1 3" 2J 2 2l D Loop* Mrs J Burks 6.50 1 56428 1 FLICK w 6 115 5 4 61 5* 5h 3] E Dclpino Mis H B Miller 8.40 41885 HOP SKIP wsB6112i 7 8 8 71 6i 4h H Pratt* W I Lunt 16.10 564312 FRIARS SCOCT wb 7 110 9 5 41 41 4h 5s K Scthrn* H H Price 1.10 34567 LADY DECK w 4 109 10 3 2£ 1*111 6 S LaFitte J Lewis 7110 40371 STRAWBERRY wb7 116 6 12 12 102 93 71 W Daffy Schwartz and Sena 333.80 56210 LAWVRSVILLE nb5110 1 9 10* 9J 7 8 E Jenkins* Bobl n Stable 56.10 56431 OCT FRONT wb5111 8 10 9" 8h 81 % L McMuln* M Siravo 10.90 56342 AIRSPR1NG wb5116 2 11 1112 10 102 H Trent A J YiU-ne 11.60 56131 SOUTH DRIVE wB4109 3 7 P ll2 12 ll2 rftfiw1 Ben Loeb 135.40 56533 LADY ISM O w 5 111 11 2 5h 3i 3 12 W Ri.hmd L Donofrio 95.40 Time, :23i, :47, 1:132. Track fast. ia . in- /CANANEA 1500 6.20 6.00 650 2.10 2.00 MUtUel rriCeSj BALMY SPRING 7.40 5.00 2.70 1.50 I FLICK 6.40 2.20 Winner— Ch. f, by Okapi— Sonora. by Light Biieade, trained by J. Hoskins ; bred by Mr. Jack Howard. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 4:02. OFF AT 4:03 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good lioin stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. CANANEA went to the front early and retained her advantaee under brisk bandline. BALMY SPRING c;.ld not reach the winner when set down for the dnve. FLICK had no mishaps. HOP SKIP was on the outside all the wav. FRIARS SCOUT had no mishaps. LADY DISCO tired. STRAWBERRY began slowlv. OCT FRONT was outrun. LADY DECK quit. Scratched— 55445 Mervyn Le Roy, 118; 56342 Oriole Pennant, 114; 52963 Trimmed, 116; 56530 Centuple, 116. Ovum, ktii — Win- Skip, 1 pounds. | ~ FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychie Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— IrlOf— c £ c Q A 3 — 111- Purse ,4M. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Starters for a J ° ° " claiming price of ,500 or less in 1944 who have not won since April 28-44 — Nar April 11. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners in 1944 allowed 4 lbs. Net value to winner 80; second, 45; third, 05; fourth. 0. Handle, 4,740. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56479* LEO McLAUGHLINwb 116 3 5 21 lh 1 £ 13 W E Snyrf I Gmhen 90 56532 RISKTON w 107 2 4 66 P* 32 2 D Loop* Mrs S Newmver 4 60 56570 OLIDOR wb 112J 5 6 4» 4 «■ 3]2 H Pratt* Mrs W Renard s 10 56433 TRESS RODGERS wb 111 6 1 l2 22 2 ¥ V Bovine J Morris 2010 55564 SHOOT TO BOOT wb107 7 2 5l 66 5i 52 K Scthrn* H H Haa fl 90 565662 JAMES ACRE w 112 4 3 3 5l 66 68 W Richmd L Donofrio 49 30 56570 KELSPRIDE w 112 1 7 7 7 7 7 W Duffy Mrs D B Miller J22 80 Time, :23, :47, 1:12. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid — ■ -— Odds to , i i , in* Leo Mclaughlin 3.00 2.20 .90 .50 ic Mutuel Prices? riskton 2.40 .n k i OLIDOR 2.20 .16 Windner — B. «, by Blackwood Brown Feathers, by Brown Bud. trained by T. R. Queen; bred b M»s. Emil Denemark. WENT TO POST— 4:32. OFF AT 4:33 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won drivine/; second and third the same. LEO McLAlGHLIN impioved his position steadily during the first three furlong*, took command when settled in the stretch and lasted to hold RISKTON. The latter saved ground when outrun to the final quarter, tame out for the drive and finished strongly under punishment. OLIDOR had no mishaps. TRESS RODGERS began fast, but t ied after racing forwardly placed to the stretch. SHOOT TO BOOT, on the outside, could not inipicve his position under good handling. JAMES ACRE was done early. KELSPRIDE was outrun. Overweight--01idor. lj pounds. SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Psychic Bid, Sept. 14, 1935— l:10fc— c / / Q r 3 — 111. Cape Cod Purse. Purse ,800*. 4-year-olds and upward. • * •• Allowances. Non-winners of three races other than claiming since April 28-44 — Nar November 1. 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.: older, 120 lbs. Non-winners of ,500 in 1944 allowed 3 lbs.: of ,000 since February 1, 5 lbs.; of 50 twice since January 15, 7 lbs.; one race in 1944, 9 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner ,260; second. 15: third, 30: fourth. 5. Handle. 8,244. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % *j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Stit 56478 BAROQCE wb4113 6 2 3" 1£ 2]i 1" G Moore M Marmor«=tein 420 55630 AMPLE REWARDwb 4 115 8 1 U 2£ 1£ 22i A Daniels Rumstick Lodge Inc 108 20 563943 JOHNNY JR. wb 5112J»7 3 76 5* 51 3i H Pratt* E J Dailv 640 564812 SHINY PENNY wb4109 16 2f B 3h 4" H Trent S Garfieid .90 56168 PAGE II. wb5113 3 7 1« 4l 4b 52 J Martin W L Guinas*o M 20 56480 RED YCLCAN wb 6 111 2 5 51 61 6: 62 W Turnbull Mrs W Renard 4 80 56531 IMPREGNABLE wb 5 111 5 8 8 8 8 72 R Sisto X Glick 152 50 56394 MATTIE SCE w 4 104 4 4 4h 7* 72 8 J Brennan Mrs M R Lewis 11020 Time, :23, M%, 1:12. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid — v , Odds to , i i . in* BAROQUE 10.40 4.80 4.40 4.20 1.40 1.20 /viuiuei rnces" ample reward 54. so 1*40 26.40 7.20 I JOHNNY JR 4.80 140 Winner — B. c. bv Reigh Count — Crazv Jane, bv Haste, trained by R. Metcalf ; bred bv Mrs. John Heitz. WENT TO POST— 5:00*. OFF AT 5:01 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving: second and third the same. BAROQUE, a keen factor from the start, reached the lead near the stretch, gave way to AMPLE REWARD, but came again when hard uiged in the closing strides. AMPLE REWARD went to the outside on the la«U turn and held on gamely after taking command. JOHNNY JR.. outrun early, finished well. SHINY PENNY was well placed and on the inside from the start, then tired in the drive. PAGE II. cpuld Ml threaten. RED YCLCAN was never dangerous. IMPREGNABLE began slowlv. MATTIE SCE wa« done early. Scratched— 56481 Bring Me Home. 111; 56348 Amazed, 108. Overweight — Johnny Jr.. 4 pounds. Corrected weieht — Page II., 113. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Top Row. Oct. 20. 1934— 1:4325— 3— 105. Purse t / / ft / ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds. 116 lb*%; • ** ** older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since April 11 allowed 3 lbs.; since April 28-44— Nar April 1, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 2 lbs. Net value to winner 80; second, 45; third. 05; fourth. 0. Handle, 1,412. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *4 Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56435 LAUDERKIN w 6 113 7 7 T1 t| 4* 3 l1 H Fratt* F A Piarulli 3~30 56530 ROYAL SILYER w 4 106 6 5 l3 I" 1* l2 2 C Yanbhe N Glick 1 60 55543 CP JACK wb5108 4 4 3s 2and 22 2 ?"k K S "th"rn* H H Haag 1210 56216 WOOD ROBIN w 5 113 8 8 8 5J 6s 42 4fi C Crchfield J Freedman 12.90 56216 ESTA wb 6 108 3 1 0» I 8 8 5» G Hettinger I J White 45.30 55983 DANS CHOICE wb5115 1 3 * 4* 5" 62 6" . Hartk R Daniels 34 70 56482J; BRDER BATTLEwb4111 5 6 5l 71 7 7* 7» H Trent A J Vilone 9 90 55976 CONTEMPLATN wb4106 2 2 2 3* 31 51 £ D Loop* Mr W Renard 4 50 Time, :23S. -W2s, 1:13%, 1:395. 1:47. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid - r~ Odds to v la. in* LAUDERKIN 8.60 3.80 2.80 3.30 .90 .40 MUtUel r riCeS ROYAL SILVER 3.60 3.00 .80 .50 I UP JACK 4.60 1.30 Winner — B. g. by Ladkin — Bolauder. by Rire aux Larnies. tiained by J. W. Camac ; bred by Mr. Chester F. Hocklev. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 5:30. OFF AT 5:30 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the -an e. LAI DERKIN moved up steadily under good handling, came gamely when set down for the stretdi urn and disposed of ROYAL SILYER in the last eighth. ROYAL SILYER went to the front early, took a lone lead before reaching the stretch and continued gamely, but was not good enough for the winner. UP JACK, forwaidly placed throughout, faltered near the finish. WOOD ROBIN, slow to begin and outrun to the last three eighths, came to the inidf and closed fa*t under punishment. ESTA had no mishaps. DANS CHOICE tired. BORDER BATTLE wa cutiun. CONTEMPLATION had brief early speed. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Top Row. Oct. 20. 1934—1:43-5—3—105. Purse r / / a •» ,300. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a 3 O O 7 / race m 1944. 4-year-olds. 116 lbs.: older, 118 lbs. Non-winners April 28-44 — Nar since November 1 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 10; second, 30; third. 5; fourth. 5. Handle. 5,667. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % J % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56572 WAR COMNTQCEw 5 113 12 11 61 S*~ 52 2l 1" E D«lpm7 W~Zakoor J0.50 55783 OAKMONT wb6109 8 10 9l 103 8l 81 2l K S.thm* .1 Powers 47 00 56475 MATERIALIZE w*b4116 4 12 12 12 12 ll2 3h W TurnbH S A Grow 2.90 56475 FIRING PIN wb7118 9 6 3s 2 2i 1J 41 S LaFitte Mrs II R Miller 4010 563% TRAYELALONG wb 4 112 2 2 82 7l 61 6* c,h I *«" * E .1 Monti 1 80 56396 GALA LIGHT wb4112 1 1 42 42 42 3l 6» H Pratt* Oak Tree Stable 3 80 56527 LADYS COUNT wb 5 114 5 3 2i 3* 32 4h 7 H Trent P Andolmo 4C.30 56306 OVANDO w 7 114 11 9 104 9" 92 91 V G Hettinger F H Wegener 192 50 56475 ALPINE LIGHT wb4112 7 4 l2 l2 1 5* 9s W E Snydr Mrs E A Froehlirh 12 40 563% RICHESTAN wb 6 109 10 8 72 6h 7h 7" 10 C Chalfin P Fringe 76.90 54900 DARBY DIADEM wb 4 111 3 7 ll1 ll1 ll1 11 11 D Loop" S Feinberg 13 20 56260 KING TORCH wb7114 6 5 52L 81 10£ B. down. J Martinf R Daniels 3 30 Time, :24, :47%. 1:134s. 1:402, 1:48. Track fast. Mutuels Paid— , Odds to , I D . / WAR COMMUNIQUE 23.00 10.20 6.40 10.50 4.10 2.20 M. utuei rricesf oakmont 28.«o 12.00 13.00 5no i MATERIALZE 4.00 U00 Winner — B. m. by Gallant Mac — War News, by Spanish Puiice 11.. trained by A. Ketchell ; bud by Audlev Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 6:01$. OFF AT 6:02 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and thud the same. WAR COMMCNfQCE responded gamely to dispose of FIRING PIN. then held OAKMONT *ale. The latter, outrun to the final quarter, w«nt to the outside thereafter and closed with a -rush. MATFRIALIZE. slow U begin, closed stoutly under urging, but could not overhaul the leaders. FIRING PIN took the lead in the stietch. but was not good rn utli. TRAYELALONG could not menace. GALA LIGHT tued. LADYS COUNT cave way after racing well to the stretch. ALPINE LIGHT made the pace for six tarings. KING TORCH broke down entering the stunh. Scratched— 558062 Bird Lot. 107: 56306 Grand Day. 114; 56390 Consomme, 107.; 56163 Bonified, 109. Corrected weieht —Materialize. 111. Claimed — War Communique by H. Dellarusso for ,000: Materialize by H. Stutts for ,000. Attendance, 7,000 Estimated; Total Mutuel Handle, 76,241