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" — * r i Official Racing Charts , Copyright, 1944, by Triangle Publications, Inc. Churchill Downs LOUISVILLE. KY.. FRIDAY. APRIL 28, 1944— CHURCHILL DOWNS 1 MILE. Fifth day of six-day meeting April 24 to April 29. Keeneland Race Course, Inc.. and Churchill Downs. Inc.. agents for American Red Cross Louisville Chapter. American Red Cross Lexington Chapter, and Community War Chest of Lexington and Fayette County. Automatic starting gate. Camera finish. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. C. Bruce Head. Stewards of Meeting. William H. Shelley and Samuel H. McMeekin. Placing Judges. Lawrence C. Bogenschutz. James T. Clark and Harry B. Lindenberger. Paddock Judge, Dr. William H. Hickman. Assistant Paddock Judge. Thomas Oliphant. Clerk of Scales. Clifford Sanford. Timer, Raymond Hoertz. Patrol Judges. George Molesworth and Charles J. Gormley. Starter. Reuben W. White. Mutuel Director. E. A. Weidekamp. Track Superintendent. Thomas Young. Racing Secretary and Handi- capper. William H. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Central War Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting, 1943. .38: current meeting, .41. No Daily Double. * Five pounds apprentice allowance claimed. + Five pounds apprentice allowance waived. E Disqualified. iHJ Dead lie at. a Coupled as entiy. f -Mutuel field. V Whip. S Spur. B Blinkeis. FIRST RACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS Out of Chute. Gallant Knight, May 16, 1931 jr • • -i r — 1:16H — 4 — 114. Purse SI. 000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claim-J O O / J j„g# Non-winners twice since April 14. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, April 28-44 — CD % lbs. Non-winners since April 14 allowed 2 lbs.; since February 1. 4 lbs. Claiming price. Sl,200. Net value to winner 700 : second, 00 ; third. 5: fourth. 5. Handle. 0.852. Index Hordes Eqt A VVt PP St U *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds SI Strt MM SOME AD wT5116 2 7 *4 * 22 M Caffrella Mrs E C Wichmann 8 60 [ 565902 BRIGHT TRACE wb 7 111 12 1 1| 1| ll 2! D Scurlock A 4 R Craig 1.30 56460 IOSMARK wb7 109 5 11 10, 10J, 4* 3i C Basham F Gray 1130 66551 BYCHANCE v.b4112 1 9 74 54 3ft 4| A Skorskif Mrs R H Llovd 6.20 56292 CIDEAM w«4108 9 4 61 4" 6- 5» W Bailey* W C Davis • 3.40 56421 BOLO SERVANT w 4 102 8 2 54 74 5 61 S Freeman* H Friedberg 17.40 54285 NAM !Y*S BABY wb 6 109 11 12 12 12 10*4 74 R Wrightf Laura Froehlich 34.10 52073 MIGAL FAY w 10 109 4 8 8J 14 ft 82 0 Grohs P Kunz 110 30 49832 GRAND BONNY wn 5 114 3 5 24 6l 8i 94 W Gajner H C Drew and Son 54.20 54970 TOWER LASS wb4109 10 10 IF ll2 11 102 R Eccard Mr and Mrs VY M Waldridee f 31.40 GtSM IHICK JACKSONwb5114 6 6 3* 3:! U ll2 R Gonzalez G R Petrilli f-31.40 55592 HAY AVE wf4 107 7 3 9" £12 12 E Hu«t C J Moran f-31.40 i Mm ml field. Time, 24. :4825, 1:14, 1:20*5. Track fast. , — S2 Mutuels Paid— r — Odds to . . i r» • l SOME AD 1 19.20 6.60 4.80 8.60 2.30 1.40 Mutuel Prices? bright trace 3.20 2.40 .« .20 t MISMARK • 6 00 2.00 Winner — B. c. by Good Advice — Leila, by Pluvious, tia.ned by R. T. Runnels: bred by Mr. V. S. Payne. Winner entered to be rlain.ed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 2:04. OFF AT 2:05 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start tood Inn; Mall gate. Won dmine: second and third the san.e. SOME AD. never far back and steadied along earh. moved up when ready, wore down BRIGHT TRACE in the final sixteenth and won diavvmg hai. BRIGHT TRACE took command at once, rescinded ean.ely to strong urging, when disposing of GRAM BONNY, then drew clear in the stretch and tired. MISMARK. well back early, closed with a rush, only to life at the end. BYCHANCE tired after n, ovine up. CIDEAM was unable to keep up. BOLO SERVANT went evenlv and held on well. Scratched— 56556 Taj. 106. Overweight — Cideam. 1 pound: Tower L;s. 2. SECOND RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Coldstream, May 4. 1935— : 52 f 5— 2— 113. r -1 r Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Fixed 5r OO/O weights. Weight. 118 lbs. April 28-44 — CD Net va|ue t0 winner 00: second. 00: third. 5: fourth. 5. Handle, 8,943. _ Index Hoises Eqt A W t PF St 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt "tMlTTntr AHEAP m 118 4 4 32 5»| l,k A Skornski W C Davis 2.10 VbZbA BEL REVERE t 118 7 3 14 14 2: D Scurlock Biown Hotel Stable 43.80 HIGH SPIRITS 118 9 2 5- 2= O Grohs Bokella Farm 220 5645« l.KkV BARNEY m 118 8 5 4h 52 4" G Seabo R M Hunter f 18.50 ICT3T nOTTR PRATITf b118 2 12 11| 6i 52 R Eccard J H Homan 2.90 54625 JOE SPAGAT wbIIE 3 1 2 4 6h A Bodiou M Lowenstein f 1.50 56252 IN I HE BAG w 118 6 9 71 84 7 - N L Pierson Hal Price Headley 21.60 DIRECTOR ■ 118 5 11 104 7£ 82 M Caffrella M B Goff 29 30 YALD1NA MATH w 115 10 8 64 92 ft W Bailey* Biosnan and HJley 37.10 TWO 0 FOUR w 118 11 10 9* 10i 10* K Rbertsn Vest.bula Stable f 18.50 DARBY DIPLOMAT w 118 12 6 8l 12 114 B Thmpsn Darby Dan Farm 2110 MIBOB wb118 17 12 ll1 12 J Molbert 101.10 f-Mutml field. Time. :23%, :47%, :5425. Track fast. kA ■■»• /FIRE AHEAD 6.20 4.40 3.60 2.10 1.20 80 Mutuel Prices? bel revere 35.40 15.60 16.70 i HIGH SPIRITS 3.40 .70 , Winno — l."b. . by Head Play — Miss Fire, by Under Fire, trained by George S. Morriss ; bred by Mr. WENT TO POST— 2:33. OFF AT 2:34; CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good tiom Mall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. FIRE AHEAD, well up fiom the start .nd toned ti ilie outside of BEL REYERE entering the stretch, came fast when straight and won diawing may. The latter took a good lead at once, but tired in the final eighth. HIGH SPIRITS was rushed into contention. ..ived ground enterme the stretch and bore out in the closing furlong. LUCKY BARNEY dropped baik .uterine the stretch. PLOYER BRAND bioke. slowly and closed well. JOE SPAGAT showed speed IN THE BAG laced wide Scratched— Lexir.gtonian. 118: K. Doe-Doe. 118: 56459 Leorey. 118: 56252 Ted Lewis, 118; 56337 Pretty Tiger, 118: 56550 Tracerys Pet. 113: Maybe Tops. 118: 56294 Our Candidate. 118. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ariel Cross. May 2, 1936 — l:10»s — 5L. L. ~1 "1 4 — 115 Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. DO// Non-winners twice since April 14 allowed 2 lbs.; once since then April 28-44 — C.D or two races since March 17, 4 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; if for ,800, allowed 2 lbs.; if for ,600, 4 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 5: fourth. 5. Handle. 8.479. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt /56512 SCARED CARDS m r 108 8 2 4 4* 2- Vt W Brinson* Mis S Smith ~~~ 216 COL. STEVE wb!14 7 4 1" 14 U 2:i W Garner H Stephens 2010 5t3732 SHINING CHANCE ■ 109 9 1 6" 6 32 3* W Bailev* G Martin 6 60 56516 WTCKFORD POINTwr 114 10 7 5J 2i 53 4" £ D Scurlock A R Evans 2 40 55751 HY-CAP w 114 3 3 2l $»$ 4*4 5j A Skornski Brotite Farm 3.10 56335 LESTABERT wbIIOII 6 5i 5| 6 b»| C Basham Mrs R G Burraan f 22.40 44283 POMPY CORNERSwb109 5 9 81 7 ?4 7| J Molbert l.rrv McCarthy 94 00 43642 CASTRAW w 105 5 10 10i 9i 94 Ei M Caffrlla J L Mcknight 122.40 559P1 LAST KAN m 109 2 5 7i8a 8 9* S Freeman* Mrs H Parchje 41.80 42094 BEAMING SON w 110 111 12 12 10" 10 E Hust I D Puckett 230.00 54031 SURE GAY wpHO 4 8 91 104 ll!illf R Eccard Mr and Mrs W M Waldridee 25.70 50981 MIGHTY BLOW we 112 12 12 11* IP 12 12 B Tir..,psn H Bernard f 22.40 f Mutuel field. Time. .23%. A7%. 1:13*5- Track fast. kA in* SCARED CARDS 6.80 4.20 300 2.40 1 10 .50 x Mutuel r rices I col. steve 18.20 9.00 8.10 3.50 I SHINING CHANCE 4.80 1.40 Wmi«i Bi f. by Blue Larksour— Teddys Star. b Teddy, trained by M. C. Goodsell ; bred by Mr. Flie Aslnjrv. Winner entered t i be claimed tor ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:03J. OFF AT 3:05 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Stait fcood lioin Mall eate. Won driving; second and third the same. StARED CARDS, never far back and saved i.ilv. jc-ponded to strong urging in tho stretch, drifted out in the closine eighth and wore down COI. STEVE 1« »n il IWJBf away. The latter took connnand under urging, established a lear lead after • rjaafter, wd | ut la strtmg handling :n the drive, but was not cood enough. SHINING CHANCE was well u, Iron, ilie stait and held on well. WICKFORD POINT liied. HY CAP quit. LAST KAN was in close ■JMrtan thiouth the earlv stages. Scratched— 56423 Stars at Night, 109: 56335J Rose Cave. 109; 54896 Bud West, 114; 56423 Hello Bdl, 114. Corrected u«j»l.i r naftcy Corners. 109. Claimed— Hy-Cap by J. L. McKnight for ,000. FOlRTH RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Coldstream, May 4, 1935— : 52 25— 2— 113. 5 and fi 7 R Waves Purse. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Non-win-J O D / O ners of two races height, 118 lbs. Non-winners of ,650 allowed j April 28 44— C.D 3 lbs.; maidens. 6 lbs. I Net value to S850 j second. 00; third. S100: fourth. 0. Handle. 4,622. Index Horses Eeit A W t PP St 4 Str En Jockeys Owners Odd; Strt S6514 AGRARIAN-U « 110 f 3 1- 1 lj W Bailev* j L McKnight 80 56337 BLACK PEPPER w 115 1 1- 5 22 2 R Eccard Brodv i Brody 5 50 IMy MENOTNOW m 112 4 4 31 4* 32 N L Pierson Ha! Price Headley 3.20 5535 j EVER ON wb!12 6 5 2i 3i 4li A Bodiou+ Brosnan and Halley 21.80 5462 MISTY FOX « 115 2 2 UP 5* A Skoronski Le Mar Stock Farm 8.30 ETA LILLIAN Mill 5 6 6e V 6« C L Martin A Gentile 52.00 09-VARUIA will 7 7 7 7 7 J Wagner Laiyiei, 103.10 Time. :23. :47. :53. Track fast. U-IJ D-*.a.«f AGRARIAN-U 3.M 2.40 2.20 M .20 .11 /wutuei rricesj black pepper 3. so 2.80 9c 40 « MENOTNOW 3.00 .50 WMMMT— B. e. b Agrarian— Jane F., bv Justice F., trained by J. L. McKnieht: bre 3 by Me-is. Goiham R«m WENT TO POST-3:33. OFF AT 3:34 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start t.od fiom ttall eale. Won driving; second and third the san.e. AGRARIAN V. much the LeM and rtk fo ««falli»b a .on.inandine; lead, inneased it after enterme the stretch. Ure out badly during the a tl..«. ihrlwUu and withstood BLACK PEPPER. I he latter. e,oim; in bis best form and eased back ! when ■ rim fMtten on the turn, sved eround and Li.isbed stioiitiy. MENOI NOW went evenly and J r i [ j I Mi on well. EVER ON| a factor from the start, tired. MISTY FOX wa? unable to keep up. EVA LILLIAN and CO-VARINA were outrun. Overweight — Eva Lillian. 2 pounds; Co-Yarina. 2. FIFTH RACE 7-8 MILE Out of Chute. Distinction. May 21, 1921-1:23.-r c £ 7 Q * — HO. Alsab Purse. Purse ,200. 3 -year-olds and upward. J O D / 7 Allowances. Non-winners of ,650 in 1943 and 1944. 3-year-olds. April 28-44— C.D z lbs.; 4-year-olds, 122 lbs.; older, 124 lbs. Non-winners of ,500 in 1943-44 allowed 2 lbs.; if 4-year-olds and upward, 4 lbs.; if such have not won ,100 twice in 1944, 6 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 00; fourth. 0. Handle. 6,498. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St f_ % % Str Fin Jockeyg Owners Odd 1 Strt 56115 BURGOO DINNERw 5 118 10 1 2£ 21 2" J lh Ink J Adams Mrs G Pouhen 10 90 5545CMV. H. KELLY w5118 2 5 4» 3i 3i 2° 23 M Caffrella T C Melrose 2 90 56293 -SWEEPGOLD wb4111 4 2 H U P" 3« 3" S Hall* H C Hatch 3.70 56257 WHOSE wb 4 116 8 6 62 4" 4* 42 4 J ThornbVe J V Magejo 8 80 56517 AZIMlTH wb5118 110 8*i 84 8i 63 5" A Skoronski C W Pershall 8fl0 56554 CHOPPY SEA wb6118 3 7 7»i 5 5i 51 61 HUmmm Lt Com W Montgomery fl 70 563413 YCKON wb5118 7 12 ll3 10i 7J 72 72 0 Grohs Circle M Ranch "70 56517 DROLLON wb 5 118 12 3 12 12 12 9£ 8h C Baham C N Finch 1150 56517 ALAFLAG wb5118 6 11 10 91 9 10j 9"k R Eccard Indian Rocks Stable f 20 40 56341 FREE SPEECH wb4116 9 9 3" 6| 6 8 101! D Scurlock Brown Hotel Stable 7.70 55442 ENTER wb5118 5 8 % 11:; 11 ; IP ll6 C Hooper N G Gibbons f 20.40 56295 YORMONT wb 3 11111 4 P* 7h 1012 12 N L Pierson G F Smith 120.40 f Mutuel field. Time, :233s, :473s, 1:122s, 1:2535. Track fast. r~ Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , in* BURGOO DINNER 23.80 9.20 5.80 10.90 3.60 190 Mm. Utuel rrices? w. h. kelly 4.80 3.40 mi ?e i SWEEPGOLD 5.00 1.50 Winner — B. e. by Bureoo King — Lucy T., bv Whkhone. trained by C. T. Leavitt; bred by Mr. Hinaid Oots. WENT TO POST— 4:02|. OFF AT 4:03 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall eate. Won driving; second ar.d third the same. BlRGOO DINNER responded well when called upon, forged to the front entering the final furlonc and outfinished W. H. KELLY. The latter, never far back and saved until ready, came fast when tailed upon and had SWEEPGOLD ia l«.*e quarters, then finished strongly. The latter took command, but was unable to draw clear and was eased tip when in close quarters. WHOSE went evenly and had no mishaps. AZIMlTH was slow to beein and moved up gamely. DROLLON was outrun. FREE SPEECH broke slowly, yyas rushed into contention and gave wav after three eiehths. YORMONT quit. Scratched— 56422s Maggie Jane, 105; 56464 Camps First. 116; 54976 Tell Well, 111; 56517 : Brown Mate, 116. Overweight — Yormont, lj pounds. SIXTH RACE 1 MILE Out of Chute. I Peace Chance, May 1, 1934— 1:3545— r / / o 3 — 105»4. Count Fleet Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Allow-D D D O U ances. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of 0,000 allowed 3 lbs.; of April 28-44— C.D ,000 twice, 6 lbs.; one race of ,000, 8 lbs.; of ,500, 10 lbs.; of ,150 twice, 12 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner ,100; second, 25; third, 25; fourth, 0. Handle. 4,640. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St g % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56185 BROADCLOTH wb112 2 5 6* 4 2i 22 1£ M Caffrella Mrs Geo Poulsen 6.10 557622 BRIEF SIGH w 111 6 3 22 2" 1" lh 25 V Nodarse River Divide Farm 2 80 56379 BELL-BUZZER wb112 3 7 7 7 62 52 5«| B ThmpsV D Ferguson 110 56515 CANINA w 107 5 1 3b 62 4h 4h 42 G Seabo A Hirschberg 15 80 56379 SIGNALS BLOKE wb 108 1 6 5" lh 3: 3£ 5 W Bailev* Col C V Whitnev 1110 56463 VALLEY FLARES wb 113 7 2 4h 5l 53 6« 6s J Adams B R Paton 9 60 56461 COURT FLASH wb105 4 4 lh 31 7 7 7 E Yocum* T A Thompson 14110 Time, :24?s, :485, 1:12%, 1:383s. Track fast. kA. in* BROADCLOTH 14.20 5.00 3.00 6.10 1.50 50 Mutuel rricesj brief sigh 4.00 3.60 1.00 so i BELL-BUZZER 2.40 20 Winner — Blk. c, by Good Goods — Anacreon, by Chance Shot, trained by C. T. Leavitt; bred by Mr. Jesse Spencer. WENT TO POST— 4:31. OFF AT 4:32 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. BROADCLOTH, slow to his best stride, improved his position steadily, engaged BRIEF SIGH approaching the final quarter, responded to strong urging in the drive and yyon drawing away. The latter, a strong factor from the start, fenced to the front on the turn, but was unable to drayv clear and tired. BELL-BUZZER came forwardly •■ the outside, but failed to menace the leaders and worked out a mile and a quarter in 2:07. He was timed 1 :2*/4 for a n.ile and a furlong. CANINA was in close quarters entering the main course, came again yhen clear and held on well. SIGNALS BLOKE, slow to reach his best stride, was rushed to the front on the iiide and quit in the drive. VALLEY FLARES was unable to keep up. COURT FLASH quit after half c ".lie. Overyyeieht — Brief Sigh, 1 pound; Signals Bloke. 3; Valley Flares. 3. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Lady Madcap. May 24, 1922—1:44—4—113. r / / o i Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-J O O O winners at one mile or over since April 14 allowed 3 lbs.: one April 28-44 — C.D such race since April 14 at one mile or over or any two races since April 14, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth. 5. Handle. 9,953. Index Horses Eqt A W t PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 565522 BOLO FANCY w~102 4 2 2£ 2£ 1" l1 l1 S Freeman* H Friedberg 1~50 56297 WITCHWORK wbUI 5 6 52 51 3i 2£ 23 C L Martin F Forestiere 5.40 54833 TEE BEAU wb 108 1 1 l2 l3 22 33 3| W Brinson* Harry L Day ? 20 56552 BUDS FIRST wb108 6 3 61 6s 6 53 4a W Bailey WaldmanandLyon 3 40 56552 DAY AND NIGHT wb 106 3 7 7 7 7 4" 5s G Seal* Thomas Piatt 18 80 56297 MISS LOUISE m 107 7 4 4 4» 41 6 62 R Gonzalez Vestibula Stable 2090 56335 BREAKDOWN wb 109 2 5 31 3h 5£ 7 7 S Hall Rosenthal and Lt Wveant 102 70 Time. :25, :49, 1:15, 1:41/5, 1:4«2S. Track fast. i« . I r» • BOLO FANCY 5.00 3.20 2.40 1.50 .60 20 iViuruei rricesj wrrcHwoRK 4.60 3.00 1.30 .50 I TEE BEAU 2.60 30 Winner — B. f. by Bolo — Sister Fan, by Golden Guinea, trained by J. Hanover; bred by Mr. H. Fn» i-bere. Winner entered to be chimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 5:00. OFF AT 5:00 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall eate. Won driving ; second and third the s,,nie. BOLO FANCY, steadied along yyhen outrun, moved to TEE BEAU when ready, drew clear in the stretch and held WITCHWORK «-ate mder urging. The latter, well back early, moved up, went to the inside for the drive and finished well. TFE BFAU tired after showine speed. BUDS FIRST raced wide and showed little. DAY AND NIGHT was outiun. MISS LOUISE was unable to keep up. BREAKDOWN was unable to keep up. Overweight — Bolo Fancy, 2 pounds; Tee Beau, 3; Buds First, 3; Day and Night, 1; Miss Louise, 2; Breakdown, 4. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Lady Madcap, May 24, 1922—1:44 — 4—113. c / / o n Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners J D D O Z. Qf jwo races at one mjje or over jn 1944. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-April 28-44 — C.D winners at one mile or over in 1944 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000. allowed 2 lbs. Net value to winner 00; second, S200; third, 5; fourth, 5. Handle. 9,197. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St jj 3,a % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 56427 WINNPEARL wb 4 107 8 7 72 7 J 4£ 2* l"k R Gonzalez Miss M J and C E Herbold 2040 56556 BATIK wb5116 6 8 9 U Pj 3 i % C Hooper Tally-Ho Stable 2 50 56466 BRUTUS wb6110 7 5 33 33 l2 l2 33 C Basham Wilkerson and Kennedy 2150 56518 PANJAB wb7111 1 2 5»» 5 81 64 44 C L Mrtint E Stewegens * 20 549703 BOLUTE w 5 108 4 4 63 62 64 72 53 W Bailey* Resseguet and Flach 3 20 . 56380 SASSY PATRICIAwb4111 3 3 l2 1+ 23 41 6* R Eccard F P Aime 3 90 51707 ONEMORE wb6107 2 1 22 24 3 4 54 72 D Scurlock D Ewing 810 56466 WICKED wb7110 9 6 44 44 54 83 8s J Molbert L B Rutledge 15.00 56427 NAN1TA wb 10 106 5 9 8 4 9 9 9 9 G Seabo W J Walden 5760 Time, :24?s, :49, 1:15%, 1:42, 1:49%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to U..i..J D.:«-W1NNPEARL 4ZM 11W *40 20.40 490 2.2f Mutuel rrices? batik 4.60 3.80 1.30 90 l BRUTUS 9.00 3.50 Winner— Br. f. by Jacopo — Cloverplay, by My Play, trained by J. Glenn; bred by Mr. W. Lee Nutter. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:28. OFF AT 5:28 CENTRAL WAR TIME. Start good from stall eate. Won driving; secon dand third the same. WINNPEARL worked her way up on the outside, responded to strong urging in the drive and withstood BATIK. The latter, slowest to beein and well back early, saved ground and closed with » rush. BRUTUS, used up reaching the lead, quit under pressure. PANJAB had no mishaps. BOI.UTE went evenlv. SASSY PATRICIA showed Mid for five eighths. ONEMORE quit. WTCQED was unable to keep up. Overweight -Winnpearl, 2 pounds; Panjab. 1; Bolute. 2: Nanita. 1. Attendance, 4,000 Estimated; Total Mutuel Handle, 63,184 ;