Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Sportsmans Park, Daily Racing Form, 1956-05-03


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C AC Cvf5 C D A l I TV ll A kJrVI A I C Postpositions Entries Jockeys 5 W C t H VJ K A L D n AND I C A P O Weght Comment Probate Odds OddsDesignations Designations for Apprentice allowance claimed lefibf horses names are as follows three pounds fivepdundsr Sseven pounds A ten pounds Sportsmans Park Park1ST 1ST RACE 6 FURLONGS Purse 2900 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingComment Horse ProbJockey Wt WtH Comment PrcbOdds 3 BARSHOE H Craig 120 120M In top form now nowSharp 12 MAMBO M Weissman 115 115FChavez Sharp as they come oi oiBest 10 MARIE H FChavez 110 110R Best of the rest 51 51Fast 5MAHPLAY R Lidberg 115 115A Fast out of gate 61 61Can 4 MIGHTY ROAN A Skoronski 115 115No Can turn on speed 61 61Always 14 RADIANT FOX No boy 115 115R Always a factor 51 51Game 7 TATTENHAM TATTENHAM9JEDGAR R Baldwin 115 115CW Game as they come 81 81Due 9JEDGAR CW Beck 115 115HCraig Due for good effort 61 61Not 1 RED RUDOLPH RUDOLPH2CRACK HCraig 115 115R Not to be counted out 121 121Way 2CRACK BEGOLE R Lidberg 110 110R Way back at finish 201 201Always 6 TALKING JULIE JULIE8BIG R Baldwin 110 110R Always a factor 101 101Nnot 8BIG BARGAIN R Lidberg 110 110No Nnot in this spot 201 201Only 11 BOLD TIME No boy 115 115No Only try poor 301 301Inandouter J3 SCARLET JR No boy 115 115No Inandouter 151 151May 15 ANGIE No boy 110 110JD May not get in 121 121Upsets 16 BELDIC JD Jessop 110 Upsets dope at times 151 ND RACE 6 FURLONGS Purse 2300 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingGets I AMBALONG No boy 115 Gets top call here 52 52The 3 SUBLINER P Domenico 110 The one to beat 41 41Should 5 MUCHO FRIO A Skoronski 120 120J Should share in purse 31 31Speedy J COUNT DOMINGO No boy 115 Speedy for this 61 61Dropping 5 DOTTY REDBIRD No boy 110 Dropping down a bit 61 61Steady NORTH CLARK No boy 115 115I Steady performer 101 101Chance I HI SKY R Broussard 115 Chance if started 81 81Winter 2 NATCHEZ MAID D Vandenborre 110 Winter form fair 101 101Not 4 LOVIN LADY R Baldwin 115 115No Not out of this 121 121Early 5 UNDER PRESSURE No boy 115 115No Early foot at times 101 101Not 7 CLAIRBEAU No boy 115 115T Not off last effort 201 201Cuts 8 FOXY GERT T Bates 115 115No Cuts in at times 121 121Tab 12 PAULS PAL No boy 115 115No Tab for later on 151 151Trailer 13 FIDDLIN MAC No boy 115 115No Trailer in last 151 151Must 14 OUR GIFT No boy 115 115WCox Must do more running 151 151Way 16 BET HAPPY WCox 120 Way back at finish 201 RD RACE 4 FURLONGS chute Purse 2900 300 PM 2yearolds Claiming 6 DIAMOND STAR J R Adams 115 Rates the laurels 52 2 TADDY No boy 110 The one to beat 31 5 CICERO JOAN H Craig 115 Knocking at the door 41 9 STAGE DOLL J D Jessop 110 Dangerous foe 51 PP Horse ProbJockey Wt Comment ProbOdds 1 LARNED BOY No boy 113 Speedy foe 101 3 EASTER STAR No boy 110 Close at finish 101 4 TAP DANCER No boy 110 Improvement needed 151 7 MIGHTY MAN R Broussard 113 Inandouter 151 8 PROUD No boy 110 Tab for later on 201 TH RACE 6 FURLONGS Purse 2900 330 PM 3yearolds Claiming 8 BELLA A R Camp 112 Choice for top honors 31 5 POWDERED AGAIN H Craig 110 Could prove best 52 3 RAYS DAVID DWagner 112 Spot for good effort 51 7 DEMON BO No boy 112 Early speed helps 51 1 DEERACE RLumm 112 Winter form fine 61 2 JEAN HAG A Skoronski 110 Improvement needed 151 4 CHARLAIRE MISS No boy 107 May go well here 121 6 TODAYS STORY FChavez 107 Lets wait and see 151 TH RACE 6 12 FURLONGS chute Purse 2900 400 PM 4yearolds and upward Claiming 1 MORSE FLASH No boy 112 112CW Has speed choice 7McGRATHIANA CW Beck 107 107No The one to catch 4 CHEROKEE PILOT No boy 112 112R Just missed in last 5 HYDRO SCOTT R Ford 112 112No Ready for best 9 ATASCOSA No boy 115 115No Strong challenger 10 WANTABIT No boy 112 112No Game foe 12 ULTIMATUM No boy 107 107No Runs in stretch 2 SEPPIE No boy 120 120A Cuts in at times 3 MAISIE TRACER A Skoronski 107 107W Must be considered 6 NEW STREAM W Cox 112 112R Always a threat 8 BUSTER JIM R Broussard 115 115A Lets wait and see 11 HOOPDEDONT A Skoronski 110 May not get in TH RACE 1 MILE Purse 3000 430 PM 3yearolds Claiming 5 ANGEL BREATH A Skoronski Skoronskij 115 Rates top honors 75 j WHAT A STEP W Cox CoxJ 112 Speedy as they come 21 J FAIRY PRINCE J D Jessop 112 Good for share 81 3 EMARJAY No boy 107 Strong factor in here 101 1 BLUE SHOWERS J R Adams 112 Always trying hard 81 1 AURATUM R Broussard 112 Improvement expected 121 2 VIS FAULT T Bates 107 Outsider most efforts 151 TH RACE 1 MILE Purse 2300 4yearolds and upward Claiming 5 RIGHT STAR Broussard 112 Getsihenod 9 WAR STIM T Barrow 120 The runnerup PP Horse ProbJockey Wt WtBPowell Comment ProbOdds ProbOddsSpeedy 4 ARKKYTEX BPowell 112 Speedy for this 41 41Sharp 8 LUCK 0 NIGHT A Skoronski 112 112HCraig Sharp for this 61 61Never 15 FLEET ARGO HCraig 112 112No Never far back 61 61Stepping 14 PARTY KING No boy 112 112x Stepping up here 101 101lnandouter 1 NATCH ENE x R Ford 107 lnandouter 151 2BRAU IMP 1 Lidberg 102 102WCox In light today 151 151Some 3 DATELINE WCox 112 112No Some tries fair 121 121Would E BOBBYBOO No boy 107 107No Would be an upset 201 201Must 7 JESSIE FORAY No boy 107 107T Must do more running 151 151Never 10 LIABILITY T Barrow 112 112No Never out of things 121 121Nothing 11 LONELY WINTER No boy 112 112No Nothing to recommend 201 201Troublesome 12 RED LYNX No boy 107 107HCraig Troublesome foe 121 121Can 13 ABLE LADD HCraig 117 117T Can step along 121 121Trailer 16 SLEEPY TIGRESS T Bates 107 Trailer at finish 301 THRACE 1 116 MILES Purse 2900 530 PM 4yearclds and upward Claiming ClaimingFit 10 DARK THEATRE R Lumm 117 117JR Fit and fast choice 31 31Main 13 TAROM JR Adams 117 117A Main contender 52 52Last 9 PRINCE ADARIS A Skoronski 117 117R Last showed fitness 51 51Could 4 WILDCAT SAM R Broussard 117 117No Could come close 61 61Racing 6 QUEENS STORY No boy 109 109RBaldwin Racing well new 51 51Out 8 BOLD X RBaldwin 117 117BPowell Out to score again 61 61Always 2 BAY TWIST BPowell 117 117P Always a factor 81 81Nothing 1 PERFECT MISTER P Domenico 114 114D Nothing to recommend 201 201May 3 COUNT CAL D Jessop 117 117R May forget to stop 151 151Upset 5 SKY PRINCESS R Ford 112 112M Upset dope in last 101 101Some 7 PLAY RON M Duhon 114 114R Some tries fair 151 151Not 11FILTER R Lidberg 109 109No Not today 201 201Strong 12 GRAND JUROR No boy 114 114W Strong factor in most 121 121Dull 14 SIR GOYA W Cox 114 Dull as they come 201 TH RACE 6 FURLONGS Purse 2900 Substitute Substitute4yearclds 4yearclds and upward Claiming 9 RING FLEET No boy 115 4 CAREFUL DEVIL R Ford 110 1101HOKEY 1HOKEY POKEY R Lidberg 105 8 TALION No boy 115 7 COFFEYVILLE No boy 115 10 SWEET FREEDOM W Cox 115 6 VYR J D Jessop 115 12 WHAT A GUY No boy 115 5 OSOSLO No boy 115 13 ETHERIDGE No boy 115 11511BAT 11BAT GIRL R Lidberg 110 14 DONKE SERENADE No boy 115 2 LADY ALORTER No boy 110 15 LONE PILOT D Vandenbre 120 3 CHANCE ALARM No boy 115 16 JAMES T No boy 115 Subscribe to Daily Racing form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1956050301/drf1956050301_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1956050301_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800